The informaticspom
is used as the parent pom for programming assignments at Fontys Venlo.
The goal of the POM
is to have a baseline of dependencies that are needed for most assignments.
These include:
- Test dependencies
- JUnit
- AssertJ
- Mockito
- CodeCoverage with JaCoCo
- Static code analyzer
- JavaFX (with the JavaFX profile)
- Testing modular JPMS projects
The pom can be used by defining it as the parent pom
The following properties are available
Property | Default value | Description |
---|---|---| | UTF-8 | Encoding used for source code |
java.release | 17 | The java version used |
mockito.core.version | 4.3.1 | The mockito version |
junit.jupiter.version | 5.8.2 | The JUnit 5 (Jupiter) version |
assertj.core.version | 3.22.0 | The assertj version |
jacoco.version | 0.8.7 | The Java Code Coverage version |
jacocoArgLine | Optional arguments that get passed to JaCoCo | |
argLine | Optional arguments that get passed to maven surefire | |
surefire.opens | Optional arguments that get passed to maven surefire plugin to open modules | |
maven.surefire.version | 3.0.0-M6 | Maven surefire version |
maven.compiler.release | ${java.release} | The compiler release version used by maven |
pmdVersion | 6.42.0 | The PMD version |
exec.main | The main class that should be set in the JAR by maven compiler |
Default: The default dependencies (no JavaFX and doesn't generate code coverage)
Jacoco: Same as default, but generates the code coverage report
JavaFX: Includes the JavaFX dependencies
Release: Use to
release new version of the informaticspom
Releasing is as easy as pushing/merging new changes to this repository, when the build passes all the checks it will automatically release a new version on Maven Central.