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RGB D Clustering

jane79 edited this page Sep 18, 2019 · 17 revisions


Download RealSense :

How to set environment with catkin :

point-clustering github repo :

  • To use RealSense with ROS

    roscore   #start roscore  
    cd catkin_ws
    source devel/setup.bash  
    roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch   #start realsense  
  • To echo topic to terminal

    rostopic echo (type name)
  • To check type of topic

    rostopic type (type name)
  • To check list of rostopic

    rostopic list

Publish pointcloud

You have to launch demo_pointcloud.launch (

~/catkin_ws$ roslaunch realsense2_camera demo_pointcloud.launch

Then, it will publish the topic of pointcloud, named '/camera/depth/color/points'. Its type is Pointcloud2!!

We changed topic in ''(~/catkin_ws/src/point-cloud-clusters/src/sensor_stick/scripts) at line 107.
But error was evoked because of 'xrange' in code, it may occur because of python version. => 08.17 fixed error.

To visualize point cloud, execute rviz.

  • To check list of rostopic
~/catkin_ws/src/point-cloud-clusters/src/sensor_stick/scripts$ python
$ rosrun tf static_tranform_publisher 0 0 0 0 0 0 /world /map 10
#matching 'world' to 'frame'
~/catkin_ws/src/point-cloud-clusters/src/sensor_stick/config$ rviz -d perception.rviz

After executing rviz, add PointCloud2(adding from type menu, '/pcl_table', '/pcl_cluster', 'pcl_objects'). Can compare with camera image(also can be added from type menu)

  • clustering parameters (
    min/max degree : min_axis, max_axis (do_passthrough_filter, line15)
    resolution : LEAF_SIZE (do_voxel_grid_filter, line11)
    point range : min)size, max_size (get_clusters, line79)
    Q. what is max_distance? (do_ransac_plane_segmentation, line 22)


  1. get box points of human(max/min points of x, y, z from human cluster pints)
  2. get middle point from box points
  3. get data of path points of middle point by depth camera
  • f.write as txt file. (when human stop for a few seconds, save txt file and record new file. + notice timing by buzz sound or etc.)

09.19.Thu can change option of realsense.

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