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First and foremost, the most important thing to realize about the LambdaMOO system is that there really isn't anything like a program to deal with. In C++, every program has a main function. For LambdaMOO, any implicit main program is safely concealed inside the internals of the system, and programmers have no say in the matter unless they wish to start hacking away at server code. For LambdaMOO, a programmer is restricted to constructing objects and their verbs. Like any object oriented system, a programmer could argue that the execution paths through the various verbs constitues a program, but unfortunately that argument tends to break down quickly since the entire point of having functions on an object is so that other objects can interact with each other. That's the point of object oriented programming.

Unless otherwise noted, when specifying commands for performing some action, any text enclosed in square brackets is optional. E.g. FunctionName(Arg1 [,Arg2) indicates that Arg2 is optional when calling the function Arg1.

Having said that, the next issue is how one constructs objects to do meaningful things in LambdaMOO. The major issues at this point are

Data Types in LambdaMOO

The data types for LambdaMOO are

  • Integers Signed whole numbers.
  • Object Objects in the LambdaMOO database are referred to by their object number. #ObjectNumber denotes an object number (for example #0 is object number 0). The object number is essentially a pointer to an object, since there is no such notion as passing an object by value for the LambdaMOO system. toobj(...) will convert either strings like "#42" or 42 to objects, and both result in #42.
  • Strings Characters in LambdaMOO are strings of length 1. Like lists, LambdaMOO strings are immutable.
  • Error Various run time errors, such as security violations, type mismatches, unassigned variables, etc. Consult the programmer's manual for more information.
  • Lists In LambdaMOO, lists are a the fundamental data type for constructing things like arrays and sets. The elements in a list can be assigned to destructively, but in order to change the length of a list it is necessary to do something like


Elements of a list can be of any type allowed for variables in LambdaMOO, including lists themselves. See the section on Lists for more details.

  • Floating point numbers Signed real numbers. It is important to note that in LambdaMOO, 33 is not equal to 33.0. Data Typetypeof(...)==Conversion Function>Comments

IntegersINT or 0tonum(...) or toint(...)Signed whole numbers

ObjectOBJ or 1toobj(...)Reference number for an object

StringsSTR or 2tostr(...)String or character

ErrorERR or 3noneError condition. Used for various runtime errors

ListsLIST or 4noneImmutable list. Used for arrays and sets

Floating point numberFLOAT or 9tofloat(...)Signed floating point number

Creating Objects

The three major ways of creating objects in LambdaMOO are * @create ParentObject named "Object Names"

This first method is used by human beings to create objects, and is something which would be entered on the command line. For example: @create $thing named "my very own object"

will create an object derived from $thing (Generic Thing) and set the new object's name to my very own thing * create(ParentObject [,OwnerObject])

This method is intended for programmatically creating new objects by invoking the interpreter's built in create function. Both ParentObject and OwnerObject are required to by object references. If OwnerObject is not specified, then the object will own itself (see object ownership in the security section). The return type of create will be the object reference of the newly created object, or else the appropriate error code.

For example:


will create an object derived from $npc and owned by the player object which caused this verb to be executed. * $recycler:_create(Parent, [,OwnerObject)

This method is also intended for programmatically creating new objects but in this case it differs from the built in function in a subtle manner. When create() is used, the object reference will always be unique. $recycler:_create attempts to objects discarded with $recycler:_recycle(NoLongerNeededObject) by reconstructing a previously used object into its new role. In a perfect world this verb is indistinguishable from the create function, except that its friendlier to longer lived systems which create many temporary objects.

Creating properties on an object

The major ways to add properties to an object in LambdaMOO are * @property ObjectName.PropertyName [PropertyValue]

This first method is intended for use by human beings when constructing objects before they are put into use. If PropertyValue is omitted, the property is initialized to 0. * add_property(TargetObject,PropertyName,InitialValue,Info)

This method invokes the built in add_property function to add the property PropertyName to the object TargetObject. For more information, please consult the online help using @help add_property * Use tkMOOlite or MacMOOSE

Andrew Wilson's tkMOOlite or the MacMOOSE programs each have nice interactive object browser's which allow a programmer to interactively add properties and verbs to an object. Needless to say, it is generally horribly complicated to add properties to objects from within a verb, and for most purposes there isn't really any need to. I'd personally recommend staying true to the rule of thumb that say "If you think you need to add a property to an object from within a verb you're probably wrong." To change the value (or type for that matter) of a property, the easiest way is simply to assign it a new value. Programmatically, this is simply

    ObjectReferece.Property = NewValue;

and to change a value at the command line, the only difference is to add a semicolon (to tell the command line interpreter that you are typing in an expression and not a command), like so:

;ObjectReference.Property = NewValue;

Creating verbs on an object

The major ways of adding verbs to an object in LambdaMOO are Fun with lists and strings

Accessing and modifying elements of lists and strings

To access a particular element of a list or string, the square braces are used. Elements are numbered sequentially from 1 to n, where n is the length of the string or list.

Assigning to an element of a list or string modifies the corresponding element of the list or string.

For example:

    Test="George";	// Our example string
    Test[3]="4";	// Test is now "Ge4rge"
    Test[5..6]="56";    // Test is now "Ge456e"
    Test={"A","B","C"}; // Our example list
    Test[2]="BC";	// Test is now {"A","BC","C"};
    Test[2]="BC","DE";  // Error.  Invalid statement.
    Test[2]={"BC","DE"}; // Test is now {"A",{"BC","DE"},"C"};

As shown in the example, the elements selected from a list or string can be more than one element long. However, those elements have to be continuous. For example

    "George"[3..3]	// "o"
    "George"[3..5]	// "org"
    "George"[3..5,7..9] // syntax error

Strings can be costructed using the + operator to append two strings together. Unfortunately, this modifies neither of the two original strings.

    LastName=" The Great";

Changes neither OriginalName or LastName. There is absolutely nothing wrong with assigning like

    LastName=" The Great";
    OriginalName=OriginalName+LastName; // OriginalName = "George The Great"
    OriginalName="George"+LastName;     // Same result
    OriginalName="George"+" The Great"; // Same result

In fact, this way of appending to strings in absolutely necessary. In LambdaMOO (as in Java), a string is only as long as it absolutely has to be, and to append to a string (such as changing a string stored in a property) requires such a construct.

Lists are constructed in a similar manner. The ampersand operator, when applied to the front of a list name, expands out to the contents of that list. For example:

    List={@List};			// Identity operation
    List={@List,6};			// List = {1,2,3,4,5,6};

The source code for this file was taken from and is included here for posterity. It is not HTML5.