Location: src/Json/Serializer.php
- Type-safe JSON encoding and decoding
- Strict error handling for malformed JSON
- Support for associative arrays and objects
- Custom encoding/decoding options
- JSON5 support with comment preservation
Location: src/Schema/Validator.php
- Full JSON Schema Draft 2020-12 support
- Type validation (string, number, integer, boolean, array, object, null)
- Custom validation rules
- Detailed error reporting
- Schema caching for performance
Location: src/Traits/DataAccessTrait.php
- Dot notation path access (
) - Array and object conversion
- Data filtering and searching
- Collection operations (count, isEmpty, sort)
- Immutable operations with optional mutation
Location: src/Traits/TransformationTrait.php
- Format conversions:
- JSON to XML with pretty printing
- JSON to YAML using Symfony YAML component
- JSON to CSV with header support
- HTML to JSON with advanced options:
- Attribute preservation
- Tag exclusion
- Custom tag transformations
- Table structure optimization
- Data flattening and unflattening
- Pretty printing and minification
- Custom transformations via callbacks
Location: src/Utils/Json5Handler.php
- Full JSON5 specification support
- Comment preservation and extraction
- Single and multiline comment handling
- Validation and error reporting
- Custom encoding/decoding options
Location: src/Utils/HtmlConverter.php
- Advanced HTML to JSON conversion
- Table structure optimization
- Configurable whitespace handling
- Tag filtering and transformation
- Attribute preservation
- Custom tag handlers
Location: src/Json/Pointer.php
- Standard-compliant JSON Pointer implementation
- Path-based value retrieval and modification
- Support for array indices and special characters
- Error handling for invalid pointers
Location: src/Json/Patch.php
- Full RFC 6902 compliance
- Operations: add, remove, replace, move, copy, test
- Atomic patch application
- Patch validation
- Error handling and rollback
- PHPUnit for unit testing
- PHPStan for static analysis
- PHP-CS-Fixer for code style
- Infection for mutation testing
- PHPMD for mess detection
- Rector for automated upgrades
- Composer scripts for easy execution
use Skpassegna\Json\Utils\HtmlConverter;
$html = '<div class="container"><h1>Title</h1><p>Content</p></div>';
$options = [
'excludeTags' => ['script', 'style'],
'preserveWhitespace' => false,
'transformTags' => [
'table' => [HtmlConverter::class, 'tableToArray']
$json = HtmlConverter::toArray($html, $options);
use Skpassegna\Json\Utils\Json5Handler;
$json5 = '// This is a comment
/* multiline
comment */
name: "John",
age: 30,
$data = Json5Handler::decode($json5);
$comments = Json5Handler::extractComments($json5);
$json = new Json(['name' => 'John', 'age' => 30]);
$yaml = $json->toYaml(2, 4); // inline=2, indent=4
class JsonPath {
* Execute a JSONPath query
* @param string $path JSONPath expression
* @return mixed Query results
* @throws JsonPathException
public function query(string $path): mixed;
* Check if a path exists
* @param string $path JSONPath expression
* @return bool True if path exists
public function exists(string $path): bool;
* Count elements matching a path
* @param string $path JSONPath expression
* @return int Number of matching elements
public function count(string $path): int;
* Get the first matching element
* @param string $path JSONPath expression
* @return mixed|null First match or null
public function first(string $path): mixed;
* Set values at matching paths
* @param string $path JSONPath expression
* @param mixed $value Value to set
* @return self
public function set(string $path, mixed $value): self;
class SchemaGenerator {
* Generate JSON Schema from a PHP class
* @param string $className Fully qualified class name
* @param array $options Generation options
* @return array Generated schema
public function fromClass(string $className, array $options = []): array;
* Generate JSON Schema from an object instance
* @param object $object Object instance
* @param array $options Generation options
* @return array Generated schema
public function fromObject(object $object, array $options = []): array;
* Add a custom type handler
* @param string $type PHP type
* @param callable $handler Custom handler function
* @return self
public function addTypeHandler(string $type, callable $handler): self;
participant Client
participant PatchApplier
participant Validator
participant Document
Client->>PatchApplier: apply(document, patch)
PatchApplier->>Validator: validatePatch(patch)
Validator-->>PatchApplier: validation result
alt patch is valid
PatchApplier->>Document: beginTransaction()
loop each operation
PatchApplier->>Document: applyOperation(op)
alt operation succeeds
Document-->>PatchApplier: success
else operation fails
Document->>Document: rollback()
Document-->>PatchApplier: failure
PatchApplier-->>Client: throw PatchException
Document->>Document: commit()
PatchApplier-->>Client: return patched document
else patch is invalid
PatchApplier-->>Client: throw ValidationException
participant Client
participant Validator
participant SchemaCache
participant TypeValidator
participant FormatValidator
Client->>Validator: validate(data, schema)
Validator->>SchemaCache: getSchema(schema)
alt schema in cache
SchemaCache-->>Validator: cached schema
else schema not cached
SchemaCache->>SchemaCache: compile schema
SchemaCache-->>Validator: compiled schema
loop each property
Validator->>TypeValidator: validateType(value, type)
TypeValidator-->>Validator: type validation result
alt has format
Validator->>FormatValidator: validateFormat(value, format)
FormatValidator-->>Validator: format validation result
Validator-->>Client: validation result
class ApiResponseHandler {
private Json $json;
private Validator $validator;
public function processResponse(string $response): array {
// Parse and validate response
$this->json = new Json($response);
// Validate against schema
$valid = $this->validator->validate(
if (!$valid) {
throw new InvalidResponseException($this->validator->getErrors());
// Transform response data
return $this->json
->transform([$this, 'normalizeData'])
->filter([$this, 'filterValidItems'])
private function normalizeData(array $data): array {
// Normalize response data
return array_map(function($item) {
return [
'id' => (int)$item['id'],
'name' => trim($item['name']),
'timestamp' => new DateTime($item['timestamp'])
}, $data);
class ConfigManager {
private Json $config;
private string $configPath;
public function __construct(string $configPath) {
$this->configPath = $configPath;
public function load(): void {
$this->config = new Json(file_get_contents($this->configPath));
public function save(): void {
public function get(string $path, mixed $default = null): mixed {
return $this->config->get($path, $default);
public function set(string $path, mixed $value): void {
$this->config->set($path, $value);
public function merge(array $newConfig): void {
$merger = new MergePatch();
$this->config = new Json(
class DataExportService {
private Json $data;
private array $supportedFormats = ['json', 'xml', 'yaml', 'csv'];
public function export(array $data, string $format): string {
$this->data = new Json($data);
return match($format) {
'json' => $this->data->prettyPrint(),
'xml' => $this->data->toXml('export'),
'yaml' => $this->data->toYaml(),
'csv' => $this->data->toCsv($this->getHeaders()),
default => throw new UnsupportedFormatException($format)
private function getHeaders(): array {
// Extract headers from first row
$firstRow = $this->data->first();
return array_keys($firstRow ?? []);
class CachedValidator {
private array $schemaCache = [];
public function validate(mixed $data, string $schemaId): bool {
$schema = $this->getSchema($schemaId);
return $this->validator->validate($data, $schema);
private function getSchema(string $schemaId): array {
if (!isset($this->schemaCache[$schemaId])) {
$schema = $this->loadSchema($schemaId);
$this->schemaCache[$schemaId] = $this->compileSchema($schema);
return $this->schemaCache[$schemaId];
class BatchProcessor {
public function processBatch(array $items, callable $processor): array {
$results = [];
$batch = [];
$batchSize = 100;
foreach ($items as $item) {
$batch[] = $item;
if (count($batch) >= $batchSize) {
$results = array_merge(
$this->processBatchItems($batch, $processor)
$batch = [];
if (!empty($batch)) {
$results = array_merge(
$this->processBatchItems($batch, $processor)
return $results;
class InputValidator {
private Validator $validator;
private array $schemas;
public function validateInput(array $input, string $type): bool {
// Validate against schema
if (!$this->validator->validate($input, $this->schemas[$type])) {
throw new ValidationException($this->validator->getErrors());
// Additional security checks
return true;
private function sanitizeInput(array &$input): void {
array_walk_recursive($input, function(&$value) {
if (is_string($value)) {
$value = htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
class ErrorHandler {
public function handleError(Throwable $error): array {
// Log error details
$this->logger->error($error->getMessage(), [
'exception' => $error,
'trace' => $error->getTraceAsString()
// Return safe error response
return [
'error' => true,
'message' => $this->getSafeErrorMessage($error),
'code' => $this->getSafeErrorCode($error)
private function getSafeErrorMessage(Throwable $error): string {
// Return user-safe error message
return $this->isDebugMode()
? $error->getMessage()
: 'An error occurred while processing your request.';