Create a repository on Github called
SCAMP-C6 Assessment
Using Android Kotlin, create a mobile dashboard for a baking recipe, using this API [Here] (https://d17h27t6h515a5.cloudfront.net/topher/2017/May/59121517_baking/baking.json). Make a request to the API, extract all recipes and display them appropriately in view.
How the information is displayed, is up to you. We would love to see your creativity as well as aesthetic design.
- User should be able to view a list of available recipes.
- User should be able to view ingredients and steps for creating each recipe.
- Push your project to the GitHub repo created
- Create a readme file to describe the technologies and stack that you used.
- Include a gif/short video to your application on your GitHub readme file.
- submit your project github URL on the application form here: Cohort 6 Application
Good luck!