In this tutorial we learn how to use a relational database to merge and analyse CSV data from different sources. You can follow the instructions for this tutorial by opening the file
(from your local clone of the QMSS repository)
in your browser.
The tutorial requires
- csvkit (optional)
- a sqlite database manager, either the
command line shell included in sqlite or alternatively SQLite Manager for Firefox
We will use the following data:
- Glottolog languages and dialects downloaded from
- PHOIBLE phoneme data downloaded from
- Ecological data from D-PLACE
The tutorial is organized in a way that may resemble a typical usage for relational databases in a research setting: Starting with a question
Does our data allow any insight regarding the debate about effects of aridity/humidity on tonality of languages?
we inspect available data, then procede to load this data into a relational database for further processing, and finally export a dataset in CSV from the database which may serve as the basis for further analysis.