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267 lines (223 loc) · 10.3 KB

MDS Project

This project is comparing protein isoforms identified by long-read proteogenomics between wild type and mutant model mice. The goal is to identify novel isoforms and quantify the changes in isoform expression between the two groups.

Make directory structure and prepare the data

cd /project/sheynkman/projects/Mohi_MDS_LRP
module load gcc/11.4.0 openmpi/4.1.4 python/3.11.4 miniforge/24.3.0-py3.11

mkdir ./00_input_data/
mkdir ./00_scripts/
mkdir ./01_mandalorion/
mkdir ./01_isoquant/
mkdir ./01_reference_tables/
mkdir ./02_make_gencode_database/
mkdir ./02_sqanti/
mkdir ./03_filter_sqanti/
mkdir ./04_CPAT/
mkdir ./04_transcriptome_summary/
mkdir ./05_orf_calling/
mkdir ./06_refine_orf_database/
mkdir ./07_make_cds_gtf/
mkdir ./08_rename_cds_to_exon/
mkdir ./09_sqanti_protein/
mkdir ./10_5p_utr/
mkdir ./11_protein_classification/
mkdir ./12_protein_gene_rename/
mkdir ./13_protein_filter/
mkdir ./14_protein_hybrid_database/
mkdir ./17_track_visualization/

gunzip /project/sheynkman/raw_data/PacBio/mohi_data/X504_Q157R_LK/PACBIO_DATA/XMOHI_20240510_R84050_PL9850-001_1-1-C01_IsoSeqX_bc06.flnc.fastq.gz
gunzip /project/sheynkman/raw_data/PacBio/mohi_data/A258_Q157R_LK/PACBIO_DATA/XMOHI_20240510_R84050_PL9851-001_1-1-C01_IsoSeqX_bc07.flnc.fastq.gz
gunzip /project/sheynkman/raw_data/PacBio/mohi_data/A309_Q157R_LK/PACBIO_DATA/XMOHI_20240510_R84050_PL9852-001_1-1-C01_IsoSeqX_bc08.flnc.fastq.gz
gunzip /project/sheynkman/raw_data/PacBio/mohi_data/V335_WT_LK/PACBIO_DATA/XMOHI_20240510_R84050_PL9847-001_1-1-C01_IsoSeqX_bc03.flnc.fastq.gz
gunzip /project/sheynkman/raw_data/PacBio/mohi_data/V334_WT_LK/PACBIO_DATA/XMOHI_20240510_R84050_PL9848-001_1-1-C01_IsoSeqX_bc04.flnc.fastq.gz
gunzip /project/sheynkman/raw_data/PacBio/mohi_data/A310_WT_LK/PACBIO_DATA/XMOHI_20240510_R84050_PL9849-001_1-1-C01_IsoSeqX_bc05.flnc.fastq.gz

I am going to proceed with both IsoQuant and Mandalorion, as we are testing both for use in our pipeline. Once we finalize our choice, I will make a choice for the direction of this project.
I also created the reference tables and gencode database (which are independent of our data) in a previous run.

Step 1 - Mandalorion

sbatch 00_scripts/

Modify the Isoforms.filtered.clean.quant file for SQANTI input then split into WT and Q157R

python 00_scripts/ \
    01_mandalorion/Isoforms.filtered.clean.quant \
    01_mandalorion/fl_count_for_sqanti3.csv \
    sample6 sample7 sample8 sample3 sample4 sample5

python 00_scripts/

Make two GTF files unique to each sample.

python 00_scripts/ --gtf_file 01_mandalorion/Isoforms.filtered.clean.gtf --wt_csv 01_mandalorion/WT_fl_count_for_sqanti3.csv --q157r_csv 01_mandalorion/Q157R_fl_count_for_sqanti3.csv --wt_output 01_mandalorion/WT.gtf --q157r_output 01_mandalorion/Q157R.gtf

Step 1 - IsoQuant

sbatch 00_scripts/

Modify the transcript_model_grouped_counts.tsv file for SQANTI input

# all
python 00_scripts/ \
    01_isoquant/OUT/OUT.transcript_model_grouped_counts.tsv \
    01_isoquant/fl_count_for_sqanti3.csv \
    sample3 sample4 sample5 sample6 sample7 sample8

# WT
python 00_scripts/ \
    01_isoquant/WT/WT.transcript_model_grouped_counts.tsv \
    01_isoquant/WT_fl_count_for_sqanti3.csv \
    sample6 sample7 sample8

# Q157R
python 00_scripts/ \
    01_isoquant/Q157R/Q157R.transcript_model_grouped_counts.tsv \
    01_isoquant/Q157R_fl_count_for_sqanti3.csv \
    sample3 sample4 sample5

Step 2 - SQANTI

sbatch 00_scripts/
sbatch 00_scripts/

Isoquant's output works better for our pipeline than Mandalorion's. Future iterations of our pipeline will address this

Step 3 - Filter SQANTI

Skipped for mouse.

Step 4 - CPAT

sbatch 00_scripts/
sbatch 00_scripts/

Step 4 - Transcriptome Summary

sbatch 00_scripts/
sbatch 00_scripts/

Step 5 - ORF Calling

sbatch 00_scripts/
sbatch 00_scripts/

Step 6 - Refine ORF Database

sbatch 00_scripts/

Step 7 - Make CDS GTF

sbatch 00_scripts/

Step 8 - Rename CDS to Exon

We need this step for SUPPA later in the pipeline.

sbatch 00_scripts/

Skip forward for this analysis (no MS and protein data here)

17 - Track visualization

This step is more run by run customizable, so I'll do it manually.
Color by sample.

module purge
module load gcc/11.4.0  
module load openmpi/4.1.4
module load python/3.11.4
module load miniforge/24.3.0-py3.11

conda activate visualization

# WT - RGB code (219,076,119)
# Refined
gtfToGenePred 07_make_cds_gtf/WT/WT_cds.gtf 17_track_visualization/WT/WT_refined_cds.genePred
genePredToBed 17_track_visualization/WT/WT_refined_cds.genePred 17_track_visualization/WT/WT_refined_cds.bed12

python ./00_scripts/ \
--input_bed 17_track_visualization/WT/WT_refined_cds.bed12 \
--output_dir 17_track_visualization/WT \
--rgb 219,076,119

# Q157R - RGB code (016,085,154)
# Refined
gtfToGenePred 07_make_cds_gtf/Q157R/Q157R_cds.gtf 17_track_visualization/Q157R/Q157R_refined_cds.genePred
genePredToBed 17_track_visualization/Q157R/Q157R_refined_cds.genePred 17_track_visualization/Q157R/Q157R_refined_cds.bed12

python ./00_scripts/ \
--input_bed 17_track_visualization/Q157R/Q157R_refined_cds.bed12 \
--output_dir 17_track_visualization/Q157R \
--rgb 016,085,154

Color by cpm.

python 00_scripts/ --name WT_cpm --bed_file 17_track_visualization/WT/WT_refined_cds.bed12

python 00_scripts/ --name Q157R_cpm --bed_file 17_track_visualization/Q157R/Q157R_refined_cds.bed12

18 - SUPPA

module purge
module load gcc/11.4.0  
module load openmpi/4.1.4
module load python/3.11.4
module load miniforge/24.3.0-py3.11
module load R/4.4.1

conda activate suppa

# Generate splicing events
python /project/sheynkman/programs/SUPPA-2.4/ generateEvents -i /project/sheynkman/external_data/GENCODE_M35/gencode.vM35.basic.annotation.gtf -o SUPPA/events -f ioi

python /project/sheynkman/programs/SUPPA-2.4/ generateEvents -i 08_rename_cds_to_exon/WT/WT.cds_renamed_exon.gtf -o 18_SUPPA/LRP_events/ -e SE SS MX RI FL -f ioe

python /project/sheynkman/programs/SUPPA-2.4/ generateEvents -i 08_rename_cds_to_exon/Q157R/Q157R.cds_renamed_exon.gtf -o 18_SUPPA/LRP_events/ -e SE SS MX RI FL -f ioe

cd 18_SUPPA/LRP_events/

#Put all the ioe events in the same file:
awk '
    FNR==1 && NR!=1 { while (/^<header>/) getline; }
    1 {print}
' *.ioe >

cd ../..

# create expression table 
python 00_scripts/ -f 17_track_visualization/WT/WT_refined_cds.bed12 17_track_visualization/Q157R/Q157R_refined_cds.bed12 -s sample1 sample2 -o 18_SUPPA/combined.cpm

# Calculate PSI values 
python /project/sheynkman/programs/SUPPA-2.4/ psiPerEvent --ioe-file 18_SUPPA/LRP_events/ --expression-file 18_SUPPA/combined.cpm -o 18_SUPPA/combined_local

# Differential splicing 
# Split the PSI and TPM files between the 2 conditions:
Rscript 00_scripts/split_file.R 18_SUPPA/combined.cpm sample1 sample2 18_SUPPA/WT_sample1.tpm 18_SUPPA/Q157R_sample2.tpm -i
Rscript 00_scripts/split_file.R 18_SUPPA/combined_local.psi sample1 sample2 18_SUPPA/WT_sample1.psi 18_SUPPA/Q157R_sample2.psi -e

# Analyze differential splicing - creating an error now that I am trying to run with p-values, so reruning with ioi
python /project/sheynkman/programs/SUPPA-2.4/ diffSplice \
    -m empirical \
    -i 18_SUPPA/LRP_events/ \
    -p 18_SUPPA/WT_sample1.psi 18_SUPPA/Q157R_sample2.psi \
    -e 18_SUPPA/WT_sample1.tpm 18_SUPPA/Q157R_sample2.tpm \
    -gc \
    -o 18_SUPPA/diff_splice_events

conda deactivate

18 - Gene & Transcript Expression tables

First, I am creating tables that show gene expression, transcript expression, and transcript fractional abundance for mutant vs. wild type samples. Then, I will create a summary table.

conda activate reference_tab

# gene expression 
python 00_scripts/ 17_track_visualization/WT/WT_refined_cds.bed12 17_track_visualization/Q157R/Q157R_refined_cds.bed12 18_LRP_summary/18_differential_gene_expression.csv

# transcript expression & fractional abundance
python 00_scripts/ 17_track_visualization/WT/WT_refined_cds.bed12 17_track_visualization/Q157R/Q157R_refined_cds.bed12 18_LRP_summary/18_differential_transcript_expression.csv

python 00_scripts/ 17_track_visualization/WT/WT_refined_cds.bed12 17_track_visualization/Q157R/Q157R_refined_cds.bed12 18_LRP_summary/18_transcript_expression_fractional_abundance.csv

# gene and transcript summary table
python 00_scripts/ 18_LRP_summary/18_transcript_expression_fractional_abundance.csv 18_LRP_summary/18_summary_table.csv

Now, I am making list of genes and transcripts unique to the mutant samples.

python 00_scripts/ 17_track_visualization/WT/WT_refined_cds.bed12 17_track_visualization/Q157R/Q157R_refined_cds.bed12 18_LRP_summary/18_unique_transcripts.csv

These tables will summarize the gene and transcript expression, as well as the splicing information from SUPPA.

python 00_scripts/ 07_make_cds_gtf/WT/WT_cds.gtf 07_make_cds_gtf/Q157R/Q157R_cds.gtf 18_LRP_summary/transcript_cpm.csv

Create summary tables for transcripts and SUPPA events.

python 00_scripts/
python 00_scripts/

Create a mapping file to map splice events to transcripts and combine information for summary table.

python 00_scripts/

Iso-Seq can now be run with mutliple samples and fits into our pipeline a little more smoothly, so I am re-running with Iso-Seq

00 - Prepare

mkdir 01_isoseq
mkdir 01_isoseq/merge
mkdir 01_isoseq/cluster
mkdir 01_isoseq/align
mkdir 01_isoseq/collapse

01 - Iso-Seq

sbatch 00_scripts/