- Helm Docs
- Guide to Helm 3 With an Express.js Microservice
- GitOps using Helm3 and Flux for a Node.js and Express.js Microservice
- How to use Helm for ASP.NET Core with Kubernetes
- Prometheus Helm Chart not connecting to Cluster
- The Automation Challenge: Kubernetes Operators vs Helm Charts • Ana-Maria Mihalceanu • GOTO 2021
- What is Helm in Kubernetes? Helm and Helm Charts explained
- Helm and Kubernetes Tutorial - Introduction
- [ Kube 63 ] Creating your first Helm chart
- [ Kube 64 ] How to set up a local Helm chart repository
- Building Helm Charts From the Ground Up: An Introduction to Kubernetes [I] - Amy Chen, Heptio
- Helm Mini Course Part 1
- kimcu-on-thenet/dnc-k8s-helm - An extremely simple .NET Core web api within EntityFrameworkCore which will be deployed in k8s by both kubectl and helm