This is a Blazor library that wraps ChartJs. You can use the library in both client- and server-side projects. See the Getting Started, browse the samples or reach out on Twitter if you need help.
Don't know what Blazor is? Read here.
You need an IDE that supports Blazor and .Net Core SDK 3.x+
- Visual Studio 2019 (Community Edition is fine) or VisualStudio for Mac or Jetbrains Rider
- .NET Core 3.0
There's a NuGet package available: ChartJs.Blazor
In case you prefer the command line:
dotnet add package ChartJs.Blazor
Before you can start creating a chart, you have to add some static assets to your project. These come bundled with ChartJs.Blazor, so you only need to add a few lines to your Index.html
In your _Host.cshtml
(server-side) or in your index.html
(client-side) add the following lines to the body
tag after the _framework
<!-- Reference the included moment.js javascript file. -->
<script src="_content/ChartJs.Blazor/moment-with-locales.min.js" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script>
<!-- Reference the included ChartJs javascript file. -->
<script src="_content/ChartJs.Blazor/Chart.min.js" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script>
<!-- This is the glue between the C# code and the ChartJs charts -->
<script src="_content/ChartJs.Blazor/ChartJsBlazorInterop.js" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script>
<!-- Some styling -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="_content/ChartJs.Blazor/ChartJSBlazor.css" />
Now add a reference to ChartJs.Blazor
in your _Imports.razor
@using ChartJs.Blazor;
Now you can create a .razor file where you display one of the charts. Let's show a pie chart with 4 slices 🍕.
Make your page known to the router by adding a @page
@page "/MyPieChart"
Then add a few @using
@using ChartJs.Blazor.Charts
@using ChartJs.Blazor.ChartJS.PieChart
@using ChartJs.Blazor.ChartJS.Common.Properties
@using ChartJs.Blazor.Util
Below the @using
statements add a ChartJsPieChart
<ChartJsPieChart @ref="_pieChartJs" Config="@_config" Width="600" Height="300"/>
The last step is to make the ChartJsPieChart
from above, reachable from your code to configure it and to give it some data to display. In the @code
section of your .razor file create matching variables to reference the chart and its configuration. Finally, give your chart a title and some data. The finished code should look like this:
private PieConfig _config;
private ChartJsPieChart _pieChartJs;
protected override void OnInitialized()
_config = new PieConfig
Options = new PieOptions
Title = new OptionsTitle
Display = true,
Text = "Sample chart from Blazor"
Responsive = true,
Animation = new ArcAnimation
AnimateRotate = true,
AnimateScale = true
_config.Data.Labels.AddRange(new[] {"A", "B", "C", "D"});
var pieSet = new PieDataset
BackgroundColor = new[] { ColorUtil.RandomColorString(), ColorUtil.RandomColorString(), ColorUtil.RandomColorString(), ColorUtil.RandomColorString() },
BorderWidth = 0,
HoverBackgroundColor = ColorUtil.RandomColorString(),
HoverBorderColor = ColorUtil.RandomColorString(),
HoverBorderWidth = 1,
BorderColor = "#ffffff",
pieSet.Data.AddRange(new double[] {4, 5, 6, 7});
First, in your Index.html
you've added references to static assets from ChartJs.Blazor
. During build time, library assets get packaged under _content/LibraryName.
Then, you've imported ChartJs.Blazor
in your _Imports.razor
. The Blazor Team mentioned that this shouldn't be necessary in the future.
In your .razor file you added the ChartJsPieChart
component and gave it some width and height. You specified that the component should use the variable _config`` as the chart's configuration object. You also told Blazor that you want a direct reference to the chart and that the reference should be saved in your
_pieChartJs`` variable.
When your page's OnInitialized()
method is executed you're setting the chart's configuration and dataset to be displayed.
Client-side Blazor projects are currently affected by a bug in
tracked by this issue.There are two known workarounds:
Prefered Option - add a file named Linker.xml to the root of your client-side project to instruct the Mono linker to keep a certain constructor that
invokes via reflection. Make sure to selectBlazorLinkerDescription
as the build action of theLinker.xml
file. In case that your IDE doesn't offer that option, simply edit the.csproj
file and add this to it:<ItemGroup> <BlazorLinkerDescriptor Include="Linker.xml" /> </ItemGroup>
The content of the
should be similar to this (adjust to your project's entry point assembly):<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!-- This file specifies which parts of the BCL or Blazor packages must not be stripped by the IL Linker even if they aren't referenced by user code. --> <linker> <assembly fullname="mscorlib"> <!-- Preserve the methods in WasmRuntime because its methods are called by JavaScript client-side code to implement timers. Fixes: --> <type fullname="System.Threading.WasmRuntime" /> </assembly> <assembly fullname="System.Core"> <!-- System.Linq.Expressions* is required by Json.NET and any expression.Compile caller. The assembly isn't stripped. --> <type fullname="System.Linq.Expressions*" /> </assembly> <!-- The app's entry point assembly is listed. --> <assembly fullname="ChartJs.Blazor.Sample.ClientSide" /> <!-- Take care of System.MissingMethodException: Constructor on type 'System.ComponentModel.ReferenceConverter' not found. --> <assembly fullname="System"> <type fullname="System.ComponentModel.ReferenceConverter"> <method signature="System.Void .ctor(System.Type)" /> </type> </assembly> </linker>
Alternative Option - include the following line in the parent component:
private ReferenceConverter ReferenceConverter = new ReferenceConverter(typeof(PROBLEMATIC_COMPONENT));
is a placeholder for the chart-component you're using inside this component (e.g.ChartJsBarChart
, ..).
- When publishing the client-side Blazor sample, the generated dist folder is missing _content\ChartJs.Blazor. This seems to be a known bug in the current version of client-side Blazor. To work around this bug you need to go to the publish folder and locate the wwwroot folder. There you should find the missing _content folder. Copy the _content folder to the dist folder. The final dist folder should look like this
│ index.html
│ │ site.css
│ │
│ ├───bootstrap
│ │ bootstrap.min.css
│ │
│ │
│ └───open-iconic
│ │ ... truncated for brevity
│ └───ChartJs.Blazor
│ Chart.min.js
│ ChartJSBlazor.css
│ ChartJsBlazorInterop.js
│ moment-with-locales.min.js
│ blazor.boot.json
│ blazor.server.js
│ blazor.webassembly.js
│ mono.js
│ mono.wasm
... truncated for brevity
For detailed instructions read the Chart.Js documentation to understand how each chart works.
The samples folder contains three projects, one for a client-side Blazor app, another one for a server-side Blazor app and a shared project. The shared project is not really necessary but that is how I chose to avoid code duplication.
The documentation might lag the actual development state (who likes to write documentation, am I right?) but the samples will probably never lag the actual state of the library. This is due to the way in which I develop where I constantly run the samples to play with new features of ChartJs.
To make it easier for you to see what ChartJs.Blazor can do I host the client-side samples with Netlify on (and a few other domains 😁)
If you go there you should see something like this:
This projects slowly develops a community which started to give back.
- Joelius300 for keeping the project alive, developing it further and finally giving me the needed motivation to revive it.
I'm very gratefull for your contributions!
We really like people helping us with the project. Nevertheless, take your time to read our contributing guidelines here.
Also keep in mind that this library is just a bridge from Blazor (C#) to Chart.js (JavaScript) so if you have a question on how to achieve something or experience unexpected behaviour, research how to do/fix it with JavaScript and only when you know how to get the correct behaviour in JavaScript open an issue here with all that information. It will greatly help us to give feedback and prevents us from wasting our limited time on issues that aren't really connected to this library. Thank you!