Fit Menthol Sawfish
BancorExchangeProvider::_getScaledAmountOut() decreases the amount out when the token in is the supply token by the exit contribution, that is, scaledAmountOut = (scaledAmountOut * (MAX_WEIGHT - exchange.exitContribution)) / MAX_WEIGHT;
Whenever the last supply of the token is withdrawn, it will get all the reserve and store it in scaledAmountOut
, and then apply the exit contribution, leaving these funds forever stuck, as there is 0 supply to redeem it.
In BancorExchangeProvider:345
, the exchange contribution is applied regardless of there being supply left to redeem it.
- All supply must be withdrawn from the exchange.
- Users call
, that callsGoodDollarExchangeProvider::swapIn()
, which is the exchange contract that holds the token and reserve balances, selling supply tokens until the supply becomes 0.
The last exit contribution will be forever stuck. This amount is unbounded and may be very significant.
Add the following test to BancorExchangeProvider.t.sol
function test_POC_swapIn_whenTokenInIsToken_shouldSwapIn() public {
BancorExchangeProvider bancorExchangeProvider = initializeBancorExchangeProvider();
uint256 amountIn = 300_000 * 1e18;
bytes32 exchangeId = bancorExchangeProvider.createExchange(poolExchange1);
uint256 amountOut = bancorExchangeProvider.swapIn(exchangeId, address(token), address(reserveToken), amountIn);
(, , uint256 tokenSupplyAfter, uint256 reserveBalanceAfter, , ) = bancorExchangeProvider.exchanges(exchangeId);
assertEq(amountOut, 59400e18);
assertEq(reserveBalanceAfter, 600e18);
assertEq(tokenSupplyAfter, 0);
bancorExchangeProvider.swapIn(exchangeId, address(token), address(reserveToken), 1e18);
The specific mitigation depends on the design.