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1007 lines (861 loc) · 41.8 KB

Version 2.0-dev

The library has been tested using Agda 2.6.2.


  • A golden testing library in Test.Golden. This allows you to run a set of tests and make sure their output matches an expected golden value. The test runner has many options: filtering tests by name, dumping the list of failures to a file, timing the runs, coloured output, etc. Cf. the comments in Test.Golden and the standard library's own tests in tests/ for documentation on how to use the library.


  • In System.Exit, the ExitFailure constructor is now carrying an integer rather than a natural. The previous binding was incorrectly assuming that all exit codes where non-negative.

  • In /-monoˡ-≤ in Data.Nat.DivMod the parameter o was implicit but not inferrable. It has been changed to be explicit.

  • In Function.Definitions the definitions of Surjection, Inverseˡ, Inverseʳ were not being re-exported correctly and therefore had an unsolved meta-variable whenever this module was explicitly parameterised. This has been fixed.

Non-backwards compatible changes

Removed deprecated names

  • All modules and names that were deprecated prior to v1.0 have been removed.

Improvements to pretty printing and regexes

  • In Text.Pretty, Doc is now a record rather than a type alias. This helps Agda reconstruct the width parameter when the module is opened without it being applied. In particular this allows users to write width-generic pretty printers and only pick a width when calling the renderer by using this import style:

    open import Text.Pretty using (Doc; render)
    --                      ^-- no width parameter for Doc & render
    open module Pretty {w} = Text.Pretty w hiding (Doc; render)
    --                 ^-- implicit width parameter for the combinators
    pretty : Doc w
    pretty = ? -- you can use the combinators here and there won't be any
               -- issues related to the fact that `w` cannot be reconstructed
               -- anymore
    main = do
      -- you can now use the same pretty with different widths:
      putStrLn $ render 40 pretty
      putStrLn $ render 80 pretty
  • In Text.Regex.Search the searchND function finding infix matches has been tweaked to make sure the returned solution is a local maximum in terms of length. It used to be that we would make the match start as late as possible and finish as early as possible. It's now the reverse.

    So [a-zA-Z]+.agdai? run on "the path _build/Main.agdai corresponds to" will return "Main.agdai" when it used to be happy to just return "n.agda".

Refactoring of algebraic lattice hierarchy

  • In order to improve modularity and consistency with Relation.Binary.Lattice, the structures & bundles for Semilattice, Lattice, DistributiveLattice & BooleanAlgebra have been moved out of the Algebra modules and into their own hierarchy in Algebra.Lattice.

  • All submodules, (e.g. Algebra.Properties.Semilattice or Algebra.Morphism.Lattice) have been moved to the corresponding place under Algebra.Lattice (e.g. Algebra.Lattice.Properties.Semilattice or Algebra.Lattice.Morphism.Lattice). See the Deprecated modules section below for full details.

  • Changed definition of IsDistributiveLattice and IsBooleanAlgebra so that they are no longer right-biased which hinders compositionality. More concretely, IsDistributiveLattice now has fields:

    ∨-distrib-∧ : ∨ DistributesOver ∧
    ∧-distrib-∨ : ∧ DistributesOver ∨

    instead of

    ∨-distribʳ-∧ : ∨ DistributesOverʳ ∧

    and IsBooleanAlgebra now has fields:

    ∨-complement : Inverse ⊤ ¬ ∨
    ∧-complement : Inverse ⊥ ¬ ∧

    instead of:

    ∨-complementʳ : RightInverse ⊤ ¬ ∨
    ∧-complementʳ : RightInverse ⊥ ¬ ∧
  • To allow construction of these structures via their old form, smart constructors have been added to a new module Algebra.Lattice.Structures.Biased, which are by re-exported automatically by Algebra.Lattice. For example, if before you wrote:

    ∧-∨-isDistributiveLattice = record
      { isLattice    = ∧-∨-isLattice
      ; ∨-distribʳ-∧ = ∨-distribʳ-∧

    you can use the smart constructor isDistributiveLatticeʳʲᵐ to write:

    ∧-∨-isDistributiveLattice = isDistributiveLatticeʳʲᵐ (record
      { isLattice    = ∧-∨-isLattice
      ; ∨-distribʳ-∧ = ∨-distribʳ-∧

    without having to prove full distributivity.

  • Added new IsBoundedSemilattice/BoundedSemilattice records.

  • Added new aliases Is(Meet/Join)(Bounded)Semilattice for Is(Bounded)Semilattice which can be used to indicate meet/join-ness of the original structures.

Proofs of non-zeroness/positivity/negativity as instance arguments

  • Many numeric operations in the library require their arguments to be non-zero, and various proofs require their arguments to be non-zero/positive/negative etc. As discussed on the mailing list, the previous way of constructing and passing round these proofs was extremely clunky and lead to messy and difficult to read code. We have therefore changed every occurrence where we need a proof of non-zeroness/positivity/etc. to take it as an irrelevant instance argument. See the mailing list for a fuller explanation of the motivation and implementation.

  • For example, whereas the type signature of division used to be:

    _/_ : (dividend divisor : ℕ) {≢0 : False (divisor ≟ 0)} → ℕ

    it is now:

    _/_ : (dividend divisor : ℕ) .{{_ : NonZero divisor}} → ℕ

    which means that as long as an instance of NonZero n is in scope then you can write m / n without having to explicitly provide a proof, as instance search will fill it in for you. The full list of such operations changed is as follows:

    • In Data.Nat.DivMod: _/_, _%_, _div_, _mod_
    • In Data.Nat.Pseudorandom.LCG: Generator
    • In Data.Integer.DivMod: _divℕ_, _div_, _modℕ_, _mod_
    • In Data.Rational: mkℚ+, normalize, _/_, 1/_
    • In Data.Rational.Unnormalised: _/_, 1/_, _÷_
  • At the moment, there are 4 different ways such instance arguments can be provided, listed in order of convenience and clarity:

    1. Automatic basic instances - the standard library provides instances based on the constructors of each numeric type in Data.X.Base. For example, Data.Nat.Base constains an instance of NonZero (suc n) for any n and Data.Integer.Base contains an instance of NonNegative (+ n) for any n. Consequently, if the argument is of the required form, these instances will always be filled in by instance search automatically, e.g.
      0/n≡0 : 0 / suc n ≡ 0
    2. Take the instance as an argument - You can provide the instance argument as a parameter to your function and Agda's instance search will automatically use it in the correct place without you having to explicitly pass it, e.g.
      0/n≡0 : .{{_ : NonZero n}} → 0 / n ≡ 0
    3. Define the instance locally - You can define an instance argument in scope (e.g. in a where clause) and Agda's instance search will again find it automatically, e.g.
        n≢0 : NonZero n
        n≢0 = ...
      0/n≡0 : 0 / n ≡ 0
    4. Pass the instance argument explicitly - Finally, if all else fails you can pass the instance argument explicitly into the function using {{ }}, e.g.
      0/n≡0 : ∀ n (n≢0 : NonZero n) → ((0 / n) {{n≢0}}) ≡ 0
      Suitable constructors for NonZero/Positive etc. can be found in Data.X.Base.
  • A full list of proofs that have changed to use instance arguments is available at the end of this file. Notable changes to proofs are now discussed below.

  • Previously one of the hacks used in proofs was to explicitly refer to everything in the correct form, e.g. if the argument n had to be non-zero then you would refer to the argument as suc n everywhere instead of n, e.g.

    n/n≡1 : ∀ n → suc n / suc n ≡ 1

    This made the proofs extremely difficult to use if your term wasn't in the right form. After being updated to use instance arguments instead, the proof above becomes:

    n/n≡1 : ∀ n {{_ : NonZero n}} → n / n ≡ 1

    However, note that this means that if you passed in the value x to these proofs before, then you will now have to pass in suc x. The proofs for which the arguments have changed form in this way are highlighted in the list at the bottom of the file.

  • Finally, the definition of _≢0 has been removed from Data.Rational.Unnormalised.Base and the following proofs about it have been removed from Data.Rational.Unnormalised.Properties:

    p≄0⇒∣↥p∣≢0 : ∀ p → p ≠ 0ℚᵘ → ℤ.∣ (↥ p) ∣ ≢0
    ∣↥p∣≢0⇒p≄0 : ∀ p → ℤ.∣ (↥ p) ∣ ≢0 → p ≠ 0ℚᵘ

Implementation of division and modulus for

  • The previous implementations of _divℕ_, _div_, _modℕ_, _mod_ in Data.Integer.DivMod internally converted to the unary Fin datatype resulting in poor performance. The implementation has been updated to use the corresponding operations from Data.Nat.DivMod which are efficiently implemented using the Haskell backend.

Strict functions

  • The module Strict has been deprecated in favour of Function.Strict and the definitions of strict application, _$!_ and _$!′_, have been moved from Function.Base to Function.Strict.

  • The contents of Function.Strict is now re-exported by Function.


  • The constructors +0 and +[1+_] from Data.Integer.Base are no longer exported by Data.Rational.Base. You will have to open Data.Integer(.Base) directly to use them.

  • The first two arguments of m≡n⇒m-n≡0 (now i≡j⇒i-j≡0) in Data.Integer.Base have been made implicit.

  • The relations _≤_ _≥_ _<_ _>_ in Data.Fin.Base have been generalised so they can now relate Fin terms with different indices. Should be mostly backwards compatible, but very occasionally when proving properties about the orderings themselves the second index must be provided explicitly.

  • The operation SymClosure on relations in Relation.Binary.Construct.Closure.Symmetric has been reimplemented as a data type SymClosure _⟶_ a b that is parameterized by the input relation _⟶_ (as well as the elements a and b of the domain) so that _⟶_ can be inferred, which it could not from the previous implementation using the sum type a ⟶ b ⊎ b ⟶ a.

  • In Algebra.Morphism.Structures, IsNearSemiringHomomorphism, IsSemiringHomomorphism, and IsRingHomomorphism have been redeisgned to build up from IsMonoidHomomorphism, IsNearSemiringHomomorphism, and IsSemiringHomomorphism respectively, adding a single property at each step. This means that they no longer need to have two separate proofs of IsRelHomomorphism. Similarly, IsLatticeHomomorphism is now built as IsRelHomomorphism along with proofs that _∧_ and _∨_ are homorphic.

    Also, ⁻¹-homo in IsRingHomomorphism has been renamed to -‿homo.

  • Moved definition of _>>=_ under Data.Vec.Base to its submodule CartesianBind in order to keep another new definition of _>>=_, located in DiagonalBind which is also a submodule of Data.Vec.Base.

  • The constructors +0 and +[1+_] from Data.Integer.Base are no longer exported by Data.Rational.Base. You will have to open Data.Integer(.Base) directly to use them.

Deprecated modules

Deprecation of old function hierarchy

  • The module Function.Related has been deprecated in favour of Function.Related.Propositional whose code uses the new function hierarchy. This also opens up the possibility of a more general Function.Related.Setoid at a later date. Several of the names have been changed in this process to bring them into line with the camelcase naming convention used in the rest of the library:
    reverse-implication ↦ reverseImplication
    reverse-injection   ↦ reverseInjection
    left-inverse        ↦ leftInverse
    Symmetric-kind      ↦ SymmetricKind
    Forward-kind        ↦ ForwardKind
    Backward-kind       ↦ BackwardKind
    Equivalence-kind    ↦ EquivalenceKind

Moving Algebra.Lattice files

  • As discussed above the following files have been moved:
    Algebra.Properties.Semilattice               ↦ Algebra.Lattice.Properties.Semilattice
    Algebra.Properties.Lattice                   ↦ Algebra.Lattice.Properties.Lattice
    Algebra.Properties.DistributiveLattice       ↦ Algebra.Lattice.Properties.DistributiveLattice
    Algebra.Properties.BooleanAlgebra            ↦ Algebra.Lattice.Properties.BooleanAlgebra
    Algebra.Properties.BooleanAlgebra.Expression ↦ Algebra.Lattice.Properties.BooleanAlgebra.Expression
    Algebra.Morphism.LatticeMonomorphism         ↦ Algebra.Lattice.Morphism.LatticeMonomorphism

Deprecated names

  • In Data.Integer.Properties references to variables in names have been made consistent so that m, n always refer to naturals and i and j always refer to integers:

    n≮n            ↦  i≮i
    ∣n∣≡0⇒n≡0      ↦  ∣i∣≡0⇒i≡0
    ∣-n∣≡∣n∣       ↦  ∣-i∣≡∣i∣
    0≤n⇒+∣n∣≡n     ↦  0≤i⇒+∣i∣≡i
    +∣n∣≡n⇒0≤n     ↦  +∣i∣≡i⇒0≤i
    +∣n∣≡n⊎+∣n∣≡-n ↦  +∣i∣≡i⊎+∣i∣≡-i
    ∣m+n∣≤∣m∣+∣n∣  ↦  ∣i+j∣≤∣i∣+∣j∣
    ∣m-n∣≤∣m∣+∣n∣  ↦  ∣i-j∣≤∣i∣+∣j∣
    signₙ◃∣n∣≡n    ↦  signᵢ◃∣i∣≡i
    ◃-≡            ↦  ◃-cong
    ∣m-n∣≡∣n-m∣    ↦  ∣i-j∣≡∣j-i∣
    m≡n⇒m-n≡0      ↦  i≡j⇒i-j≡0
    m-n≡0⇒m≡n      ↦  i-j≡0⇒i≡j
    m≤n⇒m-n≤0      ↦  i≤j⇒i-j≤0
    m-n≤0⇒m≤n      ↦  i-j≤0⇒i≤j
    m≤n⇒0≤n-m      ↦  i≤j⇒0≤j-i
    0≤n-m⇒m≤n      ↦  0≤i-j⇒j≤i
    n≤1+n          ↦  i≤suc[i]
    n≢1+n          ↦  i≢suc[i]
    m≤pred[n]⇒m<n  ↦  i≤pred[j]⇒i<j
    m<n⇒m≤pred[n]  ↦  i<j⇒i≤pred[j]
    -1*n≡-n        ↦  -1*i≡-i
    m*n≡0⇒m≡0∨n≡0  ↦  i*j≡0⇒i≡0∨j≡0
    ∣m*n∣≡∣m∣*∣n∣  ↦  ∣i*j∣≡∣i∣*∣j∣
    m≤m+n          ↦  i≤i+j
    n≤m+n          ↦  i≤j+i
    m-n≤m          ↦  i≤i-j
    +-pos-monoʳ-≤    ↦  +-monoʳ-≤
    +-neg-monoʳ-≤    ↦  +-monoʳ-≤
    *-monoʳ-≤-pos    ↦  *-monoʳ-≤-nonNeg
    *-monoˡ-≤-pos    ↦  *-monoˡ-≤-nonNeg
    *-monoʳ-≤-neg    ↦  *-monoʳ-≤-nonPos
    *-monoˡ-≤-neg    ↦  *-monoˡ-≤-nonPos
    *-cancelˡ-<-neg  ↦  *-cancelˡ-<-nonPos
    *-cancelʳ-<-neg  ↦  *-cancelʳ-<-nonPos
  • In Data.Nat.Properties:

    suc[pred[n]]≡n  ↦  suc-pred
  • In Data.Rational.Unnormalised.Properties:

    ↥[p/q]≡p         ↦  ↥[n/d]≡n
    ↧[p/q]≡q         ↦  ↧[n/d]≡d
    *-monoˡ-≤-pos    ↦  *-monoˡ-≤-nonNeg
    *-monoʳ-≤-pos    ↦  *-monoʳ-≤-nonNeg
    *-monoˡ-≤-neg    ↦  *-monoˡ-≤-nonPos
    *-monoʳ-≤-neg    ↦  *-monoʳ-≤-nonPos
    *-cancelˡ-<-pos  ↦  *-cancelˡ-<-nonNeg
    *-cancelʳ-<-pos  ↦  *-cancelʳ-<-nonNeg
  • In Data.Rational.Properties:

    *-monoʳ-≤-neg    ↦  *-monoʳ-≤-nonPos
    *-monoˡ-≤-neg    ↦  *-monoˡ-≤-nonPos
    *-monoʳ-≤-pos    ↦  *-monoʳ-≤-nonNeg
    *-monoˡ-≤-pos    ↦  *-monoˡ-≤-nonNeg
    *-cancelˡ-<-pos  ↦  *-cancelˡ-<-nonNeg
    *-cancelʳ-<-pos  ↦  *-cancelʳ-<-nonNeg
    *-cancelˡ-<-neg  ↦  *-cancelˡ-<-nonPos
    *-cancelʳ-<-neg  ↦  *-cancelʳ-<-nonPos
  • In Data.List.Properties:

    zipWith-identityˡ  ↦  zipWith-zeroˡ
    zipWith-identityʳ  ↦  zipWith-zeroʳ
  • In Function.Construct.Composition:

    _∘-⟶_   ↦   _⟶-∘_
    _∘-↣_   ↦   _↣-∘_
    _∘-↠_   ↦   _↠-∘_
    _∘-⤖_  ↦   _⤖-∘_
    _∘-⇔_   ↦   _⇔-∘_
    _∘-↩_   ↦   _↩-∘_
    _∘-↪_   ↦   _↪-∘_
    _∘-↔_   ↦   _↔-∘_
    • In Function.Construct.Identity:
    id-⟶   ↦   ⟶-id
    id-↣   ↦   ↣-id
    id-↠   ↦   ↠-id
    id-⤖  ↦   ⤖-id
    id-⇔   ↦   ⇔-id
    id-↩   ↦   ↩-id
    id-↪   ↦   ↪-id
    id-↔   ↦   ↔-id
  • In Function.Construct.Symmetry:

    sym-⤖   ↦   ⤖-sym
    sym-⇔   ↦   ⇔-sym
    sym-↩   ↦   ↩-sym
    sym-↪   ↦   ↪-sym
    sym-↔   ↦   ↔-sym
  • In Data.Fin.Base: two new, hopefully more memorable, names ↑ˡ ↑ʳ for the 'left', resp. 'right' injection of a Fin m into a 'larger' type, Fin (m + n), resp. Fin (n + m), with argument order to reflect the position of the Fin m argument.

    inject+   ↦   flip _↑ˡ_
    raise     ↦   _↑ʳ_
  • In Data.Fin.Properties:

    toℕ-raise       ↦ toℕ-↑ʳ
    toℕ-inject+ n i ↦ sym (toℕ-↑ˡ i n)
    splitAt-inject+ m n i ↦ splitAt-↑ˡ m i n
    splitAt-raise ↦ splitAt-↑ʳ
    Fin0↔⊥        ↦ 0↔⊥
  • In Data.Vec.Properties:

    []≔-++-inject+       ↦ []≔-++-↑ˡ

    Additionally, []≔-++-↑ʳ, by analogy.

  • In Foreign.Haskell.Either and Foreign.Haskell.Pair:

    toForeign   ↦ Foreign.Haskell.Coerce.coerce
    fromForeign ↦ Foreign.Haskell.Coerce.coerce

New modules

  • Morphisms between module-like algebraic structures:

  • Identity morphisms and composition of morphisms between algebraic structures:

  • A small library for function arguments with default values:

  • A small library for a non-empty fresh list:

  • Show module for unnormalised rationals:

  • Properties of bijections:

  • In order to improve modularity, the contents of Relation.Binary.Lattice has been split out into the standard:


    All contents is re-exported by Relation.Binary.Lattice as before.

  • Both versions of equality on predications are equivalences

  • Polymorphic verstions of some unary relations

  • Various system types and primitives:

  • A golden testing library with test pools, an options parser, a runner:

  • New interfaces for using Haskell datatypes:


Other minor changes

  • The module Algebra now publicly re-exports the contents of Algebra.Structures.Biased.

  • Added new definitions to Algebra.Bundles:

    record UnitalMagma c ℓ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ))
    record Quasigroup  c ℓ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ))
    record Loop c ℓ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ))

    and the existing record Lattice now provides

    ∨-commutativeSemigroup : CommutativeSemigroup c ℓ
    ∧-commutativeSemigroup : CommutativeSemigroup c ℓ

    and their corresponding algebraic subbundles.

  • Added new proofs to Algebra.Consequences.Setoid:

    comm+idˡ⇒id              : Commutative _•_  LeftIdentity  e _•_  Identity e _•_
    comm+idʳ⇒id              : Commutative _•_  RightIdentity e _•_  Identity e _•_
    comm+zeˡ⇒ze              : Commutative _•_  LeftZero      e _•_  Zero     e _•_
    comm+zeʳ⇒ze              : Commutative _•_  RightZero     e _•_  Zero     e _•_
    comm+invˡ⇒inv            : Commutative _•_  LeftInverse  e _⁻¹ _•_  Inverse e _⁻¹ _•_
    comm+invʳ⇒inv            : Commutative _•_  RightInverse e _⁻¹ _•_  Inverse e _⁻¹ _•_
    comm+distrˡ⇒distr        : Commutative _•_  _•_ DistributesOverˡ _◦_  _•_ DistributesOver _◦_
    comm+distrʳ⇒distr        : Commutative _•_  _•_ DistributesOverʳ _◦_  _•_ DistributesOver _◦_
    distrib+absorbs⇒distribˡ : Associative _•_  Commutative _◦_  _•_ Absorbs _◦_  _◦_ Absorbs _•_  _◦_ DistributesOver _•_  _•_ DistributesOverˡ _◦_
  • Added new functions to Algebra.Construct.DirectProduct:

    rawSemiring : RawSemiring a ℓ₁  RawSemiring b ℓ₂  RawSemiring (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)
    rawRing : RawRing a ℓ₁  RawRing b ℓ₂  RawRing (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)
    semiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero : SemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero a ℓ₁ 
                                      SemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero b ℓ₂ 
                                      SemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)
    semiring : Semiring a ℓ₁  Semiring b ℓ₂  Semiring (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)
    commutativeSemiring : CommutativeSemiring a ℓ₁  CommutativeSemiring b ℓ₂ 
                          CommutativeSemiring (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)
    ring : Ring a ℓ₁  Ring b ℓ₂  Ring (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)
    commutativeRing : CommutativeRing a ℓ₁  CommutativeRing b ℓ₂ 
                      CommutativeRing (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)

* Added new definitions to `Algebra.Structures`:
 record IsUnitalMagma (_∙_ : Op₂ A) (ε : A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ)
 record IsQuasigroup  (_∙_ : Op₂ A) (ε : A) (_⁻¹ : Op₁ A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ)
 record IsLoop (_∙_ : Op₂ A) (ε : A) (⁻¹ : Op₁ A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ)

and the existing record IsLattice now provides

∨-isCommutativeSemigroup : IsCommutativeSemigroup ∨
∧-isCommutativeSemigroup : IsCommutativeSemigroup ∧

and their corresponding algebraic substructures.

  • Added new functions in Data.Fin.Base:

    finToFun  : Fin (n ^ m) → (Fin m → Fin n)
    funToFin  : (Fin m → Fin n) → Fin (n ^ m)
    quotient  : Fin (n * k) → Fin n
    remainder : Fin (n * k) → Fin k
  • Added new proofs and Inverse bundles in Data.Fin.Properties:

    1↔⊤                : Fin 1 ↔ ⊤
    ↑ˡ-injective       : i ↑ˡ n ≡ j ↑ˡ n → i ≡ j
    ↑ʳ-injective       : n ↑ʳ i ≡ n ↑ʳ j → i ≡ j
    finTofun-funToFin  : funToFin ∘ finToFun ≗ id
    funTofin-funToFun  : finToFun (funToFin f) ≗ f
    ^↔→                : Extensionality _ _ → Fin (n ^ m) ↔ (Fin m → Fin n)
  • Added new proofs in Data.Integer.Properties:

    sign-cong′ : s₁ ◃ n₁ ≡ s₂ ◃ n₂  s₁ ≡ s₂ ⊎ (n₁ ≡ 0 × n₂ ≡ 0)
  • Added new proofs in Data.Nat.Properties:

    n+1+m≢m   : n + suc m ≢ m
    m*n≡0⇒m≡0 : .{{_ : NonZero n}}  m * n ≡ 0  m ≡ 0
  • Added new proofs in Data.Nat.DivMod:

    m%n≤n : .{{_ : NonZero n}}  m % n ≤ n
  • Added new rounding functions in Data.Rational.Base:

    floor ceiling truncate round ⌊_⌋ ⌈_⌉ [_] :fracPart :
  • Added new definitions and proofs in Data.Rational.Properties:

    +-*-rawNearSemiring : RawNearSemiring 0ℓ 0ℓ
    +-*-rawSemiring : RawSemiring 0ℓ 0ℓ
    toℚᵘ-isNearSemiringHomomorphism-+-* : IsNearSemiringHomomorphism +-*-rawNearSemiring ℚᵘ.+-*-rawNearSemiring toℚᵘ
    toℚᵘ-isNearSemiringMonomorphism-+-* : IsNearSemiringMonomorphism +-*-rawNearSemiring ℚᵘ.+-*-rawNearSemiring toℚᵘ
    toℚᵘ-isSemiringHomomorphism-+-* : IsSemiringHomomorphism +-*-rawSemiring ℚᵘ.+-*-rawSemiring toℚᵘ
    toℚᵘ-isSemiringMonomorphism-+-* : IsSemiringMonomorphism +-*-rawSemiring ℚᵘ.+-*-rawSemiring toℚᵘ
  • Added new rounding functions in Data.Rational.Unnormalised.Base:

    floor ceiling truncate round ⌊_⌋ ⌈_⌉ [_] : ℚᵘ fracPart : ℚᵘ  ℚᵘ
  • Added new definitions in Data.Rational.Unnormalised.Properties:

    +-*-rawNearSemiring : RawNearSemiring 0ℓ 0ℓ
    +-*-rawSemiring : RawSemiring 0ℓ 0ℓ
  • Added new proof to Data.Product.Properties:

    map-cong : f ≗ g  h ≗ i  map f h ≗ map g i
  • Added new definitions to Data.Product.Properties and Function.Related.TypeIsomorphisms for convenience:

    Σ-≡,≡→≡ : (∃ λ (p : proj₁ p₁ ≡ proj₁ p₂) → subst B p (proj₂ p₁) ≡ proj₂ p₂) → p₁ ≡ p₂
    Σ-≡,≡←≡ : p₁ ≡ p₂ → (∃ λ (p : proj₁ p₁ ≡ proj₁ p₂) → subst B p (proj₂ p₁) ≡ proj₂ p₂)
    ×-≡,≡→≡ : (proj₁ p₁ ≡ proj₁ p₂ × proj₂ p₁ ≡ proj₂ p₂) → p₁ ≡ p₂
    ×-≡,≡←≡ : p₁ ≡ p₂ → (proj₁ p₁ ≡ proj₁ p₂ × proj₂ p₁ ≡ proj₂ p₂)
  • Added new proofs in Data.String.Properties:

    ≤-isDecTotalOrder-≈ : IsDecTotalOrder _≈_ _≤_
    ≤-decTotalOrder-≈   :  DecTotalOrder _ _ _
  • Added new proofs in Data.Sum.Properties:

    map-assocˡ : (f : A → C) (g : B → D) (h : C → F) →
      map (map f g) h ∘ assocˡ ≗ assocˡ ∘ map f (map g h)
    map-assocʳ : (f : A → C) (g : B → D) (h : C → F) →
      map f (map g h) ∘ assocʳ ≗ assocʳ ∘ map (map f g) h
  • Added new definitions in Data.Vec.Base:

    diagonal :  {n}  Vec (Vec A n) n  Vec A n
    DiagonalBind._>>=_ :  {n}  Vec A n  (A  Vec B n)  Vec B n
  • Added new instance in Data.Vec.Categorical:

    monad : RawMonad (λ (A : Set a)  Vec A n)
  • Added new proofs in Data.Vec.Properties:

    map-const :  {n} (xs : Vec A n) (x : B)  map {n = n} (const x) xs ≡ replicate x
    map-⊛ :  {n} (f : A  B  C) (g : A  B) (xs : Vec A n)  (map f xs ⊛ map g xs) ≡ map (f ˢ g) xs
    ⊛-is->>= :  {n} (fs : Vec (A  B) n) (xs : Vec A n)  (fs ⊛ xs) ≡ (fs DiagonalBind.>>= flip map xs)
    transpose-replicate :  {m n} (xs : Vec A m)  transpose (replicate {n = n} xs) ≡ map replicate xs
    []≔-++-↑ʳ :  {m n y} (xs : Vec A m) (ys : Vec A n) i  (xs ++ ys) [ m ↑ʳ i ]≔ y ≡ xs ++ (ys [ i ]≔ y)
  • Added new proofs in Function.Construct.Symmetry:

    bijective     : Bijective ≈₁ ≈₂ f → Symmetric ≈₂ → Transitive ≈₂ → Congruent ≈₁ ≈₂ f → Bijective ≈₂ ≈₁ f⁻¹
    isBijection   : IsBijection ≈₁ ≈₂ f → Congruent ≈₂ ≈₁ f⁻¹ → IsBijection ≈₂ ≈₁ f⁻¹
    isBijection-≡ : IsBijection ≈₁ _≡_ f → IsBijection _≡_ ≈₁ f⁻¹
    bijection     : Bijection R S → Congruent IB.Eq₂._≈_ IB.Eq₁._≈_ f⁻¹ → Bijection S R
    bijection-≡   : Bijection R (setoid B) → Bijection (setoid B) R
    sym-⤖        : A ⤖ B → B ⤖ A
  • Added new operations in Function.Strict:

    _!|>_  : (a : A) → (∀ a → B a) → B a
    _!|>′_ : A → (A → B) → B
  • Added new definition to the Surjection module in Function.Related.Surjection:

    f⁻ = proj₁ ∘ surjective
  • Added new operations in IO:

    Colist.forM  : Colist A → (A → IO B) → IO (Colist B)
    Colist.forM′ : Colist A → (A → IO B) → IO ⊤
    List.forM  : List A → (A → IO B) → IO (List B)
    List.forM′ : List A → (A → IO B) → IO ⊤
  • Added new operations in IO.Base:

    lift! : IO A → IO (Lift b A)
    _<$_  : B → IO A → IO B
    _=<<_ : (A → IO B) → IO A → IO B
    _<<_  : IO B → IO A → IO B
    lift′ : Prim.IO ⊤ → IO {a} ⊤
    when   : Bool → IO {a} ⊤ → IO ⊤
    unless : Bool → IO {a} ⊤ → IO ⊤
    whenJust  : Maybe A → (A → IO {a} ⊤) → IO ⊤
    untilJust : IO (Maybe A) → IO A
  • Added new operations in Relation.Binary.Construct.Closure.Equivalence:

    fold   : IsEquivalence _∼_ → _⟶_ ⇒ _∼_ → EqClosure _⟶_ ⇒ _∼_
    gfold  : IsEquivalence _∼_ → _⟶_ =[ f ]⇒ _∼_ → EqClosure _⟶_ =[ f ]⇒ _∼_
    return : _⟶_ ⇒ EqClosure _⟶_
    join   : EqClosure (EqClosure _⟶_) ⇒ EqClosure _⟶_
    _⋆     : _⟶₁_ ⇒ EqClosure _⟶₂_ → EqClosure _⟶₁_ ⇒ EqClosure _⟶₂_
  • Added new operations in Relation.Binary.Construct.Closure.Symmetric:

    fold   : Symmetric _∼_ → _⟶_ ⇒ _∼_ → SymClosure _⟶_ ⇒ _∼_
    gfold  : Symmetric _∼_ → _⟶_ =[ f ]⇒ _∼_ → SymClosure _⟶_ =[ f ]⇒ _∼_
    return : _⟶_ ⇒ SymClosure _⟶_
    join   : SymClosure (SymClosure _⟶_) ⇒ SymClosure _⟶_
    _⋆     : _⟶₁_ ⇒ SymClosure _⟶₂_ → SymClosure _⟶₁_ ⇒ SymClosure _⟶₂_
  • Added new proofs in Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Properties:

    subst-application′ : subst Q eq (f x p) ≡ f y (subst P eq p)
    sym-cong : sym (cong f p) ≡ cong f (sym p)
  • Added new proofs in Relation.Binary.HeterogeneousEquality:

    subst₂-removable : subst₂ _∼_ eq₁ eq₂ p ≅ p
  • Equality of predicates

    _≐_ : Pred A ℓ₁ → Pred A ℓ₂ → Set _
    _≐′_ : Pred A ℓ₁ → Pred A ℓ₂ → Set _
  • Added new operations in System.Exit:

    isSuccess : ExitCode → Bool
    isFailure : ExitCode → Bool
  • Added new functions in Data.List.Relation.Unary.All:

    decide :  Π[ P ∪ Q ] → Π[ All P ∪ Any Q ]
  • Added new functions in Data.List.Fresh.Relation.Unary.All:

    decide :  Π[ P ∪ Q ] → Π[ All {R = R} P ∪ Any Q ]
  • Added new functions in Data.Vec.Relation.Unary.All:

    decide :  Π[ P ∪ Q ] → Π[ All P ∪ Any Q ]
  • Added new operations in Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Properties:

    J : {A : Set a} {x : A} (B : (y : A) → x ≡ y → Set b)
        {y : A} (p : x ≡ y) → B x refl → B y p
    dcong : ∀ {A : Set a} {B : A → Set b} (f : (x : A) → B x) {x y}
          → (p : x ≡ y) → subst B p (f x) ≡ f y
    dcong₂ : ∀ {A : Set a} {B : A → Set b} {C : Set c}
             (f : (x : A) → B x → C) {x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂}
           → (p : x₁ ≡ x₂) → subst B p y₁ ≡ y₂
           → f x₁ y₁ ≡ f x₂ y₂
    dsubst₂ : ∀ {A : Set a} {B : A → Set b} (C : (x : A) → B x → Set c)
              {x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂} (p : x₁ ≡ x₂) → subst B p y₁ ≡ y₂
            → C x₁ y₁ → C x₂ y₂
    ddcong₂ : ∀ {A : Set a} {B : A → Set b} {C : (x : A) → B x → Set c}
             (f : (x : A) (y : B x) → C x y) {x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂}
             (p : x₁ ≡ x₂) (q : subst B p y₁ ≡ y₂)
           → dsubst₂ C p q (f x₁ y₁) ≡ f x₂ y₂
  • Added vector associativity proof to Data/Vec/Relation/Binary/Equality/Setoid.agda:

    ++-assoc : ∀ {n m k} (xs : Vec A n) → (ys : Vec A m) 
        → (zs : Vec A k) → (xs ++ ys) ++ zs ≋ xs ++ (ys ++ zs)

NonZero/Positive/Negative changes

This is a full list of proofs that have changed form to use irrelevant instance arguments:

  • In Data.Nat.Properties:

    *-cancelʳ-≡ : ∀ m n {o} → m * suc o ≡ n * suc o → m ≡ n
    *-cancelˡ-≡ : ∀ {m n} o → suc o * m ≡ suc o * n → m ≡ n
    *-cancelʳ-≤ : ∀ m n o → m * suc o ≤ n * suc o → m ≤ n
    *-cancelˡ-≤ : ∀ {m n} o → suc o * m ≤ suc o * n → m ≤ n
    *-monoˡ-<   : ∀ n → (_* suc n) Preserves _<_ ⟶ _<_
    *-monoʳ-<   : ∀ n → (suc n *_) Preserves _<_ ⟶ _<_
    m≤m*n          : ∀ m {n} → 0 < n → m ≤ m * n
    m≤n*m          : ∀ m {n} → 0 < n → m ≤ n * m
    m<m*n          : ∀ {m n} → 0 < m → 1 < n → m < m * n
    suc[pred[n]]≡n : ∀ {n} → n ≢ 0 → suc (pred n) ≡ n
  • In Data.Nat.Coprimality:

    Bézout-coprime : ∀ {i j d} → Bézout.Identity (suc d) (i * suc d) (j * suc d) → Coprime i j
  • In Data.Nat.Divisibility

    m%n≡0⇒n∣m :  m n  m % suc n ≡ 0  suc n ∣ m
    n∣m⇒m%n≡0 :  m n  suc n ∣ m  m % suc n ≡ 0
    m%n≡0⇔n∣m :  m n  m % suc n ≡ 0 ⇔ suc n ∣ m
    ∣⇒≤       :  {m n}  m ∣ suc n  m ≤ suc n
    >⇒∤        :  {m n}  m > suc n  m ∤ suc n
    *-cancelˡ-∣ :  {i j} k  suc k * i ∣ suc k * j  i ∣ j
  • In Data.Nat.DivMod:

    m≡m%n+[m/n]*n : ∀ m n → m ≡ m % suc n + (m / suc n) * suc n
    m%n≡m∸m/n*n   : ∀ m n → m % suc n ≡ m ∸ (m / suc n) * suc n
    n%n≡0         : ∀ n → suc n % suc n ≡ 0
    m%n%n≡m%n     : ∀ m n → m % suc n % suc n ≡ m % suc n
    [m+n]%n≡m%n   : ∀ m n → (m + suc n) % suc n ≡ m % suc n
    [m+kn]%n≡m%n  : ∀ m k n → (m + k * (suc n)) % suc n ≡ m % suc n
    m*n%n≡0       : ∀ m n → (m * suc n) % suc n ≡ 0
    m%n<n         : ∀ m n → m % suc n < suc n
    m%n≤m         : ∀ m n → m % suc n ≤ m
    m≤n⇒m%n≡m     : ∀ {m n} → m ≤ n → m % suc n ≡ m
    m/n<m         : ∀ m n {≢0} → m ≥ 1 → n ≥ 2 → (m / n) {≢0} < m
  • In Data.Nat.GCD

    GCD-* : ∀ {m n d c} → GCD (m * suc c) (n * suc c) (d * suc c) → GCD m n d
    gcd[m,n]≤n : ∀ m n → gcd m (suc n) ≤ suc n
  • In Data.Integer.Properties:

    sign-◃    : ∀ s n → sign (s ◃ suc n) ≡ s
    sign-cong : ∀ {s₁ s₂ n₁ n₂} → s₁ ◃ suc n₁ ≡ s₂ ◃ suc n₂ → s₁ ≡ s₂
    -◃<+◃     : ∀ m n → Sign.- ◃ (suc m) < Sign.+ ◃ n
    m⊖1+n<m   : ∀ m n → m ⊖ suc n < + m
    *-cancelʳ-≡     : ∀ i j k → k ≢ + 0 → i * k ≡ j * k → i ≡ j
    *-cancelˡ-≡     : ∀ i j k → i ≢ + 0 → i * j ≡ i * k → j ≡ k
    *-cancelʳ-≤-pos : ∀ m n o → m * + suc o ≤ n * + suc o → m ≤ n
    ≤-steps     : ∀ n → i ≤ j → i ≤ + n + j
    ≤-steps-neg : ∀ n → i ≤ j → i - + n ≤ j
    n≤m+n       : ∀ n → i ≤ + n + i
    m≤m+n       : ∀ n → i ≤ i + + n
    m-n≤m       : ∀ i n → i - + n ≤ i
    *-cancelʳ-≤-pos    : ∀ m n o → m * + suc o ≤ n * + suc o → m ≤ n
    *-cancelˡ-≤-pos    : ∀ m j k → + suc m * j ≤ + suc m * k → j ≤ k
    *-cancelˡ-≤-neg    : ∀ m {j k} → -[1+ m ] * j ≤ -[1+ m ] * k → j ≥ k
    *-cancelʳ-≤-neg    : ∀ {n o} m → n * -[1+ m ] ≤ o * -[1+ m ] → n ≥ o
    *-cancelˡ-<-nonNeg : ∀ n → + n * i < + n * j → i < j
    *-cancelʳ-<-nonNeg : ∀ n → i * + n < j * + n → i < j
    *-monoʳ-≤-nonNeg   : ∀ n → (_* + n) Preserves _≤_ ⟶ _≤_
    *-monoˡ-≤-nonNeg   : ∀ n → (+ n *_) Preserves _≤_ ⟶ _≤_
    *-monoˡ-≤-nonPos   : ∀ i → NonPositive i → (i *_) Preserves _≤_ ⟶ _≥_
    *-monoʳ-≤-nonPos   : ∀ i → NonPositive i → (_* i) Preserves _≤_ ⟶ _≥_
    *-monoˡ-<-pos      : ∀ n → (+[1+ n ] *_) Preserves _<_ ⟶ _<_
    *-monoʳ-<-pos      : ∀ n → (_* +[1+ n ]) Preserves _<_ ⟶ _<_
    *-monoˡ-<-neg      : ∀ n → (-[1+ n ] *_) Preserves _<_ ⟶ _>_
    *-monoʳ-<-neg      : ∀ n → (_* -[1+ n ]) Preserves _<_ ⟶ _>_
    *-cancelˡ-<-nonPos : ∀ n → NonPositive n → n * i < n * j → i > j
    *-cancelʳ-<-nonPos : ∀ n → NonPositive n → i * n < j * n → i > j
    *-distribˡ-⊓-nonNeg : ∀ m j k → + m * (j ⊓ k) ≡ (+ m * j) ⊓ (+ m * k)
    *-distribʳ-⊓-nonNeg : ∀ m j k → (j ⊓ k) * + m ≡ (j * + m) ⊓ (k * + m)
    *-distribˡ-⊓-nonPos : ∀ i → NonPositive i → ∀ j k → i * (j ⊓ k) ≡ (i * j) ⊔ (i * k)
    *-distribʳ-⊓-nonPos : ∀ i → NonPositive i → ∀ j k → (j ⊓ k) * i ≡ (j * i) ⊔ (k * i)
    *-distribˡ-⊔-nonNeg : ∀ m j k → + m * (j ⊔ k) ≡ (+ m * j) ⊔ (+ m * k)
    *-distribʳ-⊔-nonNeg : ∀ m j k → (j ⊔ k) * + m ≡ (j * + m) ⊔ (k * + m)
    *-distribˡ-⊔-nonPos : ∀ i → NonPositive i → ∀ j k → i * (j ⊔ k) ≡ (i * j) ⊓ (i * k)
    *-distribʳ-⊔-nonPos : ∀ i → NonPositive i → ∀ j k → (j ⊔ k) * i ≡ (j * i) ⊓ (k * i)
  • In Data.Integer.Divisibility:

    *-cancelˡ-∣ : ∀ k {i j} → k ≢ + 0 → k * i ∣ k * j → i ∣ j
    *-cancelʳ-∣ : ∀ k {i j} → k ≢ + 0 → i * k ∣ j * k → i ∣ j
  • In Data.Integer.Divisibility.Signed:

    *-cancelˡ-∣ : ∀ k {i j} → k ≢ + 0 → k * i ∣ k * j → i ∣ j
    *-cancelʳ-∣ : ∀ k {i j} → k ≢ + 0 → i * k ∣ j * k → i ∣ j
  • In Data.Rational.Unnormalised.Properties:

    ≤-steps :  {p q r}  NonNegative r  p ≤ q  p ≤ r + q
    p≤p+q   :  {p q}  NonNegative q  p ≤ p + q
    p≤q+p   :  {p}  NonNegative p   {q}  q ≤ p + q
    *-cancelʳ-≤-pos    :  {r}  Positive r   {p q}  p * r ≤ q * r  p ≤ q
    *-cancelˡ-≤-pos    :  {r}  Positive r   {p q}  r * p ≤ r * q  p ≤ q
    *-cancelʳ-≤-neg    :  r  Negative r   {p q}  p * r ≤ q * r  q ≤ p
    *-cancelˡ-≤-neg    :  r  Negative r   {p q}  r * p ≤ r * q  q ≤ p
    *-cancelˡ-<-nonNeg :  {r}  NonNegative r   {p q}  r * p < r * q  p < q
    *-cancelʳ-<-nonNeg :  {r}  NonNegative r   {p q}  p * r < q * r  p < q
    *-cancelˡ-<-nonPos :  r  NonPositive r   {p q}  r * p < r * q  q < p
    *-cancelʳ-<-nonPos :  r  NonPositive r   {p q}  p * r < q * r  q < p
    *-monoˡ-≤-nonNeg   :  {r}  NonNegative r  (_* r) Preserves _≤_ ⟶ _≤_
    *-monoʳ-≤-nonNeg   :  {r}  NonNegative r  (r *_) Preserves _≤_ ⟶ _≤_
    *-monoˡ-≤-nonPos   :  r  NonPositive r  (_* r) Preserves _≤_ ⟶ _≥_
    *-monoʳ-≤-nonPos   :  r  NonPositive r  (r *_) Preserves _≤_ ⟶ _≥_
    *-monoˡ-<-pos      :  {r}  Positive r  (_* r) Preserves _<_ ⟶ _<_
    *-monoʳ-<-pos      :  {r}  Positive r  (r *_) Preserves _<_ ⟶ _<_
    *-monoˡ-<-neg      :  r  Negative r  (_* r) Preserves _<_ ⟶ _>_
    *-monoʳ-<-neg      :  r  Negative r  (r *_) Preserves _<_ ⟶ _>_
    pos⇒1/pos :  p (p>0 : Positive p)  Positive ((1/ p) {{pos⇒≢0 p p>0}})
    neg⇒1/neg :  p (p<0 : Negative p)  Negative ((1/ p) {{neg⇒≢0 p p<0}})
    *-distribʳ-⊓-nonNeg :  p  NonNegative p   q r  (q ⊓ r) * p ≃ (q * p) ⊓ (r * p)
    *-distribˡ-⊓-nonNeg :  p  NonNegative p   q r  p * (q ⊓ r) ≃ (p * q) ⊓ (p * r)
    *-distribˡ-⊔-nonNeg :  p  NonNegative p   q r  p * (q ⊔ r) ≃ (p * q) ⊔ (p * r)
    *-distribʳ-⊔-nonNeg :  p  NonNegative p   q r  (q ⊔ r) * p ≃ (q * p) ⊔ (r * p)
    *-distribˡ-⊔-nonPos :  p  NonPositive p   q r  p * (q ⊔ r) ≃ (p * q) ⊓ (p * r)
    *-distribʳ-⊔-nonPos :  p  NonPositive p   q r  (q ⊔ r) * p ≃ (q * p) ⊓ (r * p)
    *-distribˡ-⊓-nonPos :  p  NonPositive p   q r  p * (q ⊓ r) ≃ (p * q) ⊔ (p * r)
    *-distribʳ-⊓-nonPos :  p  NonPositive p   q r  (q ⊓ r) * p ≃ (q * p) ⊔ (r * p)
  • In Data.Rational.Properties:

    *-cancelʳ-≤-pos    : ∀ r → Positive r → ∀ {p q} → p * r ≤ q * r → p ≤ q
    *-cancelˡ-≤-pos    : ∀ r → Positive r → ∀ {p q} → r * p ≤ r * q → p ≤ q
    *-cancelʳ-≤-neg    : ∀ r → Negative r → ∀ {p q} → p * r ≤ q * r → p ≥ q
    *-cancelˡ-≤-neg    : ∀ r → Negative r → ∀ {p q} → r * p ≤ r * q → p ≥ q
    *-cancelˡ-<-nonNeg : ∀ r → NonNegative r → ∀ {p q} → r * p < r * q → p < q
    *-cancelʳ-<-nonNeg : ∀ r → NonNegative r → ∀ {p q} → p * r < q * r → p < q
    *-cancelˡ-<-nonPos : ∀ r → NonPositive r → ∀ {p q} → r * p < r * q → p > q
    *-cancelʳ-<-nonPos : ∀ r → NonPositive r → ∀ {p q} → p * r < q * r → p > q
    *-monoʳ-≤-nonNeg   : ∀ r → NonNegative r → (_* r) Preserves _≤_ ⟶ _≤_
    *-monoˡ-≤-nonNeg   : ∀ r → NonNegative r → (r *_) Preserves _≤_ ⟶ _≤_
    *-monoʳ-≤-nonPos   : ∀ r → NonPositive r → (_* r) Preserves _≤_ ⟶ _≥_
    *-monoˡ-≤-nonPos   : ∀ r → NonPositive r → (r *_) Preserves _≤_ ⟶ _≥_
    *-monoˡ-<-pos      : ∀ r → Positive r → (_* r) Preserves _<_ ⟶ _<_
    *-monoʳ-<-pos      : ∀ r → Positive r → (r *_) Preserves _<_ ⟶ _<_
    *-monoˡ-<-neg      : ∀ r → Negative r → (_* r) Preserves _<_ ⟶ _>_
    *-monoʳ-<-neg      : ∀ r → Negative r → (r *_) Preserves _<_ ⟶ _>_
    *-distribˡ-⊓-nonNeg : ∀ p → NonNegative p → ∀ q r → p * (q ⊓ r) ≡ (p * q) ⊓ (p * r)
    *-distribʳ-⊓-nonNeg : ∀ p → NonNegative p → ∀ q r → (q ⊓ r) * p ≡ (q * p) ⊓ (r * p)
    *-distribˡ-⊔-nonNeg : ∀ p → NonNegative p → ∀ q r → p * (q ⊔ r) ≡ (p * q) ⊔ (p * r)
    *-distribʳ-⊔-nonNeg : ∀ p → NonNegative p → ∀ q r → (q ⊔ r) * p ≡ (q * p) ⊔ (r * p)
    *-distribˡ-⊔-nonPos : ∀ p → NonPositive p → ∀ q r → p * (q ⊔ r) ≡ (p * q) ⊓ (p * r)
    *-distribʳ-⊔-nonPos : ∀ p → NonPositive p → ∀ q r → (q ⊔ r) * p ≡ (q * p) ⊓ (r * p)
    *-distribˡ-⊓-nonPos : ∀ p → NonPositive p → ∀ q r → p * (q ⊓ r) ≡ (p * q) ⊔ (p * r)
    *-distribʳ-⊓-nonPos : ∀ p → NonPositive p → ∀ q r → (q ⊓ r) * p ≡ (q * p) ⊔ (r * p)
    pos⇒1/pos : ∀ p (p>0 : Positive p) → Positive ((1/ p) {{pos⇒≢0 p p>0}})
    neg⇒1/neg : ∀ p (p<0 : Negative p) → Negative ((1/ p) {{neg⇒≢0 p p<0}})
    1/pos⇒pos : ∀ p .{{_ : NonZero p}} → (1/p : Positive (1/ p)) → Positive p
    1/neg⇒neg : ∀ p .{{_ : NonZero p}} → (1/p : Negative (1/ p)) → Negative p