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261 lines (167 loc) · 8.77 KB

File metadata and controls

261 lines (167 loc) · 8.77 KB

Release Notes


  • checkList component back out of support removing margin around icon in multi select: remove config option checkListNoMargin


  • checkList component and dateInput component align icons and text in center of dropdown input
  • checkList component support removing margin around icon in multi select to tighten spacing through config option checkListNoMargin


  • chekList component support for icon rotation
    • checkListIcn is rotated 180deg when the dropdown list is open


  • List component support for keyBy method
    • Support seting a key attribute for each list row
    • key is set on a Mithril fragment containing the row


  • Reduced width of inputs in TimeInput
  • Changed TimeInput placeholders to "--" instead of "hh" and "mm"


  • PageController::blockStride method to update the "block stride"
  • Fix CheckList opening on click or focus when disabled or readonly


  • Currency.numtoStr additional optional argument to enable formatting of large numbers
  • BREAKING Currency.numtoStr default behaviour changed to not format large numbers


  • PageController methods for next/previous page, page bounds checking, and number of pages
  • Fix ListController drawing an additional "block" of rows at the bottom of visible range
  • New PageController class, ListController variant that displays items in "pages"
  • CurrencyInput now formats large numbers with group separators (based on system locale)
  • Fix CurrencyInput incorrectly handling negative pence amounts after input
  • New Currency static class with currency conversion util methods
  • Deprecate formatCurrency, currencyStrToNumber, numberToCurrencyStr, numberToCurrencyTuple methods in favour of Currency


  • CheckList support for toggle open/closed on click or space/enter with no selection


  • CheckList displays single selection without checkboxes
  • Drop-down CheckList now attaches list to the bottom of input
  • Single selection CheckList closes on selection
  • Added checkListOption and checkListOptionSingleSelected/checkListOptionMultiSelected theme options
  • Fixed CheckList keyboard selection using value and not lables


  • Fix TimeInput not showing stream value on first draw
  • ListController to enforce readonly arrays for sort/filter methods
  • BREAKING ListController::isLoading member made private, use ListController::loading getter


  • Fix ListController calls to reload being ignored if the list is loading


  • Fix CheckList text content not handling number/boolean option values
  • Replace "--- Select one ---" default placeholder for SelectInput/CheckList with "Select"


  • DateInput date picker drop-down alignment respects input position on screen, avoid picker opening with parts "off screen"
  • TimePicker pads hour/min inputs with leading zeros
  • CheckList support for "open" icon
  • BREAKING config option selectDropUp renamed checkListDropUp


  • Added invert option to formatCurrency


  • Fix TimeInput minutes limit - from 55 to 59
  • Reworked TimeInput picker step handling - step is not applied if result exceeds min/s
  • Fix CheckList potentially not showing value stream state on first draw
  • CheckList ignores key presses with modifiers
  • CheckList support for closing via Tab key, reopen on navigation key press


  • Added new CheckList widget, alternative to SelectInput displaying checkboxes for options
  • Added new TimeInput widget, alternative to BaseInput of type time
  • Added support for multi attribute on SelectInput and CheckList widgets


  • dim class removed from show/hide password toggle
  • Added time to BaseInput types that should always use a fixed label position


  • CurrencyInput "hidden" input element now has no padding and a very small width, should fix cases where input escapes container for large elements


  • CurrencyInput now supports number validation properties
  • Fix ListController.single not applying sort/filter on load if sort/filter is set


  • Toggle to support layout field attribute (LayoutType.default or LayoutType.floatAlways recommended)
  • Export formatCurrency funciton


  • Update luxon to 3.4.0


  • Expand references to registered functions for icons: showPassIcn, hidePassIcn, uploadIcn, downloadIcn, and deleteIcn


  • Extend references to registered functions for checkboxes, signature options, datepicker, toggle icon
  • Updated registered function interface to be more flexible (Children instead of Vnode)


  • registerFunction utils, add custom methods to build mithril elements for use by widgets
  • Radio button, button, and label icons can now reference registered functions


  • Fix List sometimes appearing blank after reload


  • Minor performance improvement to List buffering
  • Added support for sorting and filtering on List data


  • Update TypeScript to 5.0
  • Support field range option "any"
  • Added List component and ListController class, more info in example page


  • Config support for optionalLblPost, append text to labels on widgets when not required
  • BREAKING: Reworked toggle control, icons are now set in the "slider" part of an animated toggle
  • Added toggleOnWrapper and toggleOffWrapper config classes
  • Added --ui-widgets-toggle-height CSS variable for controlling toggle size (default 32px)


  • Change tooltip message to ReadonlyArray


  • Tooltip minor review


  • Tooltip component accepts array of messages


  • Update TypeScript to 4.9
  • Minor cleanup


  • Fix widgets not redrawing to reflect validation changes from attributes


  • Rework widget "floating labels" - improved performance & reliability
  • Rework input validation to use primarily depend on input element checkValidity


  • Update selectionInner for radio and checkboxes to align centrally


  • BREAKING: uiClass options set in widgets will have theme class applied as default value, irregardless of merge flag value


  • Minor fix: Flatpickr will not show when date input is readonly or disabled


  • Minor fix to floatLabel floating with undefined value


  • Minor fix to date picker icon positioning subject to display config


  • Added flatpickr as date input option for DateInput widget
  • Added datePickerIcn config option


  • Update to Font Awesome 6.2
  • Readonly will disable radio & select inputs
  • Percentage Input type is changed from text to number
  • Added tooltipIcon to config
  • BREAKING: ToolTip widget and config renamed to Tooltip


  • Stricter typings for checkbox, radio, select, sign, toggle widgets
  • Stricter field type property must now match FieldType enum or string equivalent value


  • Fix error when DateInput is given an invalid date value, reset widget instead
  • Added dateLocale config option
  • BREAKING: Removed dateOpts config, use dateLocale instead
  • BREAKING: DateInput no longer supports locale setting in options list
  • BREAKING: Simplified signOpts config option to accept a list of SignTypes only
  • NOTE: Signature widget supports options list and will convert to the simplified signOpts, but this will be deprecated in a future release


  • Fixed [object Object] title attribute on widgets with object label config
  • Checkbox, Toggle, Radio widgets have unified implementation for label/icon "inner" parts
  • Added selection... config options for Checkbox, Toggle, and Radio widgets
    • ...Layout - list of parts for "inner part" of widget - label, icon, on, off
    • ...OnLabel
    • ...OffLabel
    • ...OnActive - Class applied to "on" part when "checked"
    • ...OnInactive - Class applied to "on" part when "unchecked"
    • ...OffActive
    • ...OffInactive
  • Added currencySymbol config option
  • BREAKING: Check/Toggle options support removed, use config selectionLayout
  • BREAKING: Config toggleFormat support removed, use config selectionLayout and appropriate on/off icons
  • BREAKING: Radio labelSide support removed, use config selectionLayout
  • BREAKING: Currency input no longer supports symbol in options list, use currencySymbol config


  • Support badgePosition in currency/percentage widgets, "left"/"right" options locate symbol relative to input
  • Currency input always applies theme input class
  • Fix example page currency widget config


  • BREAKING: currencyFormat renamed to negativeStyle
  • Removed instant mode support from CurrencyInput
  • Expanded CurrencyInput negative styles ("default" | "parentheses" | "redParentheses" | "red")
  • BREAKING: negativeStyle type "accounting" changed to "parentheses"