copyright | lastupdated | keywords | subcollection | content-type | completion-time | ||
2021-09-16 |
tutorial code engine, tutorial cloud object storage for code engine, tutorial cloud object storage, subscribing cloud object storage, subscribing cloud object storage for code engine, object storage, events, app, subscription, code engine |
codeengine |
tutorial |
10m |
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{: #subscribe-cos-tutorial} {: toc-content-type="tutorial"} {: toc-completion-time="10m"}
With this tutorial, you can learn how to subscribe to {{}} events by using the {{}} CLI. {: shortdesc}
Oftentimes in distributed environments you want your applications or jobs to react to messages (events) that are generated from other components, which are usually called event producers. With {{}}, your applications or jobs can receive events of interest by subscribing to event producers. Event information is received as POST HTTP requests for applications and as environment variables for jobs. {: shortdesc}
{{}} supports two types of event producers.
Cron: The cron event producer is based on cron and generates an event at regular intervals. Use a cron event producer when an action needs to be taken at well-defined intervals or at specific times.
{{}}: The {{}} event producer generates events as changes are made to the objects in your object storage buckets. For example, as objects are added to a bucket, an application can receive an event and then perform an action based on that change, perhaps consuming that new object.
Before you begin
The {{}} subscription event producer is not available in the ca-tor
region. See Regions for {{}} for more information about regions where {{}} is available.
{: important}
Tutorials might incur costs. Use the Cost Estimator to generate a cost estimate based on your projected usage. {: note}
{: #determine-cos-bucket-and-region} {: step}
The {{}} event producer generates events based on operations on objects in {{}} buckets. {: shortdesc}
Install the {{}} plug-in CLI.
ibmcloud plugin install cloud-object-storage
{: pre}
Create an {{}} resource instance. For example, create an {{}} resource that is named
that uses the IBM Cloud Lite service plan.ibmcloud resource service-instance-create mycloud-object-storage cloud-object-storage lite global
{: pre}
Display the details of the {{}} resource instance that you created. Use the details to get the CRN (Cloud Resource Name) from your {{}} instance. The CRN identifies which {{}} instance you want to use. The CRN is the value of the
field in the output of theibmcloud resource service-instance COS_INSTANCE_NAME
command.ibmcloud resource service-instance mycloud-object-storage
{: pre}
Example output
Name: mycloud-object-storage ID: crn:v1:bluemix:public:cloud-object-storage:global:a/ab9d57f699655f028880abcd2ccdb524:910b727b-abcd-4a73-abcd-77c68bfeabcd:: GUID: 910b727b-abcd-4a73-abcd-77c68bfeabcd Location: global Service Name: cloud-object-storage Service Plan Name: lite Resource Group Name: Default State: active Type: service_instance Sub Type: Created at: 2020-10-14T19:09:22Z Created by: [email protected] Updated at: 2020-10-14T19:09:22Z ...
{: screen}
If you do not know your {{}} instance name, run
ibmcloud resource service-instances --service-name cloud-object-storage
to see a list of {{}} instances.For more information about {{}} instances, see Getting started with {{}}.
Configure your {{}} CRN that you found with the previous step to specify an {{}} instance to work with. Be sure to copy the entire ID, starting with
. This examples uses the--force
option to force the configuration to use the specified CRN, which might be helpful if you have more than one {{}} instance.ibmcloud cos config crn --crn CRN --force
{: pre}
Example output
Saving new Service Instance ID... OK Successfully stored your service instance ID.
{: screen}
Identify a bucket to subscribe to. To see a list of buckets that are associated with your {{}} instance,
ibmcloud cos buckets
{: pre}
To create a bucket,
ibmcloud cos bucket-create -bucket BUCKET_NAME
{: pre}
Identify the location and plan of the {{}} bucket; for example use the
bucket.ibmcloud cos bucket-location-get --bucket mybucket
{: pre}
Example output
Details about bucket mybucket: Region: us-south Class: Standard
{: screen}
Your {{}} bucket must be a regional bucket that is located in the same region as your {{}} project. {: note}
{: #notify_mgr} {: step}
Before you can create an {{}} subscription, you must assign the Notifications Manager role to a {{}} project. As a Notifications Manager, {{}} can view, modify, and delete notifications for an {{}} bucket. {: shortdesc}
Only account administrators can assign the Notifications Manager role. {: note}
Identify the {{}} project that you want to use. You can use the
ibmcloud ce project list
command to display a list of projects. Use theibmcloud ce project select
command to select your project as the current context. For example, to select a project namedmyproject
ibmcloud ce project select -n myproject
{: pre}
Assign the Notification Manager role by using the
ibmcloud iam authorization-policy-create
command.For example, to assign the Notifications Manager role to a project named
for an {{}} instance namedmycosinstance
,ibmcloud iam authorization-policy-create codeengine cloud-object-storage "Notifications Manager" --source-service-instance-name PROJECT --target-service-instance-name COS-INSTANCE
{: pre}
After you assign the Notifications Manager role to your project, you can then create {{}} subscriptions for any regional buckets in your {{}} instance that are in the same region as your project.
The following table summarizes the options that are used with the
iam authorization-policy-create
command in this example. For more information about the command and its options, see theibmcloud iam authorization-policy-create
command.Command option Description codeengine
The source service that can be authorized to access. cloud-object-storage
The target service that the source service can be authorized to access. Notifications Manager
The roles that provide access for the source service. source-service-instance-name
The name of the codeengine
project that you want to authorize to
The name of the cloud-object-storage
instance that you want to access.{: caption="iam authorization-policy-create command components" caption-side="top"} -
Verify that the Notifications Manager role is set.
ibmcloud iam authorization-policies
{: pre}
Example output
ID: abcd1234-a123-b456-bdd9-849e337c4460 Source service name: codeengine Source service instance: 1234abcd-b456-c789-a7c5-ef82e56fb24c Target service name: cloud-object-storage Target service instance: a1b2c3d4-cbad-567a-8cea-77c68bfe97c9 Roles: Notifications Manager
{: screen}
{: #create-app-cos} {: step}
Create an application that is named cos-app
with the ibmcloud ce app create
command by using an image that is called cos-listen
. To always have a running instance of cos-app
, specify the --min-scale=1
option. This app logs each event as it arrives.
{: shortdesc}
ibmcloud ce app create --name cos-app --image ibmcom/cos-listen --min-scale=1
{: pre}
Run ibmcloud ce application get --name cos-app
to verify that your app is in a Ready
state. The application is in a ready state if the status summary reflects that the application deployed successfully.
For more information about this app, see the {{}} readme file{: external}.
{: #create-subscription-cos} {: step}
After your app is ready, you can create an {{}} subscription so you can start receiving {{}} events with the ibmcloud ce sub cos create
{: shortdesc}
For example, create an {{}} subscription that is called cos-sub
. This subscription forwards any type of bucket operation from the mybucket
bucket to an application that is called cos-app
ibmcloud ce sub cos create --name cos-sub --destination cos-app --bucket mybucket --event-type all
{: pre}
Run the ibmcloud ce sub cos get -n cos-sub
command to find information about your subscription.
Example output
By default, the ibmcloud ce sub cos get
command returns two parts. The first part includes {{}} subscription-related information such as subscription name, destination, prefix, suffix, and event type. The second part includes resource-related event information about the {{}} subscription that can be used for debugging purposes. By default, event information is available for 1 hour after it occurs.
Getting COS event subscription 'cos-sub'...
Name: cos-sub
ID: abcdefgh-abcd-abcd-abcd-1a2b3c4d5e6f
Project Name: myproject
Project ID: 01234567-abcd-abcd-abcd-abcdabcd1111
Age: 4m16s
Created: 2021-02-01T13:11:31-05:00
Destination: App:cos-app
Bucket: mybucket
EventType: all
Ready: true
Type OK Age Reason
CosConfigured true 38s
Ready true 38s
ReadyForEvents true 38s
SinkProvided true 38s
Type Reason Age Source Messages
Normal CosSourceReady 39s cossource-controller CosSource is ready
{: screen}
By default, the subscription cos create
command first checks to see whether the destination application exists. If the destination check fails because the app name that you provided does not exist in your project, the subscription cos create
command returns an error. If you want to create a subscription without first creating the application, use the --force
option. By using the --force
option, the command bypasses the destination check. Note that the Ready
field of the subscription shows false
until the destination app is created. Then, the subscription moves to a Ready: true
state automatically.
After the subscription is created, but before the subscription cos create
command reports any results, the subscription cos create
command repeatedly polls the subscription for its status to verify its readiness. This continuous polling for status lasts for 15 seconds by default before it times out. If the subscription status returns as Ready:true
, it reports success, otherwise it reports an error. You can change the amount of time that the subscription cos create
command waits before it times out by using the --wait-timeout
option. You can also bypass the status polling by setting the --no-wait
option to false
For more information about headers and body, see HTTP headers and body information for events.
Note that subscriptions can affect how an application scales. For more information, see Configuring application scaling.
{: #test-subscription-cos} {: step}
Upload a
file to your bucket. For example, you can use theibmcloud cos object-put
command to upload thesample.txt
object to a bucket withsample
as the value for--key
.ibmcloud cos object-put --bucket mybucket --key sample --body sample.txt
{: pre}
View the processed event by using the
ibmcloud ce app logs
command.ibmcloud ce app logs --name cos-app
{: pre}
Example output
This command returns log files that include information about the event that was forwarded to your destination app. From the following output, you can see that a
operation was performed on thesample
object in the bucket namedmybucket
.Body: {"bucket":"mybucket","endpoint":"","key":"sample","notification":{"bucket_name":"mybucket","content_type":"text/plain","event_type":"Object:Write","format":"2.0","object_length":"1960","object_name":"sample","request_id":"103dd6f7-dd7b-4f49-86db-c2ff4b678b0a","request_time":"2021-02-11T16:57:42.373Z"},"operation":"Object:Write"}
{: screen}
{: #update-subscription-cos} {: step}
Now you know that your {{}} subscription was created successfully and that the {{}} subscription is ready to serve events, you can update the {{}} subscription with the ibmcloud ce sub cos update
command. For example, you can change your subscription to run only when specific operations happen on a subset of objects in the bucket.
{: shortdesc}
Update the {{}} subscription to forward events only when
operations happen on files with a name prefix oftest
.ibmcloud ce sub cos update --name cos-sub --event-type delete --prefix test
{: pre}
Run the
ibmcloud ce sub cos get
command to find information about your subscription.ibmcloud ce sub cos get --name cos-sub
{: pre}
Example output
In this output, you can see that the updated values for
are displayed.Getting COS event subscription 'cos-sub'... OK Name: cos-sub ID: abcdefgh-abcd-abcd-abcd-1a2b3c4d5e6f Project Name: myproject Project ID: 01234567-abcd-abcd-abcd-abcdabcd1111 Age: 4m16s Created: 2021-02-01T13:11:31-05:00 Destination: App:cos-app Bucket: mybucket EventType: delete Prefix: test Ready: true Conditions: Type OK Age Reason CosConfigured true 24m Ready true 24m ReadyForEvents true 24m SinkProvided true 24m Events: Type Reason Age Source Messages Normal CosSourceReady 9s (x2 over 24m) cossource-controller CosSource is ready
{: screen}
Delete an object from your bucket that has the
prefix. For example, delete a file withtest2.txt
for the name (or key). You can use theibmcloud cos object-delete
command to delete an object from your bucket or use the {{}} console. -
View the processed event by using the
ibmcloud ce app logs
command.ibmcloud ce app logs --name cos-app
{: pre}
Example output
This command returns log files that include information about the event that was forwarded to your destination app. From the following output, you can see that a
operation was performed on the.txt
object in the bucket namedmybucket
.Body: {"bucket":"mybucket","endpoint":"",""key":"test2.txt","notification":{"bucket_name":"mybucket","event_type":"Object:Delete","format":"2.0","object_length":"41","object_name":"test2.txt","request_id":"c1099857-f1f3-4d74-9ac4-8d374582f77d","request_time":"2021-09-15T15:22:01.205Z"},"operation":"Object:Delete"}
{: screen}
{: #clean-subscription-cos} {: step}
Ready to delete your {{}} subscription and your app? You can use the ibmcloud ce app delete
and the ibmcloud ce sub cos delete
To remove your subscription,
ibmcloud ce sub cos delete --name cos-sub
{: pre}
To remove your application,
ibmcloud ce app delete --name cos-app
{: pre}
Ready to delete your {{}} bucket and service instance? You can use the ibmcloud cos bucket-delete
command to remove your bucket. To remove your {{}} service instance, use the ibmcloud resource service-instance-delete