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129 lines (114 loc) · 5.69 KB

Godot Quick Reference

Keyboard Shortcuts

Key Use
F5 Run current project
F6 Run current scene
F7 Resume after pause
F8 Stop
F9 Toggle breakpoint
F10 Step out
F11 Step into
Ctrl \ Show hide recently opened files
Ctrl S Save
Ctrl K Comment a line
Ctrl R Search/Replace current file
Ctrl F Search current file
Shift Ctrl F Find in files
Shift Ctrl R Replace in files
Ctrl Shift F11 Max space for editing
Ctrl + A Add new node
Ctrl + Shift + A Instantiate new node
F Focus on the selected node in the 3D scene view
Ctrl + F1 Switch to 2D
Ctrl + F2 Switch to 3D
Ctrl + F3 Switch to Code

Useful Nodes

Node Purpose
Node3D Node with a transform
XROrigin3D Origin of the world in VR
XRCamera3D Tracked Camera in VR
StaticBody3D World rigid body
CollisionShape3D Required to respond to collisions. Set the Shape property
MeshInstance3D 3D mesh renderer
RigidBody3D Rigid body
CharacterBody3D Kinematic rigid body
Timer Node that send signals on an interval
Camera3D 3D Camera
Node2D 2D transform node. The 2D transform has position, rotation (float)


To do Use
Movement translate, move_and_slide, move_and_collide
Setting the position position =, transform.origin =, global_transform.origin =
Rotating rotate, rotate_x, rotate_y, rotate_z
Setting the rotation rotation = Vector3(x, y, z). This is in radians. transform.basis = transform.basis.rotated(), global_transform.basis = global_transform.basis.rotated(), or Basis (from) - where from is a quaternion
Setting the scale scale, transform.basis.scale, global_transform.basis.scale n

Particle Systems

Property Meaning
ProcessMaterial A shader that will process the particles. This is where the particle system is configured
DrawPass Draws one Particle. Has a material
Amount How many particles in the system
Emission Shapes
Lifetime How long each one lives for
One shot Just fire once and stop
Preprocess Wind the particle system forward this amount before starting
Explosiveness Explodes them all out semi randomly
Randomness How randomly they emit

Referencing other nodes

$Timer.start(1.0 / fireRate)

@onready var path1:Path3D=get_node("../Path3D")
@onready var path2:Path3D=$../Path3D

GDScript Reference

Code Description
func _ready():
if condition: else:
if condition: elif:
for i in range(length):
while condition:
var i = 0:int
var f = 0.0:float
var v = Vector3(1, 2, 3)
@export var bulletPrefab:PackedScene Give a node a reference to a packedscene (prefab) that can be instiantiated later
var bullet = bulletPrefab.instantiate() Create a new node from a packedscene
class_name MyClass extends Node: ... Create a named class
var n = Instantiate a new object
func my_method(): Create a function
get_node("/path/to/node").get_node("MyComponent") Get a node using path string
var rigidbody = get_node("/path/to/node").get_node("RigidBody")
yield(get_tree().create_timer(duration), "timeout") This is a coroutine. Timers are better
Input.is_action_pressed("ui_accept") Check for an action
delta or get_process_delta_time() time since last frame
global_transform.looking_at(boid.global_transform.origin, Vector3.UP) Dot product of two vectors. Used to calculate infront/behind or angle between the vectors, or for lighting
a.cross(b) Cross product of two vectors
v.normalized() Make of length 1. Preserve the direction
v.length() Magnitude of the vector
a.distance_to(b) Euclidian distance
v.clamped(max) Limit the magnitude
a.linear_interpolate(b, t) lerp
inDirection.reflect(inNormal) Reflect
Vector3.UP World UP vector
rand_range() In Godot, call randomize() once in your program to set the random seed
basis.slerp or quat.slerp Slerp a basis vectror or quaternion
basis.xform() Transform a vector
DebugDraw3D.draw_sphere(target.global_transform.origin, slowing_radius, Color.aquamarine) Draw a sphere
DebugDraw3D.draw_line(boid.global_transform.origin, feeler.hit_target, Color.chartreuse) or DebugDraw.draw_arrow_line(feeler.hit_target, feeler.hit_target + feeler.normal,, 0.1) Draw a line