- grids to display cells
- Each cell should have:
- current state(alive, dead), (black, white)
- Clickable/Tappable:
- can be clicked to allow user to setup initial cell info
- Should NOT be clickable while running
- Behaviors
- Toggle state funcitonaility: switch between alive and dead
- An appropriate data structre to hold a grid of cells min 25x25
- Text to display current generation
- Button(s) that start and stop anime, clear the grid
- implements the following steps:
- for each cell int the current generation's grid:
- examine state of all eight neighbors
- Apply rules of life to determine the cell
- When main loop completes:
- Swap current and next grids
- Repeat until simulation stopped
- Breaks down above steps into appropriate sub-tasks implemented with helper functions to improve readability
- Uses double buffering to update grid with next generation
- Does something well-documented withthe edge of the grid
- Main Component & CSS
- Create Grid Component
- Create Box
- Create methods:
- making a copy of an aray because in React the array should not be altered directly
- Seeding
- Logic and Algorithms
- Buttons
- Adding slow and fast
react-bootstrap: npm install react-bootstrap bootstrap raect-player: npm install react-player