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File metadata and controls

131 lines (90 loc) · 4.24 KB


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sqlgen is not an ORM, it's a code generator instead. It parse the go struct and generate the necessary struct methods for you.

What is sqlgen?

  • sqlgen is based on a Code first approach — You don't require to write SQL first, but Go code instead.
  • sqlgen enables Codegen — We generate the boring bits, so you can focus on building your app quickly.
  • sqlgen prioritizes Performance — Most of the things will define in compile time instead of runtime.
  • sqlgen embrace Generics — We use generics to eliminate runtime reflection costs and reduce memory allocation.
  • sqlgen eliminates Side Effects - You will get expected results instead of side effects when mutate your models.

SQL driver support

Driver Support

Quick start

  1. Install sqlgen.

    go install
  2. Define your model struct.

    package model
    import "time"
    type LongText string
    type User struct {
        ID      int64 `sql:",auto_increment"`
        Name    string
        Age     uint8
        Address LongText
        Created time.Time
  3. Generate the output files.

    # sqlgen generate <source_file>
    sqlgen generate model/user.go
  4. Generated code will be as follow.

    // Code generated by sqlgen. DO NOT EDIT.
    package model
    import (
    func (User) TableName() string {
        return "`user`"
    func (User) Columns() []string {
        return []string{"`id`", "`name`", "`age`", "`address`", "`created`"}
    func (v User) IsAutoIncr() {}
    func (v User) PK() (columnName string, pos int, value driver.Value) {
        return "`id`", 0, int64(v.ID)
    func (v User) Values() []any {
        return []any{int64(v.ID), string(v.Name), int64(v.Age), string(v.Address), time.Time(v.Created)}
    func (v *User) Addrs() []any {
        return []any{types.Integer(&v.ID), types.String(&v.Name), types.Integer(&v.Age), types.String(&v.Address), (*time.Time)(&v.Created)}

More help to get started:


As you can see, sqlgen is perform as close as Raw query, and having low memory allocations.

Reporting Issues

If you think you've found a bug, or something isn't behaving the way you think it should, please raise an issue on GitHub.


We welcome contributions, Read our Contribution Guidelines to learn more about contributing to sqlgen

Big Thanks To

Thanks to these awesome companies for their support of Open Source developers ❤


Inspired By



Copyright (c) 2023-present, SianLoong Lee