- MassTransit–Use record types for your message contracts
- MassTransit 6–Serilog integration
- MassTransit–How to test consumers with dependencies
- MassTransit Send vs. Publish
- Message Topology
- RabbitMQ
- Building an Event Driven .NET Application: Setting Up MassTransit and RabbitMQ
- Using MassTransit with RabbitMQ in ASP.NET Core
- Publishing messages
- Key concepts
- Under the hood
- Ability to exclude interfaces/classes from topic/exchange creation
- Kafka - Riders
- MassTransit and MediatR – Part 1
- MassTransit and MediatR – Part 2
- MassTransit and MediatR – Part 3
- ASP.NET Correlation ID
- MassTransit–Youtube videos
- Modern .NET Messaging using MassTransit
- .NET Microservices Basics Course
- MassTransit Commute - Configure Endpoints
- RabbitMQ MassTransit - ASP NET Core
- MassTransit and RabbitMQ - Playlist - Garry Taylor
- MassTransit Commute - Wire Tapping with RabbitMQ
- MassTransit - The New Transactional Outbox
- MassTransit Fault Handling
- MassTransit Exception Handling, Retry Middleware
- MassTransit Unit Testing
- MassTransit Season 2 - Unit Testing with PostgreSQL and Entity Framework
- MassTransit Testing with Web Application Factory
- GokGokalp/MetroBus - Lightweight messaging wrapper of MassTransit
- NCodeGroup/MassTransit.Extensions.Hosting - MassTransit configuration extensions using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.IHostedService and Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.
- phatboyg/GreenPipes - An asynchronous pipe implementation for the Task Parallel Library
- marco-bue/masstransit-microservices - A sample on how to utilize MassTransit to do asynchronous communication between microservices
- jbw/TooBigToFailBurgerShop - .NET Microservice Reference Application. It's also an over-engineered burger shop!
- kalintsenkov/BettingSystem - ASP.NET Core | Domain-Driven Design | Clean Architecture
- hd9/aspnet-microservices - Sample microservice architecture using .NET Core, Docker, Azure and Kubernetes.
- mansoorafzal/AspnetMicroservices - Development and Communication of Microservices with .NET Core 5 using ASP.NET Web API, Docker Compose, RabbitMQ, MassTransit, Portainer, gRPC, Protocol Buffers, SQL Server, Redis, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Dapper, Entity Framework Core, AutoMapper, MediatR, FluentValidation, Ocelot, Elasticsearch, Kibana, Polly, OpenTelemetry, Jaeger.
- VasilisGaitanidis/master-containerized-microservices - This repo contains a sample application based on a fictional eCommerce. The primary goal of this sample is to demonstrate several software-architecture concepts like: Clean Architecture, Microservices, CQRS, Event Sourcing, Publish-Subscribe Architecture, Domain Driven Design (DDD). Currently this is a work in progress.
- twzhangyang/RestAirline - DDD+CQRS+EventSourcing+Hypermedia API+ASP.NET Core 3.1+Masstransit+terraform+docker+k8s
- matjazbravc/Microservice.Architecture.Demo - This demo shows a working sample of microservices architecture using ASP.NET Core. It covers how to create microservices, how to create API gateways using Ocelot, how to use MassTransit as distributed application framework, RabbitMQ as message broker, how to unit test microservices using xUnit, how to monitor microservices using health checks
- maldworth/tutorial-masstransit-send-vs-publish - http://www.maldworth.com/2015/10/27/masstransit-send-vs-publish/
- MassTransit Samples
- bartstc/booking-app - A comprehensive Domain Driven Design example with microservices and various tactical patterns.
- pdevito3/WeSendReportsCompany - an example repo for sending direct messages using masstransit and rabbitmq
- danmalcolm/masstransit-kafka-demo - Demonstrates use of MassTransit Kafka rider to produce and consume messages, including support for multiple message types on a single topic
- MassTransit/Sample-GettingStarted
- MassTransit/Sample-Outbox
- markgossa/Reference-Event-Driven-Architecture