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Serverfire edited this page Dec 26, 2018 · 41 revisions

Automatic Installation

Note: if you face any problem in any of the steps you should report it at github

  1. First you need to create a laravel 5.5 project.

  2. Add LaravelPanel with runing this code in CMD

        composer require serverfireteam/panel

    Or Add the package to require section of composer And run the composer update command, the package and its dependencies will be installed.

        "require": {
            "serverfireteam/panel": "1.7.*"

Note :

For Laravel 5.4 use 1.6.* For laravel 5.3 use 1.5.* For laravel 5.2 use 1.4.* For laravel 5.1 use 1.3.*

  1. Add the ServiceProvider of the package to the list of providers in the config/app.php file

    'providers' => array(
  2. Run the following command in order to publish configs, views and assets.

    php artisan panel:install
  3. Go to your and you can login with the following username and password :

    user : [email protected]

    password : 12345

>Next (Make crud with crud commands)