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Gradle Docker plugin

This plugin for Gradle adds the capability to build, run and push Docker images. Plugin uses Docker remote API that are handled by Docker Java library

Download Build Status


From jcenter repository

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath 'org.sgornostal:gradle-docker-plugin:<version>'

From gradle plugins repository

buildscript {
  repositories {
    maven {
      url ""
  dependencies {
    classpath "<version>"

Apply plugin

apply plugin: 'org.sgornostal.docker'


apply plugin: 'docker'

Configure plugin through plugin extension properties

Configuration properties in the plugin extension docker and dockerRegistries are applied to all Docker tasks.

Base configuration


docker {
    imageName = 'my-awesome-image'
    buildArgs = ['ARG_NAME': 'ARG_VALUE']
    tags 'latest', project.version
    files jar.archivePath
    dependsOn build     

Available properties are:

  • host - the server URL to connect to via Docker’s remote API. (string, optional, default: windows - tcp://localhost:2375, unix - unix:///var/run/docker.sock)
  • tlsVerify - verify TLS (boolean, optional, default: false)
  • certPath - the path to certificates for communicating with Docker over SSL (string, optional)
  • imageName - docker image name (string, optional, default: ${})
  • dockerFile - Relative path to dockerfile (string, optional, default: Dockerfile)
  • buildArgs - an map of string to string which will set --build-arg arguments to the docker build command (map<string,string>, optional)
  • tags - an arguments list or set of tags to create (set<string>, optional)
  • files - an argument list of files to be included in the Docker build context (file..arg, optional)
  • dependsOn - an argument list of tasks to be executed before build docker image (string, ref, optional)

Run configuration


docker {
    run {
        command 'ping', ''
        volumes '/foo:/foo', '/bar:/bar'
        ports '8080:8080', '443:4433'
        env 'MYVAR1=foo', 'MYVAR2=bar'                                       

Available properties are:

  • command - an arguments list or list of container commands (string..args or list<string>, optional)
  • volumes - an arguments list or list of mounted volumes (string..args or list<string>, optional)
  • ports - an arguments list or list of publish or exposed ports (string..args or list<string>, optional)
  • env - an arguments list or list of environment variables (string..args or list<string>, optional)
  • attach - attach container output to task thread (boolean, optional, default: true)

Clean configuration


docker {
    clean {
        force = true                                   

Available properties are:

  • force - force delete of image (boolean, optional, default: true)

Registries configuration


dockerRegistries {
    myRegistry {
        url = 'localhost:18067'
        email = '[email protected]'
        username = 'user'
        password = 'pwd'
    hub {
        email = '[email protected]'
        username = 'user'
        password = 'pwd'

Available properties are:

  • url - registry url (string, optional, default:
  • email - registry email (string, optional)
  • username - registry username (username, optional)
  • password - registry password (password, optional)

dockerRegistries extension will create push task for each registry. In the example above, tasks pushDockerToMyRegistry and pushDockerToHub will be created.


  • prepareDocker - prepare docker classpath. Copying dockerFile and files if specified in configuration
  • cleanDocker - remove docker image
  • buildDocker - build docker image
  • runDocker - create and run docker container
  • stopDocker - stop docker container
  • pushDockerTo%s - push docker to registry, where %s is capitalized name of a registry from dockerRegistries configuration

More samples