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RGB D Clustering
Download RealSense : https://github.com/IntelRealSense/realsense-ros
How to set environment with catkin : http://wiki.ros.org/ko/catkin/Tutorials/create_a_workspace
point-clustering github repo : https://github.com/mithi/point-cloud-clusters
To use RealSense with ROS
roscore #start roscore
cd catkin_ws source devel/setup.bash roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch #start realsense
To echo topic to terminal
rostopic echo (type name)
To check type of topic
rostopic type (type name)
To check list of rostopic
rostopic list
You have to launch demo_pointcloud.launch (in repository of 'point-cloud-clusters')
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch sensor_stick clustering.py
Then, it will publish the topic of pointcloud, named '/camera/depth/color/points'. Its type is Pointcloud2!!
We changed topic in 'clustering.py'(~/catkin_ws/src/point-cloud-clusters/src/sensor_stick/scripts) at line 107.
But error was evoked because of 'xrange' in code, it may occur because of python version.
=> 08.17 fixed error.
To visualize point cloud, execute rviz.
- To check list of rostopic
~/catkin_ws/scripts& python clustering.py
$ rosrun tf static_tranform_publisher 0 0 0 0 0 0 / world /map 10
#matching 'world' to 'frame'
~/catkin_ws/src/point-cloud-clusters/src/sensor_stick/config$ rbiz -d perception.rviz
After executing rviz, add PointCloud2(adding from type menu, '/pcl_table', '/pcl_cluster', 'pcl_objects'). Can compare with camera image(also can be added from type menu)
- clustering parameters (clustering.py) min/max degree : min_axis, max_axis (do_passthrough_filter, line15) resolution : LEAF_SIZE (do_voxel_grid_filter, line11) point range : min)size, max_size (get_clusters, line79)