ScoreFall Studio has modal keyboard shortcuts that match up with a GUI which can also be used as help for learning the shortcuts.
- Press Shift + R (":"), followed by a number, then Enter to repeat previous action a number of times.
Selected Mode (For selecting parts of the score, and operating on it)
(p) Pitch (Transposing) Mode (For intervals & note names) - default mode for normal
(a) Articulation Mode (For changing articulation for selection)
(c) Clef Mode (For changing clef for selection)
(k) Key Signature Mode (For changing key for selection - transposing, rewriting - remove any accidentals that would be added, or renotating - add/remove accidentals)
(s) Time Signature Mode (For changing time signature for selection - adding/removing beats, renotating - example: changing from 5/8 to 5/4, or redistributing - example: 4 bars of 3/4 to 3 bars of 4/4)
(v) Duration Mode (For making selected section longer or shorter by duration ratio)
(d) Dynamics Mode (For setting dynamics of a section, cresc., dim. over selection)
(i) Instrument Change Mode (For changing instrument)
(o) Ornaments (inserting trills, turns on all selected notes)
(j) Glissandi, Slurs & Bends (insert between all in selected notes, or toggle off)
(t) Tempo Mode
(r) Repeats Mode
Non-selected Mode (For inserting notes by name or interval)
(p) Pitch (Insert) Mode (For intervals & note names) - default mode for edit
(a) Articulation Mode (For changing articulation at cursor, adding breath marks)
(c) Clef Mode (For changing clef at cursor)
(k) Key Signature Mode (For changing key at cursor - transposing, rewriting - remove any accidentals that would be added, or renotating - add/remove accidentals)
(s) Time Signature Mode (For changing time signature at cursor - adding/removing beats, renotating - example: changing from 5/8 to 5/4, or redistributing - example: 4 bars of 3/4 to 3 bars of 4/4)
(v) Duration Mode (For changing selected note's duration, and future rests)
(d) Dynamics Mode (For inserting dynamics, start/end cresc., dim.)
(i) Instrument Change Mode (For changing instrument)
(o) Ornaments (inserting trills, turns, tremelo, strumming, grace notes)
(j) Glissandi, Slurs & Bends (insert)
(t) Tempo Mode
(r) Repeats Mode
H | Left - Move one note to the left.
L | Right - Move one note to the right.
Shift + (H | Left) - Select one note to the
Shift + (L | Right) - Select one note to the
Alt + (H | Left) - Swap selection to the left.
Alt + (L | Right) - Swap selection to the
Page Up | Ctrl + (H | Left) -
Rehearsal marking to the left.
Page Down | Ctrl + (L | Right) -
Rehearsal marking to the right.
Shift + Tab - Move up one staff.
Tab - Move down on staff.
Enter - Move to next measure.
Shift + Enter - Move to previous measure.
Home | Alt + Enter - Move to beginning.
End | Ctrl + Enter - Move to end.
; - Repeat X number of times, after Enter
Shift + ; - Go to measure number X, after
Enter. Also takes rehearsal marking letters.
A - Change to nearest A (relative to previous note)
B - Change to nearest B (relative to previous note)
C - Change to nearest C (relative to previous note)
D - Change to nearest D (relative to previous note)
E - Change to nearest E (relative to previous note)
F - Change to nearest F (relative to previous note)
G - Change to nearest G (relative to previous note)
R - Change to rest
Shift + A - Change to A above (relative to previous note)
Shift + B - Change to B above (relative to previous note)
Shift + C - Change to C above (relative to previous note)
Shift + D - Change to D above (relative to previous note)
Shift + E - Change to E above (relative to previous note)
Shift + F - Change to F above (relative to previous note)
Shift + G - Change to G above (relative to previous note)
Alt + A - Change to A below (relative to previous note)
Alt + B - Change to B below (relative to previous note)
Alt + C - Change to C below (relative to previous note)
Alt + D - Change to D below (relative to previous note)
Alt + E - Change to E below (relative to previous note)
Alt + F - Change to F below (relative to previous note)
Alt + G - Change to G below (relative to previous note)
Shift + ` - Whole-Step Flat for measure Shift + 1 - Half-Step Flat for measure Shift + 2 - Natural for measure Shift + 3 - Half-Step Sharp (Sharp) for measure Shift + 4 - Whole-Step Sharp (Double Sharp) for measure Shift + 5 - (Measure Repeat) Shift + 6 - (Marcato Accent) Shift + 7 - accidental + Quarter-Step Flat for measure Shift + 8 - accidental + Quarter-Step Sharp for measure Shift + 9 - Parenthesis on selected note's accidental Shift + 0 - Parenthesis on selected notehead (approx.)
Down | J - Step Down within key Up | K - Step Up within key Ctrl + (Down | J) - Half Step Down Ctrl + (Up | K) - Half Step Up Alt + (Down | J) - Quarter Step Down Alt + (Up | K) - Quarter Step Up
Shift + / - Toggle Show Menus
V, I | 1 - 64th Note V, T | 2 - 32nd Note V, S | 3 - 16th Note V, E | 4 - 8th Note V, Q | 5 - Quarter Note V, H | 6 - Half Note V, W | 7 - Whole Note V, D | 8 - Double Whole Note V, L | 9 - Longa V, T | 0 - Tie . - Dotted Note
S - Add Slur(s) / Toggle Editing Slur(s) Shift + S - Delete Selected Slur(s) ` - Staccatissimo Shift + </kbd> - Short Caesura Alt + </kbd> - Long Caesura / - (Search) , - Breath Mark
This mode is the starting mode, if you're in another mode you can enter with Escape.
Commands are formed by typing a number, then a key to repeat the operation that many times.
- Step (within key) ±
- Step Down (Within Key)
- Step Up (Within Key)
- Octave ±
- Octave Down
- Octave Up
- Change Unplayable Octaves…
- Invert…
- Reverse…
- Timewise Reverse (Pitches & Rhythm)
- Reverse Pitches
- Reverse Rhythm
This is to make it easier to use for non-power-users.
Left - ALIAS for H
Down - ALIAS for J
Up - ALIAS for K
Right - ALIAS for L
EEdit Mode (For inserting notes)
RTimewise Reverse (Pitches & Rhythm)
ShiftRReverse Pitches
AltRReverse Rhythm
IStep Down (Within Key)
ShiftIStep Up (Within Key)
OOctave Down
ShiftOOctave Up
AltOChange Unplayable Octaves…
AArticulation Mode (For changing articulation)
H Cursor Left
ShiftH Select Left
AltH Swap Note/Rest Left
J Cursor Staff Down
ShiftJ Select Staff Down
AltJ Swap Staff Down
K Cursor Staff Up
ShiftK Select Staff Up
AltK Swap Staff Up
L Cursor Right
ShiftL Select Right
AltL Swap Note/Rest Right
This is to make it easier to use for non-power-users.
9 - ALIAS for Duration Mode: L
8 - ALIAS for Duration Mode: B
7 - ALIAS for Duration Mode: W
6 - ALIAS for Duration Mode: H
5 - ALIAS for Duration Mode: Q
4 - ALIAS for Duration Mode: E
3 - ALIAS for Duration Mode: S
2 - ALIAS for Duration Mode: T
1 - ALIAS for Duration Mode: X
0 - ALIAS for Duration Mode: O
- Insert Note
- Same pitch as previous
- Insert A
- Insert B
- Insert C
- Insert D
- Insert E
- Insert F
- Insert Interval…
- Insert Interval Down… (Takes a number)
- Insert Interval Up… (Takes a number)
- Insert Major Interval Up… (Takes a number)
- Insert Major Interval Down… (Takes a number)
- Insert Minor Interval Up… (Takes a number)
- Insert Minor Interval Down… (Takes a number)
EInsert E
RSame pitch as previous
IInsert Interval Down… (Takes a number)
ShiftIInsert Interval Up… (Takes a number)
AInsert A
DInsert D
FInsert F
GInsert G
H Cursor Left
ShiftH Select Left
AltH Swap Note/Rest Left
J Down 1 Step (within key)
ShiftJ Down Half Step (Semi-tone)
AltJ Down 1 quarter step
K Up 1 Step (within key)
ShiftK Up Half Step (Semi-tone)
AltK Up 1 quarter step
L Cursor Right
ShiftL Select Right
AltL Swap Note/Rest Right
CInsert C
BInsert B
NInsert minor interval down… (use - for up)
ShiftNInsert major interval down… (use - for up)
MInsert minor interval up… (use - for down)
ShiftMInsert major interval up… (use - for down)
Articulation mode has articulations and sound modifiers.
' Toggle ' (Staccatissimo) Accent
. Toggle . (Staccato) Accent
_ Toggle _ (Tenuto) Accent
^ Toggle ^ (Marcato) Accent
> Toggle > Accent
+ Mute, o Open, @ Harmonic, | Pedal,
Keyboard shortcuts for ScoreFall Studio. ScoreFall Studio uses a simple command structure for keyboard use:
Number; Command
This repeats the command x number of times.
This is the default mode. Enter into this mode with CTRL.
L: Change Note Length
1 OR F - Set Duration To 64th note (subdivide beat)
2 OR R - Set Duration To 32th note (subdivide beat)
3 OR S - Set Duration To 16th note (subdivide beat)
4 OR E - Set Duration To Eighth note (subdivide beat)
5 OR Q - Set Duration To Quarter note
6 OR A - Set Duration To Half note
7 OR W - Set Duration To Whole Note
8 OR D - Set Duration To Double Whole Note
9 OR G - Set Duration To Longa
0 OR T - Tuplet (example: 3t
triplet on current duration, t-
remove note from tuplet, t+
or tt
add note to tuplet)
SPACE - Start From Cursor/Stop Playback
Shift + SPACE - Resume Playback
ENTER - Go x measures from beginning - default=1 (example: 10⏎
goes to measure 10)
, - Toggle double augmentation on duration
. - Toggle augmentation on duration
/ - Toggle Find Mode or Insert time signature (4/4
=Common Time, /
=Toggle Find Mode)
? - Key Change & Change Tuning (?bb
=B Flat, ?a#
=A Sharp, ?c
, c
=C Natural)
[ - Reduce note duration by half
] - Double note duration
{ - Grace Note Into
} - Grace Note Out Of
\ - Create 1st, 2nd, 3rd endings.
| - Toggle Repeat Barline
; - Change Note Spelling
< - insert cresendo (example: 4<
cresc. for 4 beats)
> - insert decresendo or accent (example: 4>
decresc. for 4 beats, >
for accent)
: - Change Instrument / Use Pedal / Use Mute
! - Signo (Repeat Sign)
@ - Insert Harmonic
# - Coda
$ - Toggle Fermata
% - Repeat Previous Measure
^ - Toggle Marcato
& - Toggle Slur
* - Toggle Stacato
( - Pitch Bend Slide Into
) - Pitch Bend Slide Out Of
- - Toggle Portamento / Glissando
_ - Toggle Tenuto
= - Insert Tremelo (example: 2=
tremelo marking x2)
+ - Toggle Mute (Possible:Closed,Open,None)
` - Insert Breath Mark, 2 for caesura, 3 for grand pause
~ - Insert Trill
' - Staccatissimo
" - Insert Clef Change
A - Insert A Below (within key) - Optional Number For Duration
Shift + A - Insert A Above (within key)- Optional Number For Duration
B - Insert B Below (within key)- Optional Number For Duration
Shift + B - Insert B Above (within key)- Optional Number For Duration
C - Insert C Below (within key)- Optional Number For Duration
Shift + C - Insert C Above (within key)- Optional Number For Duration
D - Insert D Below (within key)- Optional Number For Duration
Shift + D - Insert D Above (within key)- Optional Number For Duration
E - Insert E Below (within key)- Optional Number For Duration
Shift + E - Insert E Above (within key)- Optional Number For Duration
F - Insert F Below (within key)- Optional Number For Duration
Shift + F - Insert F Above (within key)- Optional Number For Duration
G - Insert G Below (within key)- Optional Number For Duration
Shift + G - Insert G Above (within key)- Optional Number For Duration
H - Set Duration To Half note
Shift + H - Show Help For Different Context (3H
- help for context 3, H
next context)
J - Down 1 Step (within key)
Shift + J - Down Half Step (Semi-tone)
K - Up 1 Step (within key)
Shift + K - Up Half Step (Semi-tone)
L - Go to staff # or by name (2l
or ltrombone
Shift + L - Add lyrics
M - Go to measure # or rehearsal marking (5m
or ma
Shift + M - Turn / Forwards Turn
N - Next Note or Rest
Shift + N - Previous Note or Rest
O - Move 1 octave down
Shift + O - Move 1 octave up
P - Put (Paste but inserts measures)
Shift + P - Edit Instruments / Movements / Score Properties
Q - Set Duration To Quarter note
Shift + Q - Toggle Courtesy Accidental
R - Insert Rest
Shift + R - Set swing ratio
S - Set Duration To Eighth note (subdivision)
Shift + S - Set Dynamic (Smf
=mf, Sszf
=sfz, S3f
U - arpeggio (strum) pitch up, strum guitar down
Shift + U - Strum
V - Set Duration To 64th note (subdivide beat)
Shift + V - Insert Vibrato
W - Set Duration To Whole Note
Shift + W - Da Signo (D.S)
X - Set Duration To 16th note (subdivide beat)
Shift + X - (D.C) al coda
Y - Yank (Cut but removes measures)
Z - Set Duration To 32th note (subdivide beat)
Shift + Z - (D.C) al fine
CTRL + / - Find Music Notation (Rather Than Text)
CTRL + TAB - Cycle Through Tabs
CTRL + CAPS LOCK - Cycle Through Tabs Backwards
CTRL + SPACE - Play From The Beginning
CTRL + E - Exchange With Clipboard
CTRL + F - Find Text
CTRL + H - Toggle Help Menus
CTRL + I -
CTRL + J - Down Quarter Step
CTRL + K - Up Quarter Step
CTRL + L -
CTRL + M - Reversed Turn
CTRL + N - New Score (New Tab)
CTRL + O - Open Score (New Tab)
CTRL + P - Toggle "C-Clef Concert Pitch" Mode
CTRL + Q - Quit ScoreFall Studio
CTRL + R - Redo
CTRL + S - Share…
CTRL + T - Open Just Closed Tab
Tab - Next Measure
ShiftTab - Previous Measure
Enter - Next channel (move cursor down 1 staff)
ShiftEnter - Select (down) next channel
AltEnter - Swap channel with next
CapsLock - Previous channel (move cursor down 1 staff)
ShiftCapsLock - Select (up) previous channel
AltCapsLock - Swap channel with previous
Home - Go to Top of Movement
ShiftHome - Select to Top of Movement
AltHome - Move measure/selection to top of movement
End - Go to End of Movement
ShiftEnd - Select to End of Movement
AltEnd - Move measure/selection to end of Movement
PageUp - Previous Rehearsal Marking
ShiftPageUp - Select to Previous Rehearsal Marking
AltPageUp - Move section to previous Rehearsal Marking
PageDown - Next Rehearsal Marking
ShiftPageDown - Select to Next Rehearsal Marking
AltPageDown - Move section to Next Rehearsal Marking
CtrlShift - ALIAS for Alt</br/>
Left - ALIAS for H
Right - ALIAS for L
Up - ALIAS for K
Down - ALIAS for J
1 - Set Duration To 64th note (subdivide beat)
2 - Set Duration To 32th note (subdivide beat)
3 - Set Duration To 16th note (subdivide beat)
4 - Set Duration To Eighth note (subdivide beat)
5 - Set Duration To Quarter note
6 - Set Duration To Half note
7 - Set Duration To Whole Note
8 - Set Duration To Double Whole Note
0 - Tuplet (example: 3t
triplet on current duration, t-
A - Change Note to A Below, Change Rest to Nearest A
SHIFTA - Change Note to A Above, Change Rest to Furthest A
B - Change Note to B Below, Change Rest to Nearest B
SHIFTB - Change Note to B Above, Change Rest to Furthest B
C - Change Note to C Below, Change Rest to Nearest C
SHIFTC - Change Note to C Above, Change Rest to Furthest C
D - Change Note to D Below, Change Rest to Nearest D
SHIFTD - Change Note to D Above, Change Rest to Furthest D
E - Change Note to E Below, Change Rest to Nearest E
SHIFTE - Change Note to E Above, Change Rest to Furthest E
F - Change Note to F Below, Change Rest to Nearest F
SHIFTF - Change Note to F Above, Change Rest to Furthest F
G - Change Note to G Below, Change Rest to Nearest G
SHIFTG - Change Note to G Above, Change Rest to Furthest G
H - Cursor Left
ShiftH - Select Left
AltH - Swap Note/Rest Left
I - Insert Interval Below (example: 5i
inserts note 5th below)
Shift + I - Insert Interval Above (example: 5I
inserts note 5th below)
AltI - ???
J - Down 1 Step (within key)
SHIFTJ - Down 1 half step
AltJ - Down 1 quarter step
K - Up 1 Step (within key)
SHIFTK - Up 1 half step
AltK - Down 1 quarter step
L - Cursor Right
SHIFTL - Select Right
AltH - Swap Note/Rest Right
M - CTRLG Alias
ShiftM - ???
N - TAB Alias
O - Move octave down
ShiftO - Move octave up
P - Arpeggiate Up (Strum Down)
ShiftP - Arpeggiate Down (Strum Up)
Q - 5 Alias (1/4)
R - Change Note to Rest
S - 3 Alias (1/16)
ShiftS Customize Instrument Synthesis Sounds
T - 4 Alias (1/8)
ShiftT Set Tempo (BPM & optional description)
AltT Tuplet
U - 6 Alias (1/2)
V - Toggle Vibrato
ShiftV ???
AltV Swap selection with cut location or clipboard
W - 7 Alias (1/1)
X - Lenghten Note (*2)
ShiftX - Lenghten Note (add ., or lenghten and remove .)
AltX - Cut markings
Y - 2 Alias (1/32)
Z - Shorten Note (/2)
ShiftZ - Shorten Note (remove ., or shorten and add .)
AltZ - Redo
CtrlA - Select All
CtrlC - Copy
CtrlD - Delete Measure
CtrlG - Jump to measure #, or rehearsal marking; first enter number or letter combination, then press enter to exit
CtrlV - Paste
CtrlW - Close Tab (Close Score)
CtrlX - Cut measures
CtrlY - AltZ Alias (Redo)
CtrlZ - Undo
12 # Goto measure 12
rD # Goto rehearsal marking D
r4 # Goto rehearsal marking 4
- Transpose octaves.
o # Down 1 octave
2O # Up 2 octaves
- Insert Relative Tuning (choose a note in the current tuning, followed by new tuning)
- Insert Microtonal Tuning Adjustment (Harmonic7th, RaiseLower3rd, WolfFifth, etc.)
- Insert Set Custom Tuning (Non-Standard)
- Insert Set Greek Tuning (Just Intonation)
- Insert Set Arabic Tuning (Equal Temperament)
- Insert Set Indian Tuning (Shrutis / Ragas)
- Insert Modulate Tuning
- Arabic C♮ 0 / Indian Sa (S) 0 C♮ / Didgeridoo B (Circular Breath)
- Arabic C𝄱
- Arabic C♯ 1 / Indian Ri1 (r1) 1 C#
- Arabic C𝄰 / Indian Ri2 (r2) 2 C𝄰
- Arabic D♮ 2 / Indian Ri3 (R1) 3 D♮ / Didgeridoo "dar"
- Arabic D𝄱 / Indian Ri4 (R2) 4 D𝄱
- Arabic D♯ 3 / Indian Ga1 (g1) 5 D#
- Arabic D𝄰 / Indian Ga2 (g2) 6 D𝄰
- Arabic E♮ 4 / Indian Ga3 (G1) 7 E♮ / Didgeridoo "dee"
- Arabic E𝄱 / Indian Ga4 (G2) 8 E𝄱
- Arabic F♮ 5 / Indian Ma1 (M1) 9 F♮ / Didgeridoo "ha"
- Arabic F𝄱 / Indian Ma2 (M2) 10 F𝄱
- Arabic F♯ 6 / Indian Ma3 (m1) 11 F#
- Arabic F𝄰 / Indian Ma4 (m2) 12 F𝄰
- Arabic G♮ 7 / Indian Pa (P) 13 G♮ / Didgeridoo "ee"
- Arabic G𝄱
- Arabic G♯ 8 / Indian Dha1 (d1) 14 G#
- Arabic G𝄰 / Indian Dha2 (d2) 15 G𝄰
- Arabic A♮ 9 / Indian Dha3 (D1) 16 A♮ / Didgeridoo "GA"
- Arabic A𝄱 / Indian Dha4 (D2) 17 A𝄱
- Arabic A♯ 10 / Indian Ni1 (n1) 18 A#
- Arabic A𝄰 / Indian Ni2 (n2) 19 A𝄰
- Arabic B♮ 11 / Indian Ni3 (N1) 20 B♮ / Didgeridoo?
- Arabic B𝄱 / Indian Ni4 (N2) 21 B𝄱
- Arabic C♮ 12 / Indian Sa' (S') 22 C♮ / Didgeridoo?