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Sportswear Online Project Testing Details

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Table of Contents

Automated Testing

Test Driven Development (TDD)

Django unittest documentation

Using Django's standard unit test library module unittest, a class based approach was used to build tests for each app's functionality.

For each app in the project, where applicable, the following files were tested:

  • tested by
  • tested by
  • tested by

Django Unit Test results

Validation Services

The following validation services and linters were used to check the validity of the website code.

  • W3C CSS Validation Service

    • This validator checks the validity of cascading style sheets (css) and (X)HTML documents with style sheets.

    • All css files passed the validation service. However, base.css passes with some warnings:

      W3c CSS Results Image

      W3c CSS Warnings Image

    • The warnings are related to:

      1. Allauth buttons styling borrowed from the Boutique Ado mini project. The default button was restyled to be a black submit button which has the same colour border.
      2. The following code snippet was copied from as a way to hide the up & down arrows / number spinners on the products page & shopping cart item quantity field. This provided a cleaner input field with just the +/- buttons at the ends of the field.
      /* Chrome, Safari, Edge, Opera */
      input::-webkit-inner-spin-button {
        -webkit-appearance: none;
        margin: 0;
      /* Firefox */
      input[type=number] {
        -moz-appearance: textfield;
  • W3C Markup Validator

    • This validator checks the markup validity of Web documents in HTML, XHTML, SMIL, MathML, etc.

    • Home:

      W3C Markup Results image

    • Products:

      W3C Markup Results image

    • Product Page:

      W3C Markup Results image

    • Add Product:

      W3C Markup Results image

    • Edit Product:

      W3C Markup Results image

    • cart:

      W3C Markup Results image

    • Checkout:

      W3C Markup Results image

    • Profile:

      W3C Markup Results image

    • Register:

      W3C Markup Results image

    • Login:

      W3C Markup Results image

  • Flake8 Python Lintier

    • This VSCode extension linter checks the validity of Python code against the PEP8 requirements. The code is reviewed and refactored during development.
  • Chrome DevTools Lighthouse

    • An open-source automated tool for improving webpages by running audits for performance, accessibility, progressive web apps, SEO etc.

    • GitHub Issue #80 describes the problem with site performance experienced after deployment to Heroku and serving the media & static files from an AWS S3 bucket. The performance drop was noticeable from the development environment with the same static files.

Manual Testing

Unit Testing

Unit Testing document containing:

  • Unit Test scope,
  • The test cases,
  • The pass / fail record for each test case.

Testing undertaken on desktop

  • Hardware:
    • Macbook Pro Laptop 17" (2009)
    • Dell 5590 Laptop
  • Tested Operating Systems:
    • Windows 10
    • OSX 10.11
  • Tested Browsers:
    • Windows 10:
      • Chrome
      • Firefox
      • Edge
    • OSX 10.11
      • Chrome
      • Firefox
      • Safari

Testing undertaken on tablet and phone devices

  • Hardware:
    • iPad Pro 12.9"
    • iPad Pro 10.5"
    • iPhone XS Max
  • Tested Operating Systems:
    • iOS 14.5
    • iPadOS 14.5
  • Tested Browsers:
    • iOS / iPadOS
      • Chrome
      • Firefox
      • Edge
      • Safari

Bugs discovered

The issue log is managed on the GitHub Project Issues section using the standard GitHub template

The issues are logged within GitHub and linked to the Bug Fixes Project.

When an issue is resolved, it is linked to the pull request containing to the committed code, which closes the issue along with the pull request.

Bugs Overview

There were 27 bugs reported during unit testing of the site. Please visit the GitHub repository closed issues or click on the issue number links below for more detailed troubleshooting information and associated pull requests.

Known Bugs

Issue #80

  • Unit Testing: Deployed Heroku site very poor Google Lighthouse performance
    • After deploying to Heroku and loading the static / media files to an AWS S3 bucket, running Goole DevTools Lighthouse showed a dramatic drop in performance score. Site load times were well above 10 seconds.
    • Testing the site with differing amounts of product images showed the performance score change relation to the number of images displayed.
    • Django Paginator class was tested (Django Pagination Documentation) with each page limited to 40 results per page and this worked successfully. However, when implementing this, the products filtering was inadvertently disabled and I couldn't find a way to incorporate both filtered views and pagination in the time available so this solution was added to the Future Features section.
    • An additional troubleshooting step was to convert the .jpg madia files to .webp format to reduce the network payload by around 50%. However, to incorporate the webp version into the templates and maintain browser support, the <img> tags would need to be replaced with something like:
      <source srcset="{{ product.image.url }}" type="image/webp">
      <source srcset="{{ product.image.url }}" type="image/jpeg">
      <img src="{{ product.image.url }}" alt="{{ }}">
    • The difficulty with this solution is there would need to be a 2nd image url field on the products model to store the webp image name which would cause too much work at this late stage of the project, so this solution was also added to the Future Features
    • The current working solution to this problem is to reduce the number of available products from 370 down to 193 in the deployed Heroku database.
      • This drastically reduces the load times but still allows the site to be used intuitively.

Closed Bugs

A selection of the reported bugs are briefly described here:

Issue #52:

  • Unit Test: Django Error "AttributeError at /checkout/ 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'"

Issue #45:

  • Unit Test: Django error "NoReverseMatch at /checkout/ Reverse for 'product_detail' not found. 'product_detail' is not a valid view function or pattern name."

Issue #44:

  • Unit Test: Django error "NoReverseMatch at /checkout/ Reverse for 'cart' not found. 'cart' is not a valid view function or pattern name."

Issue #43:

  • Unit Test: Django error "TemplateSyntaxError at /checkout/ Invalid filter: 'calc_subtotal'"

Issue #42:

  • Unit Test: Django error "TemplateSyntaxError at /checkout/ Could not parse the remainder: ''checkout/css/checkout.css'' from '.'checkout/css/checkout.css''

Issue #41:

  • Unit Test: Django error "TemplateDoesNotExist at /checkout/ checkout/checkout.html"

Issue #40:

  • Unit Test: Django error "NoReverseMatch at /cart/ Reverse for 'checkout' not found. 'checkout' is not a valid view function or pattern name."

Issue #35:

  • Unit Test: Django error "TemplateSyntaxError at /cart/ 'cart_tools' is not a registered tag library."

Issue #33:

  • Unit Test: Django error "TypeError at /cart/update/1/" when entering zero as the update cart qty

Issue #29:

  • Unit Test: Django error "ValueError at cart/add/1/" - having a blank product item quantity field causes an error

Issue #20:

  • Unit Test: Django error "FieldError at /products/ Cannot resolve keyword 'lower_name' into field."

Issue #17:

  • Unit Test: Django error "FieldError at /products/ Cannot resolve keyword 'master' into field"

Issue #15:

  • Unit Test: Django error "UnboundLocalError at /products'"

Issue #14:

  • Unit Test: Django "FieldError at /products/ Related Field got invalid lookup: icontains"