diff --git a/lib/discordrb/api.rb b/lib/discordrb/api.rb
index d2bee19bf..ba6020fc8 100644
--- a/lib/discordrb/api.rb
+++ b/lib/discordrb/api.rb
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 # List of methods representing endpoints in Discord's API
 module Discordrb::API
   # The base URL of the Discord REST API.
-  APIBASE = 'https://discord.com/api/v8'
+  APIBASE = 'https://discord.com/api/v9'
   # The URL of Discord's CDN
   CDN_URL = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com'
@@ -222,30 +222,6 @@ def achievement_icon_url(application_id, achievement_id, icon_hash, format = 'we
-  # Login to the server
-  def login(email, password)
-    request(
-      :auth_login,
-      nil,
-      :post,
-      "#{api_base}/auth/login",
-      email: email,
-      password: password
-    )
-  end
-  # Logout from the server
-  def logout(token)
-    request(
-      :auth_logout,
-      nil,
-      :post,
-      "#{api_base}/auth/logout",
-      nil,
-      Authorization: token
-    )
-  end
   # Create an OAuth application
   def create_oauth_application(token, name, redirect_uris)
@@ -283,20 +259,6 @@ def oauth_application(token)
-  # Acknowledge that a message has been received
-  # The last acknowledged message will be sent in the ready packet,
-  # so this is an easy way to catch up on messages
-  def acknowledge_message(token, channel_id, message_id)
-    request(
-      :channels_cid_messages_mid_ack,
-      nil, # This endpoint is unavailable for bot accounts and thus isn't subject to its rate limit requirements.
-      :post,
-      "#{api_base}/channels/#{channel_id}/messages/#{message_id}/ack",
-      nil,
-      Authorization: token
-    )
-  end
   # Get the gateway to be used
   def gateway(token)
@@ -320,19 +282,6 @@ def gateway_bot(token)
-  # Validate a token (this request will fail if the token is invalid)
-  def validate_token(token)
-    request(
-      :auth_login,
-      nil,
-      :post,
-      "#{api_base}/auth/login",
-      {}.to_json,
-      Authorization: token,
-      content_type: :json
-    )
-  end
   # Get a list of available voice regions
   def voice_regions(token)
diff --git a/lib/discordrb/bot.rb b/lib/discordrb/bot.rb
index f829c410d..1df271524 100644
--- a/lib/discordrb/bot.rb
+++ b/lib/discordrb/bot.rb
@@ -82,8 +82,6 @@ class Bot
     #   you're trying to log in as a bot.
     # @param client_id [Integer] If you're logging in as a bot, the bot's client ID. This is optional, and may be fetched
     #   from the API by calling {Bot#bot_application} (see {Application}).
-    # @param type [Symbol] This parameter lets you manually overwrite the account type. This needs to be set when
-    #   logging in as a user, otherwise discordrb will treat you as a bot account. Valid values are `:user` and `:bot`.
     # @param name [String] Your bot's name. This will be sent to Discord with any API requests, who will use this to
     #   trace the source of excessive API requests; it's recommended to set this to something if you make bots that many
     #   people will host on their servers separately.
@@ -110,7 +108,7 @@ class Bot
     def initialize(
       log_mode: :normal,
       token: nil, client_id: nil,
-      type: nil, name: '', fancy_log: false, suppress_ready: false, parse_self: false,
+      name: '', fancy_log: false, suppress_ready: false, parse_self: false,
       shard_id: nil, num_shards: nil, redact_token: true, ignore_bots: false,
       compress_mode: :large, intents: :all
@@ -121,7 +119,6 @@ def initialize(
       @client_id = client_id
-      @type = type || :bot
       @name = name
       @shard_key = num_shards ? [shard_id, num_shards] : nil
@@ -144,7 +141,7 @@ def initialize(
-      @token = process_token(@type, token)
+      @token = "Bot #{token.delete_prefix('Bot ')}"
       @gateway = Gateway.new(self, @token, @shard_key, @compress_mode, @intents)
@@ -1106,14 +1103,6 @@ def remove_user_ban(data); end
     ##       ##     ## ##    ##   ##  ##   ###
     ########  #######   ######   #### ##    ##
-    def process_token(type, token)
-      # Remove the "Bot " prefix if it exists
-      token = token[4..] if token.start_with? 'Bot '
-      token = "Bot #{token}" unless type == :user
-      token
-    end
     def handle_dispatch(type, data)
       # Check whether there are still unavailable servers and there have been more than 10 seconds since READY
       if @unavailable_servers&.positive? && (Time.now - @unavailable_timeout_time) > 10 && !((@intents || 0) & INTENTS[:servers]).zero?
diff --git a/lib/discordrb/commands/command_bot.rb b/lib/discordrb/commands/command_bot.rb
index ddf68ea37..f2f9117a1 100644
--- a/lib/discordrb/commands/command_bot.rb
+++ b/lib/discordrb/commands/command_bot.rb
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ def initialize(**attributes)
         log_mode: attributes[:log_mode],
         token: attributes[:token],
         client_id: attributes[:client_id],
-        type: attributes[:type],
         name: attributes[:name],
         fancy_log: attributes[:fancy_log],
         suppress_ready: attributes[:suppress_ready],
diff --git a/lib/discordrb/data/profile.rb b/lib/discordrb/data/profile.rb
index 0bed2db52..38a709c7c 100644
--- a/lib/discordrb/data/profile.rb
+++ b/lib/discordrb/data/profile.rb
@@ -42,32 +42,6 @@ def update_data(new_data)
       @avatar_id = new_data[:avatar_id] || @avatar_id
-    # Sets the user status setting to Online.
-    # @note Only usable on User accounts.
-    def online
-      update_profile_status_setting('online')
-    end
-    # Sets the user status setting to Idle.
-    # @note Only usable on User accounts.
-    def idle
-      update_profile_status_setting('idle')
-    end
-    # Sets the user status setting to Do Not Disturb.
-    # @note Only usable on User accounts.
-    def dnd
-      update_profile_status_setting('dnd')
-    end
-    alias_method(:busy, :dnd)
-    # Sets the user status setting to Invisible.
-    # @note Only usable on User accounts.
-    def invisible
-      update_profile_status_setting('invisible')
-    end
     # The inspect method is overwritten to give more useful output
     def inspect
       "<Profile user=#{super}>"
diff --git a/lib/discordrb/errors.rb b/lib/discordrb/errors.rb
index cc431e2e4..9c269f594 100644
--- a/lib/discordrb/errors.rb
+++ b/lib/discordrb/errors.rb
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ module Errors
     class InvalidAuthenticationError < RuntimeError
       # Default message for this exception
       def message
-        'User login failed due to an invalid email or password!'
+        'Authentication failed due to an invalid token!'
diff --git a/lib/discordrb/gateway.rb b/lib/discordrb/gateway.rb
index 9d7e79759..491fdee5b 100644
--- a/lib/discordrb/gateway.rb
+++ b/lib/discordrb/gateway.rb
@@ -51,10 +51,6 @@ module Opcodes
     # to behave correctly)
     VOICE_STATE = 4
-    # **Sent**: This opcode is used to ping a voice server, whatever that means. The functionality of this opcode isn't
-    # known well but non-user clients should never send it.
-    VOICE_PING = 5
     # **Sent**: This is the other of two possible ways to initiate a gateway session (other than {IDENTIFY}). Rather
     # than starting an entirely new session, it resumes an existing session by replaying all events from a given
     # sequence number. It should be used to recover from a connection error or anything like that when the session is