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Billing Service

This Semantic Container Service provides functionality and information to allow selling access to data.

Docker Image:
Swagger Documentation:


To get a general introduction to the use of Semantic Containers please refer to the SemCon Tutorial.

Starting the Service

The service requires a GPG key file and a number of environment variables as input. Provide the GPG key file in a directory that is made accessible through a volume and the following environment variables:

  • for a fixed payment address provide the following information:

    [email protected]
    PASSPHRASE=your passphrase here
  • to use a new address for every transaction provide the following information for a BIP-39 conform hierarchical deterministic wallet:

    [email protected]
    PASSPHRASE=your passphrase here

Notes for the environment variables:

  • KEY_FILE: according to the mounted volume on startup of the container and name of the GPG key file
  • EMAIL: email address associated with the GPG key
  • PASSPHRASE: passphrase for the GPG key
  • ETHER_ADDRESS: public address to be used when transferring a cryptocurrency
  • HDW_SEED: seed to create the root keys of a hierarchical deterministic wallet
  • HDW_PATH: path to the branch for generating addresses
  • ETHERSCAN_APIKEY: API key from to perform payment validation services

With the information from above the docker container can be started with the following command:
(assuming the GPG key is in $PWD/key/secret.key and the environment variables are set in the file .env)

$ docker run -d --name srv-billing -v $PWD/key:/key --env-file .env semcon/srv-billing

Accessing the Service

Since the billing service holds sensitive information it is recommended to expose no ports and uses a private network between the Semantic Container and the Billing Service:

$ docker run -p 4000:3000 -d --name demo -e AUTH=billing --link srv-billing semcon/sc-base /bin/ "$(< init.trig)"

Please note that a Semantic Container expects to connect to the billing service via http://srv-billing:3000 (as specified in image-constraints.trig).

See the Github sc-tawes repository for an example on using the Billing Service.

Adapting for Use Case

To adapt the billing service to invidivual needs change in the PriceHelper module the function calc_price and return based on request options, usage policy, and payment method:

  • validity of a buying request (boolean)
  • date and time until offer is valid (timestamp)
  • cost for a specific request (float)
  • additional free text information (string)

Improve this Semantic Container Service

Please report any bugs or feature requests in the GitHub Issue-Tracker and follow the Contributor Guidelines.

If you want to develop yourself, follow these steps:

  1. Fork it!
  2. Create a feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Send a pull request



MIT Lizenz 2019 -