🎯 Target runtime: es2023 (Node >= 20)
Contains js scripts for publishing libraries
command: publish-lib
updates the package.json version and the changelog file (changelog only on main/master)
and makes a commit with the updated versions.
make sure to provide the following env vars in the GitHub workflow:
GITHUB_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(github) }}
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN_3 }}
use lerna in verbose mode--canary
use lerna canary mode instead of conventional-prerelease for PR releases
command: prepare-dist
Copies package.json and other files to the dist directory to allow publishing the dist instead of the package root.
When using another dir name than dist
specify the name inside the package.json\
"publishConfig": {
"directory": "out"
copy additional files to the dist folder e.g.--include extra.md