The Software was created and used in the paper: Jaspreet Singh, Sergej Zerr, and Stefan Siersdorfer. 2017. Structure-Aware Visualization of Text Corpora. In Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Conference Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR '17).
A very short guide (will be more detailed hopefully later):
Create a main folder for your dataset
Every subfolder in that folder is assumed to contain text files from a particular category
Every line in the text file is a document
The flower creator class: FlowerPower/src/main/java/de/l3s/analysis/topicflower/ Start it with --help, it will tell which options are required
If your flower is garbage - there could be several reasons:
pa) not enough text / size of the corpora too small (topics make no sense)
pb) Too much overlapping information between the categories (same topics in different categories)
pc) Too many or to little k (topic number) is selected (all topics look the same, or are too general)
pd) Text need cleaning (Strange, or meaningless terms in topic lables)
- The package can support by some, but not all proplems:
pa) It is possible to give additional folder with text as background information
pb,pd) There is a class, which helps to identify the corpora specific stopwords: run with -h, it will tell you the details
pd) There is a class for text cleaning, it will create a copy of the folder structure and copy there all files from the main folder cleaned:
For pc) the user is responsible. Try different models, see which one makes sense. We have a tool for estimation of optimal k in the research pipeline, but it is not expected soon.