layout | date | from | serial | subject | tags | |||
tindallgram |
Oct 12 1966 |
FM/Deputy Chief, Mission Planning and Analysis Division |
66-FM1-130 |
Altitude and velocity limits imposed by the spacecraft computer program on the AS-503 mission |
As you know, we are currently figuring on using the AS-278 spacecraft computer programs for AS-503. Ed Copps called me the other day to state that the orbital integration routines in the AS-278 program are scaled such that they will only work for altitude less than about 5,400 nautical miles above the surface of the earth and velocities no greater than about 32,700 feet per second. (I am told the maximum values to be encountered in a nominal mission are about 3,900 nautical miles and 29,500 feet per second). He was looking for reassurance that this scaling would not present a constraint on the AS-503 mission, and I told him that I didn't think it would but I would check here at MSC. In the meantime, MIT is proceeding, assuming that these limits are not unacceptably restrictive for the AS-503 mission. If anyone knows a reason why this is not satisfactory, please let me know immediately.