diff --git a/design/blog.fig b/design/blog.fig new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d23e919d2 Binary files /dev/null and b/design/blog.fig differ diff --git a/src/data/posts/the-last-jsconf-in-budapest.md b/src/data/posts/the-last-jsconf-in-budapest.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..705a00b28 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/data/posts/the-last-jsconf-in-budapest.md @@ -0,0 +1,444 @@ +# The last JSConf in Budapest + +I had the pleasure and the honor to attend the JSConf for Eastern-Middle Europe - [JSConf Budapest](https://jsconfbp.com/) which took place in the beautiful [Urania National Movie Theatre](https://urania-nf.hu/en) in the city center of Budapest, Hungary on 27th and 28th of June, 2024. + +JSConf Budapest is one of the many events which happen all over the world. This one aims to be the JavaScript Conference for Eastern-Middle Europe, an area so diverse in culture, people and views. It is a strictly nonprofit, open-sourced and community driven conference for the community of JavaScript, with the purpose to build and educate about new technologies, ideas and culture. You can see more on the [about page](https://jsconfbp.com/about-us). + +Sadly, the organizers announced that due to lack of financial sponsorship, this was the last event from the JSConf series to ever happen in the gorgeous city of Budapest. + +This year's event had a unique agenda and seasoned speakers as well as incredible and energetic MCs. + +The MCs were [Anjana Vakil](https://x.com/AnjanaVakil) and [Tejas Kumar](https://x.com/TejasKumar_) and both of them made sure to provide us - the audience - with great portions of energy and fun. + +Below I will provide some more details about all talks with a small summary and quick links to resources or descriptions. + +This document lists my remarks on all talks during both days of the conference. While I try to keep my opinion on each talk to myself and be as objective as I can, you will notice that sometimes I express my thoughts and state whether a particular idea is useful or not. + +## First day (June 27th, 2024) + +### "What's Coming Next to JavaScript?" by [Nicolò Ribaudo](https://x.com/nicoloribaudo) + +Nicolò is part of [TC39](https://tc39.es/) - the group which specifies the JavaScript language. He is also maintaining one of the most popular packages on NPM - [Babel](https://babeljs.io/). + +This was the opening talk of the conference and was about the upcoming features in the [ES2024](https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_2024.asp) and ES2025 versions of the EcmaScript language. It was special because at the time he gave the talk, the committee also accepted and approved the new ES2024 version of EcmaScript. + +Nicolò started by explaining what is TC39 and how the JavaScript language gets updated, he told us about all of the stages a proposal goes until it is becomes an integral part of the language specification. + +After showing us what are the new features of the language he also provided us with a sneak peak of the next year's proposals - ES2025. + +### "Building Empathy and Accessible Apps" by [Isabela Moreira](https://x.com/isabelacmor) + +Isabela is a software engineer at Microsoft and her talk was focused on accessibility, inclusion and empathy. + +She told us that 15% (around 1B) of the world population has some disability so we should think about that when we design and build applications - all user interfaces should be inclusive and built for all people. + +She gave us some ideas on what tools to use in order to react at least AA conformance with [WCAG](https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/wcag/) (AAA would be best): + +- [Figma's colorblind plugin](https://www.figma.com/community/plugin/733343906244951586/color-blind) +- [https://www.whocanuse.com/](https://www.whocanuse.com/) - a tool that brings attention and understanding to how color contrast can affect different people with visual impairments. +- The browser devtools provide great details about contrast ratio +- [Designing Accessible Color Systems](https://stripe.com/blog/accessible-color-systems) - an article by Stripe +- Following the semantic coding conventions (e.g. don't use a `
` if you need to bind a click handler, rather use a `