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getting on the same level with docker.

  • EricSoldierer and paulvv007 added the hello world docker composer app, consisting of a persistence part and a web part.
  • jantrienes and holgerkemper added instructions and configuration of how to deploy the application with Maven to Wildfly.
  • MarvinRuesenberg added instructions on how you connect Netbeans with your Docker machine.
  • HermLecluse added instructions on how you setup Docker in windows.

homberghp: Please build war yourselves. It does not belong in a repository anyway, and you will have a go with maven.

Start Docker Machine

This section describes how you can start your docker machine on different operating systems.


Somehow, things under Linux are a bit harder, mostly because linux does not require a virtual machine layer, which makes docker more lightweight. Anyhow, on my machine, the docker0 ip address in, one can resolve this in the hosts file, see below.


Windows makes things complicated, First make sure you're running a windows 10 Pro edition, otherwise you will need to setup an VM for an Unix environment. Then install Docker from

Clone the repository and open powershell inside the ~/dockerstart/helloworld. run the following command:

Docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d

install maven if needed : (tutorial)

navigate to ~/dockerstart/helloworld/helloworld and run

mvn wildfly:deploy -P wildfly-remote

this will deploy the application to the wilfdly. (make sure JDK refference in environment path is correct)

log in using Usernname: admin Password: Admin#70365

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name HelloWorld Helloworld_app-web

browse to : //localhost:8011/helloworld/

Congratulations you're up and running


Start your docker machine and establish a connection to it:

docker-machine start
eval $(docker-machine env)

IP address of Docker Machine

The IP address as well as how you establish a connection to the docker-machine depends on how you installed and/or configured docker on your machine. On some machines the docker machine can be accessed under http://localhost:port. On mac OSX the default IP address is

To mitigate this issue and to achieve consistency across sebivenlo projects, a convention has to be created. This is being done by creating an alias for the IP address of the docker machine. This can be configured by adding an entry in the hosts configuration.

For Unix (including OSX) this is done by append this to the /etc/hosts file: localdocker

for Linux the line could read (and does on ubuntu) localdocker

But since on ubuntu a bridging network is configured, you could use localhost too as the address to visit your application.

On Windows this file is located here: C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts

Afterwards, the docker machine can be accessed under http://docker:port.

Note that and are both so called private networks and should not be used on the real internet. It is okay to use them inside a host or on a private net (typically applying NAT).

Docker Compose to Link Containers

This helloworld application consists of two containers and one image. Th immage, wfpg is a wildfly with an installed postgresql jdb driver. Purpose: If it is in the image, you can avoid deploying the jdbc driver.

Of the containers one represents the database, and is calls app-db. The other the application server name app-web. To start up both of them, execute the command below in the folder where the docker-compose.yml file is located.

docker-compose up -d

Now, you should be able to connect to the Wildfy server via http://docker:8011 in your browser.

Note that the app-web container does NOT yet have the application, a Java project. That is covered in the next section.

Wildfly and Maven

When you develop an application that is supposed to run on a server, you will somehow have to deploy it. While manual deployment is possible, it is very time consuming. Luckily, Maven can assist us with this process.

There is a Maven plugin to deploy applications onto a Wildfly container. For other application containers, such as glassfish or payara, a similar Maven plugins exist.

Following is a brief description of how to setup this plugin, and how to deploy the application to Wildfly.

Plugin Configuration

Since the configuration parameter like the ip address, the username and/or the password usually differ from user to user, these parameters should be configured per user. This can be done in the global maven configuration. On Unix (Linux, OSX), this file is located under ~/.m2/settings.xml. On Windows it can be found at %USER_PROFILE%\.m2\settings.xml.

Add the following configuration to this file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings xmlns=""



You can leave the host in the deployment profile set to localhost, because in typically map the wildfly admin port to a localhost port in the bridge network setup.

Deploy Application

After that, you can deploy the helloworld web app to your Wildfly server. Execute the following command in your maven project.

mvn clean install wildfly:deploy -P wildfly-remote

Verify the result in your browser: http://docker:8011/helloworld/. The result should be something like this:


Docker and NetBeans IDE

With Netbeans 8.2, Docker can be found in the "Services"-Tab in the Netbeans navigation-panel. This service allows us to execute docker commands from the netbeans environment. In order to do that, we have some configuration to do.


Netbeans requires a docker daemon to communicate with, that is listening on the tcp-port 2375 on localhost. The command for this is:

dockerd -H tcp://

If you encounter problems doing this, such as:

FATA[0000] Error starting daemon: pid file found, ensure docker is not running or delete /var/run/

you will have to stop the current docker service.

to do this, type:

service docker stop

and try again.

We will see how we can avoid that later on though.

Windows and MacOS

When starting the docker-machine on Windows or MacOS, a virtual machine is used. This VM is providing a network address for communication by default.

Since this is the case, there is no need opening additional ports. What is to be looked out for is the IP that the API is listening at.


When opening the add Docker promt in the docker service, there is already a predefined IP + Port entered. Check if the IP is the same that your machine is running on and you will be able to connect to the daemon easily.

Accessing Docker From Terminal AND Netbeans


After the demo by MarvinRuesenberg on how to connect the netbeans docker client, homberghp investigated a little further. The following was seemed to get it working on an Ubuntu installation:

In the file


add or change the line

DOCKER_OPTS="-H fd:// -H tcp:// --dns <your-local-dns> --dns --dns"`

after changing the test <your-local-dns> to the actual dns for you local connections.

Now you can access the docker daemon using the default file descriptor protocol (fd://) as well as via a network connection via localhost (tcp://, to be used by Java and netbeans.

To keep this working, even after a Linux restart, doe the following:

Create a new directory under /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d with

mkdir -p etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d

and add a file named overlay.conf with the contents

# workaround to include default options
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd $DOCKER_OPTS -s overlay2

The of the file is not relevant, as long as it ens in .conf. I chose overlay, because the configuration file also selects the overlay2 driver for the docker file systems.

This file, because of its location and extension, will be automatically loaded by the systemd system and will setup the docker service with tcp connections and the (faster) overlay2 persistense layer driver. Currently (2017-09-06) overlay2 is the advised driver for docker on ubuntu and tested on xenial.

Notice that changing the persistence driver from the default (aufs) will make any previous images no longer accessible. You may want to keep those, by changing the text -s overlay2 to -s aufs in the snippet above.

You can connect and command docker from both services, one being the netbeans service, the other one being the commandline interface. By default this is not possible since docker is communicating via an Unix Socket to which Java and hence also NetBeans-IDE cannot connect.

By doing the above, we are opening an actual network tcp-socket that netbeans is able to address.

You can make this a litle more intuitive by adding the line 	localdocker.local localdocker

to your /etc/hosts file, which allows you to addres the docker daemon with a name.

Windows and MacOS

This does not have to be done on MacOS and Windows since they are already providing network access via their Virtual Machine.

Docker Cheat Sheets
