- Sairyss/distributed-systems-topics - Topics and resources related to distributed systems, system design, microservices, scalability and performance, etc
- Life Beyond Distributed Transactions: An Apostate's Implementation - A Primer
- It’s Time to Move on from Two Phase Commit
- Saga Pattern for Microservices Distributed Transactions
- Microservices Distributed Transactions
- How to deal with back-pressure on message queues with .NET Core
- Using Channels In C# .NET – Part 3 – Understanding Back Pressure
- Four Strategies to Handle Backpressure - Jay Phelps at ReactiveConf 2019
- Coordination in the distributed systems
- Choreography
- Orchestration
- Saga and Process Manager - distributed processes in practice
- Life Beyond Distributed Transactions: An Apostate's Implementation - Jimmy Bogard
- Fixing Distributed Systems Fail with Jimmy Bogard
- Saga pattern within Masstransit
- Distributed Sagas: A Protocol for Coordinating Microservices - Caitie McCaffrey
- Solving distributed data problems in a microservice architecture | Microservices.io
- Backpressure in Reactive System
- Avoiding Distributed Transactions with the Reservation Pattern