yasio is a multi-platform support and lightweight library with focus on asynchronous socket I/O for any client application, support windows, macos, ios, android, ohos, linux, freebsd and other unix-like systems.
Build | Status (github) |
Windows(msvc,clang,mingw) | |
Windows(vs2013) | |
Android | |
iOS/tvOS/watchOS | |
Linux | |
macOS | |
FreeBSD | |
Solaris |
- Place Girls: A popular mobile game published on jp.
- RAOL Mobile Game Project: Since the game is published on Tencent Games at 2018.10.17, it's run at millions of devices.
- x-studio IDE Project: The local LAN upgrade system is based on yasio.
- QttAudio: Integrated Audio solution.
- Unity
- yasio_unity: The unity c# wrapper of yasio, open scene
and run it. - xlua: Integrate yasio to xlua, open scene
and run it.
- yasio_unity: The unity c# wrapper of yasio, open scene
- xlua:
- UnrealEngine
- yasio_unreal: The yasio UnrealEngine plugin
- sluaunreal: Integrate to Tencent's sluaunreal(A lua bindings solution for UE4)
- UnLua: Integrate to Tencent's sluaunreal(Yet another lua bindings solution for UE4)
- axmol: Use as tcp/udp asynchronous socket solution of game engine
g++ tests/tcp/main.cpp --std=c++11 -DYASIO_HEADER_ONLY -lpthread -I./ -o tcptest && ./tcptest
git clone --recursive https://github.com/yasio/yasio
cd yasio
# For macOS xcode, it's shoud be: cmake -B build -GXcode
cmake -B build
# Use cmake command to build examples & tests, or use platform specific IDE to open yasio project
# a. Windows: Use Visual Studio(2013~2019 supported) to open build/yasio.sln
# b. macOS: Use Xcode to open build/yasio.xcodeproj
cmake --build build --config Debug
Cross-platform, it can run on Windows, Linux, macOS
All github ci actions use it
Support options
: build target os:win32
: build arch:x86
: c/c++ compiler toolchain:clang
or empty use default compiler avaiable on current OS;
For msvc can bemsvc-120
: additional cmake options: i.e.-xc '-DCXX_STD=23','-DYASIO_ENABLE_EXT_HTTP=OFF'
Support build target matrix
OS Build targets Build toolchain Windows win32,winuwp msvc,clang Linux linux,android gcc,clang macOS osx,ios,tvos,watchos clang
- Support TCP/UDP/KCP, and manipulate APIs are same
- Support process
sticking packets
for TCP internal, user do not need to care it - Support multicast
- Support IPv4/IPv6 network
- Support multi-connections at one thread
- Support high-resolution deadline timer
- Support lua bindings
- Support cocos2d-x jsb
- Support CocosCreator jsb2.0
- Support Unity3D
- Support Unreal Engine
- Support ssl client/server with OpenSSL/MbedTLS
- Support async resolve with c-ares
- Support header only with
set at config.hpp or compiler flags - Support Unix Domain Socket
- Support BinaryStram by obstream/ibstream, easy to use
- Support 7Bit Encoded Int/Int64 compatible with dotnet
yasio provide follow C++14/17/20 standard components compatible with C++11 compiler, please see: yasio/string_view.hpp, yasio/shared_mutex.hpp, yasio/memory.hpp
- cxx14::make_unique
- cxx17::string_view
- cxx17::shared_mutex
- cxx20::starts_with
- cxx20::ends_with
The OpenSSL prebuilts are download from 1kiss and built by vs2022 msvc-14.39,
If your installed visual studio version less then vs2022, please pass -DYASIO_SSL_BACKEND=2
to use mbedtls
instead, i.e:
powershell build.ps1 -p win32 -a x64 -xc "'-DYASIO_SSL_BACKEND=2'"