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ship-it utils to deploy using CI


  1. Add ship-it to your Gemfile and bundle install:

    gem 'ship_it', git: ''
  2. Add the needed binstubs:

    bundle binstubs ship-it unship-it
  3. Require ship_it/tasks in your Rakefile

  4. Implement bin/test-ci-online and bin/queue-ship-it. This two have to exist and be executable. bin/test-ci-online should succeed in case the connection to your CI server is working. bin/queue-ship-it is the script that will send the two files created by ship-it to the CI server. Complete examples based on Jenkins are located under the examples directory.

  5. Create a staging_history branch. This is the branch ship-it will be using to record the staging branch list history.

    rake shipit:history_branch

    Pass [branch_name] if you want to use a different branch as the target for ship-it.


bin/ship-it will

To "ship" other branches, run ship-it branch_name.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb and push a tag of the version.