2.6.2 / 2017-07-20
- Bumping version again to trigger build
2.6.1 / 2017-07-17
- Bumping version to trigger build
2.6.0 / 2017-07-14
- Update Raven JS tag to 3.17.0
- Add customVersionProperty option
- update raven.js to 3.12.1
- update raven.js to 3.8.0
- update raven.js to 3.5.0
- Update raven.js to 3.3.0
- Move Sauce Labs credentials into circle.yml
- Update Karma to 1.1.0
- Remove Duo compatibility
- Add CI setup (coverage, linting, cross-browser compatibility, etc.)
- Update eslint configuration
- strip empty strings and arrays
- Bump Analytics.js core, tester, integration to use Facade 2.x
- update sdk and add new features
- bump raven.js to 1.3.0
- raven.js 1.2.0
- update sentry version
- Support more options for Sentry
- Replace analytics.js dependency with analytics.js-core
- Bump analytics.js-integration version
- Initial commit ✨