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84 lines (68 loc) · 2.28 KB

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84 lines (68 loc) · 2.28 KB


plugin version of SeptemServoPro , Alpha


##Usage (English):

  1. (Optional)Create a new UE4 project
  2. open powershell in windows or sh in linux
  3. cd the directory of the project
  4. mkdir ./Plugins/
  5. cd ./Plugins/
  6. Add submodules SeptemCore and SeptemServo(Makesure the directory name is SeptemServo)
	git submodule add SeptemCore
	git submodule add SeptemServo

SeptemCore need loading before SeptemServo 7. generate vs project files 8. build vs project 9. reopen ue4 project & rebuild in engine

###Update Plugin Code

  1. git pull --recurse-submodules
  2. git submodule update --remote --recursive

###Resolve submodule dirty

  1. delete plugin directory ./SeptemServo/ linux: rm -rf ./SeptemServo/
  2. git submodule init
  3. git submodule update
  4. generate vs project files, rebuild in vs, then rebuild in ue4

###Remove submodule

git submodule deinit SeptemServo

###delete submodule info at /.gitmodules/(--cached means clear cache files in /.git/modules/)

git rm --cached SeptemServo

##使用说明 (中文):

  1. (可选)创建或选择一个UE4工程
  2. win10打开powershell,或者在linux下使用命令行
  3. cd进入项目目录
  4. (可选)创建Plugins目录 mkdir ./Plugins/
  5. 进入Plugins目录 cd ./Plugins/
  6. 运行命令行,添加git子模组SeptemCore和SeptemServo(确保子模组文件夹名为SeptemServo)
	git submodule add SeptemCore
	git submodule add SeptemServo

SeptemCore 为SeptemServo的前置模组 7. 右键.uproject文件,重新生成VS工程文件 8. 重新编译VS工程 9. 重新打开UE4工程,并重新在引擎编辑器中测试或重编译项目


  1. git pull --recurse-submodules
  2. git submodule update --remote --recursive


  1. 删除插件SeptemServo文件夹 linux: rm -rf ./SeptemServo/ 打开powershell或shell
  2. git submodule init
  3. git submodule update
  4. 重新生成、编译VS工程。重新编译ue4项目


git submodule deinit SeptemServo


git rm --cached SeptemServo