Releases: simp/pupmod-simp-auditd
Releases · simp/pupmod-simp-auditd
Release of 7.1.0
* Mon Aug 21 2017 Trevor Vaughan <[email protected]> - 7.1.0-0 - Updated to use augeasproviders_grub 3 - Added the ability to log calls to the 'rpm' and 'yum' commands
Release of 7.0.2
* Mon May 22 2017 Liz Nemsick <[email protected]> - 7.0.2-0 - Fix bug whereby audit.rules file was not being regenerated prior to auditd service start in CentOS/RedHat 6. - Update puppet version in metadata.json
7.0.1: (SIMP-2939) SIMP audit profile file paths (#50) I believe this line in the base.erb: `-w /var/log/tallylock -p wa -k <%= @audit_session_files_tag %>` should be: `-w /var/log/tallylog -p wa -k <%= @audit_session_files_tag %>` ...and while insmod has both the /usr/sbin and /sbin paths listed, rmmod and modprobe do not, which causes some security scans to fail. For good measure, need to add: ``` -w /usr/sbin/rmmod -p x -k modules -w /usr/sbin/modprobe -p x -k modules ```
7.0.0-pre1: (SIMP-2007)Change log facility of audit dispatcher (#37)
* (SIMP-2007)Change log facility of audit dispatcher - Changed the default facility to local5. - Logs will now be picked up by our default security_relevant_logs string. - Updated spec test. SIM-2007 #close * (SIMP-2007)Change log facility of audit dispatcher - Changed the default facility to local5. - Logs will now be picked up by our default security_relevant_logs string. - Updated spec test. SIM-2007 #close * Updated and tested with new modules * Added ignore_crond to simp.pp + a few touch-ups