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ScoreFall Studio - Keyboard Shortcuts

ScoreFall Studio has modal keyboard shortcuts that match up with a GUI which can also be used as help for learning the shortcuts.

  • Press Shift + R (":"), followed by a number, then Enter to repeat previous action a number of times.


  • Selected Mode (For selecting parts of the score, and operating on it)

  • (p) Pitch (Transposing) Mode (For intervals & note names) - default mode for normal

  • (a) Articulation Mode (For changing articulation for selection)

  • (c) Clef Mode (For changing clef for selection)

  • (k) Key Signature Mode (For changing key for selection - transposing, rewriting - remove any accidentals that would be added, or renotating - add/remove accidentals)

  • (s) Time Signature Mode (For changing time signature for selection - adding/removing beats, renotating - example: changing from 5/8 to 5/4, or redistributing - example: 4 bars of 3/4 to 3 bars of 4/4)

  • (v) Duration Mode (For making selected section longer or shorter by duration ratio)

  • (d) Dynamics Mode (For setting dynamics of a section, cresc., dim. over selection)

  • (i) Instrument Change Mode (For changing instrument)

  • (o) Ornaments (inserting trills, turns on all selected notes)

  • (j) Glissandi, Slurs & Bends (insert between all in selected notes, or toggle off)

  • (t) Tempo Mode

  • (r) Repeats Mode

  • Non-selected Mode (For inserting notes by name or interval)

  • (p) Pitch (Insert) Mode (For intervals & note names) - default mode for edit

  • (a) Articulation Mode (For changing articulation at cursor, adding breath marks)

  • (c) Clef Mode (For changing clef at cursor)

  • (k) Key Signature Mode (For changing key at cursor - transposing, rewriting - remove any accidentals that would be added, or renotating - add/remove accidentals)

  • (s) Time Signature Mode (For changing time signature at cursor - adding/removing beats, renotating - example: changing from 5/8 to 5/4, or redistributing - example: 4 bars of 3/4 to 3 bars of 4/4)

  • (v) Duration Mode (For changing selected note's duration, and future rests)

  • (d) Dynamics Mode (For inserting dynamics, start/end cresc., dim.)

  • (i) Instrument Change Mode (For changing instrument)

  • (o) Ornaments (inserting trills, turns, tremelo, strumming, grace notes)

  • (j) Glissandi, Slurs & Bends (insert)

  • (t) Tempo Mode

  • (r) Repeats Mode

Navigation (no menu)

H | Left - Move one note to the left.
L | Right - Move one note to the right.
Shift + (H | Left) - Select one note to the left.
Shift + (L | Right) - Select one note to the right.
Alt + (H | Left) - Swap selection to the left.
Alt + (L | Right) - Swap selection to the right.
Page Up | Ctrl + (H | Left) - Rehearsal marking to the left.
Page Down | Ctrl + (L | Right) - Rehearsal marking to the right.

Shift + Tab - Move up one staff.
Tab - Move down on staff.
Enter - Move to next measure.
Shift + Enter - Move to previous measure.
Home | Alt + Enter - Move to beginning.
End | Ctrl + Enter - Move to end.

; - Repeat X number of times, after Enter
Shift + ; - Go to measure number X, after Enter. Also takes rehearsal marking letters.

Alt + 1 | F1 - Pitch Menu

A - Change to nearest A (relative to previous note)
B - Change to nearest B (relative to previous note)
C - Change to nearest C (relative to previous note)
D - Change to nearest D (relative to previous note)
E - Change to nearest E (relative to previous note)
F - Change to nearest F (relative to previous note)
G - Change to nearest G (relative to previous note)
R - Change to rest

Shift + A - Change to A above (relative to previous note)
Shift + B - Change to B above (relative to previous note)
Shift + C - Change to C above (relative to previous note)
Shift + D - Change to D above (relative to previous note)
Shift + E - Change to E above (relative to previous note)
Shift + F - Change to F above (relative to previous note)
Shift + G - Change to G above (relative to previous note)

Alt + A - Change to A below (relative to previous note)
Alt + B - Change to B below (relative to previous note)
Alt + C - Change to C below (relative to previous note)
Alt + D - Change to D below (relative to previous note)
Alt + E - Change to E below (relative to previous note)
Alt + F - Change to F below (relative to previous note)
Alt + G - Change to G below (relative to previous note)

Shift + ` - Whole-Step Flat for measure Shift + 1 - Half-Step Flat for measure Shift + 2 - Natural for measure Shift + 3 - Half-Step Sharp (Sharp) for measure Shift + 4 - Whole-Step Sharp (Double Sharp) for measure Shift + 5 - (Measure Repeat) Shift + 6 - (Marcato Accent) Shift + 7 - accidental + Quarter-Step Flat for measure Shift + 8 - accidental + Quarter-Step Sharp for measure Shift + 9 - Parenthesis on selected note's accidental Shift + 0 - Parenthesis on selected notehead (approx.)

Down | J - Step Down within key Up | K - Step Up within key Ctrl + (Down | J) - Half Step Down Ctrl + (Up | K) - Half Step Up Alt + (Down | J) - Quarter Step Down Alt + (Up | K) - Quarter Step Up

Shift + / - Toggle Show Menus

Alt + 2 | F2 - Duration/Value Menu

V, I | 1 - 64th Note V, T | 2 - 32nd Note V, S | 3 - 16th Note V, E | 4 - 8th Note V, Q | 5 - Quarter Note V, H | 6 - Half Note V, W | 7 - Whole Note V, D | 8 - Double Whole Note V, L | 9 - Longa V, T | 0 - Tie . - Dotted Note

Alt + 3 | F3 - Articulation Menu

S - Add Slur(s) / Toggle Editing Slur(s) Shift + S - Delete Selected Slur(s) ` - Staccatissimo Shift + </kbd> - Short Caesura Alt + </kbd> - Long Caesura / - (Search) , - Breath Mark


Normal Mode

This mode is the starting mode, if you're in another mode you can enter with Escape.


Commands are formed by typing a number, then a key to repeat the operation that many times.

  • Step (within key) ±
  • Step Down (Within Key)
  • Step Up (Within Key)
  • Octave ±
  • Octave Down
  • Octave Up
  • Change Unplayable Octaves…
  • Invert…
  • Reverse…
  • Timewise Reverse (Pitches & Rhythm)
  • Reverse Pitches
  • Reverse Rhythm

Mappings (Aliases)

This is to make it easier to use for non-power-users.

Left - ALIAS for H
Down - ALIAS for J
Up - ALIAS for K
Right - ALIAS for L

Letter Keys

EEdit Mode (For inserting notes)
RTimewise Reverse (Pitches & Rhythm)
ShiftRReverse Pitches
AltRReverse Rhythm
IStep Down (Within Key)
ShiftIStep Up (Within Key)
OOctave Down
ShiftOOctave Up
AltOChange Unplayable Octaves…

AArticulation Mode (For changing articulation)
H Cursor Left
ShiftH Select Left
AltH Swap Note/Rest Left
J Cursor Staff Down
ShiftJ Select Staff Down
AltJ Swap Staff Down
K Cursor Staff Up
ShiftK Select Staff Up
AltK Swap Staff Up
L Cursor Right
ShiftL Select Right
AltL Swap Note/Rest Right


Edit Mode

Mappings (Aliases)

This is to make it easier to use for non-power-users.

9 - ALIAS for Duration Mode: L
8 - ALIAS for Duration Mode: B
7 - ALIAS for Duration Mode: W
6 - ALIAS for Duration Mode: H
5 - ALIAS for Duration Mode: Q
4 - ALIAS for Duration Mode: E
3 - ALIAS for Duration Mode: S
2 - ALIAS for Duration Mode: T
1 - ALIAS for Duration Mode: X
0 - ALIAS for Duration Mode: O


  • Insert Note
  • Same pitch as previous
  • Insert A
  • Insert B
  • Insert C
  • Insert D
  • Insert E
  • Insert F
  • Insert Interval…
  • Insert Interval Down… (Takes a number)
  • Insert Interval Up… (Takes a number)
  • Insert Major Interval Up… (Takes a number)
  • Insert Major Interval Down… (Takes a number)
  • Insert Minor Interval Up… (Takes a number)
  • Insert Minor Interval Down… (Takes a number)

Letter Keys

EInsert E
RSame pitch as previous
IInsert Interval Down… (Takes a number)
ShiftIInsert Interval Up… (Takes a number)

AInsert A
DInsert D
FInsert F
GInsert G
H Cursor Left
ShiftH Select Left
AltH Swap Note/Rest Left
J Down 1 Step (within key)
ShiftJ Down Half Step (Semi-tone)
AltJ Down 1 quarter step
K Up 1 Step (within key)
ShiftK Up Half Step (Semi-tone)
AltK Up 1 quarter step
L Cursor Right
ShiftL Select Right
AltL Swap Note/Rest Right

CInsert C
BInsert B
NInsert minor interval down… (use - for up)
ShiftNInsert major interval down… (use - for up)
MInsert minor interval up… (use - for down)
ShiftMInsert major interval up… (use - for down)

Articulation Mode

Articulation mode has articulations and sound modifiers.

' Toggle ' (Staccatissimo) Accent
. Toggle . (Staccato) Accent
_ Toggle _ (Tenuto) Accent
^ Toggle ^ (Marcato) Accent
> Toggle > Accent

+ Mute, o Open, @ Harmonic, | Pedal,

Keyboard shortcuts for ScoreFall Studio. ScoreFall Studio uses a simple command structure for keyboard use:

Number; Command

This repeats the command x number of times.

Control Mode

This is the default mode. Enter into this mode with CTRL.

L: Change Note Length

Note Length

1 OR F - Set Duration To 64th note (subdivide beat)
2 OR R - Set Duration To 32th note (subdivide beat)
3 OR S - Set Duration To 16th note (subdivide beat)
4 OR E - Set Duration To Eighth note (subdivide beat)
5 OR Q - Set Duration To Quarter note
6 OR A - Set Duration To Half note
7 OR W - Set Duration To Whole Note
8 OR D - Set Duration To Double Whole Note
9 OR G - Set Duration To Longa
0 OR T - Tuplet (example: 3t triplet on current duration, t- remove note from tuplet, t+ or tt add note to tuplet)

All Shortcuts

SPACE - Start From Cursor/Stop Playback
Shift + SPACE - Resume Playback
ENTER - Go x measures from beginning - default=1 (example: 10⏎ goes to measure 10)
, - Toggle double augmentation on duration
. - Toggle augmentation on duration
/ - Toggle Find Mode or Insert time signature (4/4 ᴇɴᴛᴇʀ=Common Time, /=Toggle Find Mode)
? - Key Change & Change Tuning (?bb=B Flat, ?a#=A Sharp, ?c , c ᴇɴᴛᴇʀ=C Natural)
[ - Reduce note duration by half
] - Double note duration
{ - Grace Note Into
} - Grace Note Out Of
\ - Create 1st, 2nd, 3rd endings.
| - Toggle Repeat Barline
; - Change Note Spelling
< - insert cresendo (example: 4< cresc. for 4 beats)
> - insert decresendo or accent (example: 4> decresc. for 4 beats, > for accent)
: - Change Instrument / Use Pedal / Use Mute
! - Signo (Repeat Sign)
@ - Insert Harmonic
# - Coda
$ - Toggle Fermata
% - Repeat Previous Measure
^ - Toggle Marcato
& - Toggle Slur
* - Toggle Stacato
( - Pitch Bend Slide Into
) - Pitch Bend Slide Out Of
- - Toggle Portamento / Glissando
_ - Toggle Tenuto
= - Insert Tremelo (example: 2= tremelo marking x2)
+ - Toggle Mute (Possible:Closed,Open,None)
` - Insert Breath Mark, 2 for caesura, 3 for grand pause
~ - Insert Trill
' - Staccatissimo
" - Insert Clef Change
A - Insert A Below (within key) - Optional Number For Duration
Shift + A - Insert A Above (within key)- Optional Number For Duration
B - Insert B Below (within key)- Optional Number For Duration
Shift + B - Insert B Above (within key)- Optional Number For Duration
C - Insert C Below (within key)- Optional Number For Duration
Shift + C - Insert C Above (within key)- Optional Number For Duration
D - Insert D Below (within key)- Optional Number For Duration
Shift + D - Insert D Above (within key)- Optional Number For Duration
E - Insert E Below (within key)- Optional Number For Duration
Shift + E - Insert E Above (within key)- Optional Number For Duration
F - Insert F Below (within key)- Optional Number For Duration
Shift + F - Insert F Above (within key)- Optional Number For Duration
G - Insert G Below (within key)- Optional Number For Duration
Shift + G - Insert G Above (within key)- Optional Number For Duration
H - Set Duration To Half note
Shift + H - Show Help For Different Context (3H - help for context 3, H next context)
J - Down 1 Step (within key)
Shift + J - Down Half Step (Semi-tone)
K - Up 1 Step (within key)
Shift + K - Up Half Step (Semi-tone)
L - Go to staff # or by name (2l or ltrombone ᴇɴᴛᴇʀ)
Shift + L - Add lyrics
M - Go to measure # or rehearsal marking (5m or ma ᴇɴᴛᴇʀ)
Shift + M - Turn / Forwards Turn
N - Next Note or Rest
Shift + N - Previous Note or Rest
O - Move 1 octave down
Shift + O - Move 1 octave up
P - Put (Paste but inserts measures)
Shift + P - Edit Instruments / Movements / Score Properties
Q - Set Duration To Quarter note
Shift + Q - Toggle Courtesy Accidental
R - Insert Rest
Shift + R - Set swing ratio
S - Set Duration To Eighth note (subdivision)
Shift + S - Set Dynamic (Smf=mf, Sszf=sfz, S3f=fff)
U - arpeggio (strum) pitch up, strum guitar down
Shift + U - Strum
V - Set Duration To 64th note (subdivide beat)
Shift + V - Insert Vibrato
W - Set Duration To Whole Note
Shift + W - Da Signo (D.S)
X - Set Duration To 16th note (subdivide beat)
Shift + X - (D.C) al coda
Y - Yank (Cut but removes measures)
Z - Set Duration To 32th note (subdivide beat)
Shift + Z - (D.C) al fine

CTRL + / - Find Music Notation (Rather Than Text)
CTRL + TAB - Cycle Through Tabs
CTRL + CAPS LOCK - Cycle Through Tabs Backwards
CTRL + SPACE - Play From The Beginning

CTRL + E - Exchange With Clipboard
CTRL + F - Find Text

CTRL + H - Toggle Help Menus
CTRL + I -
CTRL + J - Down Quarter Step
CTRL + K - Up Quarter Step
CTRL + L -
CTRL + M - Reversed Turn
CTRL + N - New Score (New Tab)
CTRL + O - Open Score (New Tab)
CTRL + P - Toggle "C-Clef Concert Pitch" Mode
CTRL + Q - Quit ScoreFall Studio
CTRL + R - Redo
CTRL + S - Share…
CTRL + T - Open Just Closed Tab

Redesign of Shortcuts

Tab - Next Measure
ShiftTab - Previous Measure

Enter - Next channel (move cursor down 1 staff) ShiftEnter - Select (down) next channel
AltEnter - Swap channel with next

CapsLock - Previous channel (move cursor down 1 staff) ShiftCapsLock - Select (up) previous channel
AltCapsLock - Swap channel with previous

Home - Go to Top of Movement
ShiftHome - Select to Top of Movement
AltHome - Move measure/selection to top of movement

End - Go to End of Movement
ShiftEnd - Select to End of Movement
AltEnd - Move measure/selection to end of Movement

PageUp - Previous Rehearsal Marking
ShiftPageUp - Select to Previous Rehearsal Marking
AltPageUp - Move section to previous Rehearsal Marking

PageDown - Next Rehearsal Marking
ShiftPageDown - Select to Next Rehearsal Marking
AltPageDown - Move section to Next Rehearsal Marking

CtrlShift - ALIAS for Alt</br/>

Left - ALIAS for H
Right - ALIAS for L
Up - ALIAS for K
Down - ALIAS for J

1 - Set Duration To 64th note (subdivide beat)
2 - Set Duration To 32th note (subdivide beat)
3 - Set Duration To 16th note (subdivide beat)
4 - Set Duration To Eighth note (subdivide beat)
5 - Set Duration To Quarter note
6 - Set Duration To Half note
7 - Set Duration To Whole Note
8 - Set Duration To Double Whole Note
0 - Tuplet (example: 3t triplet on current duration, t-

A - Change Note to A Below, Change Rest to Nearest A
SHIFTA - Change Note to A Above, Change Rest to Furthest A
B - Change Note to B Below, Change Rest to Nearest B
SHIFTB - Change Note to B Above, Change Rest to Furthest B
C - Change Note to C Below, Change Rest to Nearest C
SHIFTC - Change Note to C Above, Change Rest to Furthest C
D - Change Note to D Below, Change Rest to Nearest D
SHIFTD - Change Note to D Above, Change Rest to Furthest D
E - Change Note to E Below, Change Rest to Nearest E
SHIFTE - Change Note to E Above, Change Rest to Furthest E
F - Change Note to F Below, Change Rest to Nearest F
SHIFTF - Change Note to F Above, Change Rest to Furthest F
G - Change Note to G Below, Change Rest to Nearest G
SHIFTG - Change Note to G Above, Change Rest to Furthest G
H - Cursor Left
ShiftH - Select Left
AltH - Swap Note/Rest Left
I - Insert Interval Below (example: 5i inserts note 5th below)
Shift + I - Insert Interval Above (example: 5I inserts note 5th below)
AltI - ???
J - Down 1 Step (within key)
SHIFTJ - Down 1 half step
AltJ - Down 1 quarter step
K - Up 1 Step (within key)
SHIFTK - Up 1 half step
AltK - Down 1 quarter step
L - Cursor Right
SHIFTL - Select Right
AltH - Swap Note/Rest Right
M - CTRLG Alias
ShiftM - ???
N - TAB Alias
O - Move octave down
ShiftO - Move octave up
P - Arpeggiate Up (Strum Down)
ShiftP - Arpeggiate Down (Strum Up)
Q - 5 Alias (1/4)
R - Change Note to Rest
S - 3 Alias (1/16)
ShiftS Customize Instrument Synthesis Sounds
T - 4 Alias (1/8)
ShiftT Set Tempo (BPM & optional description)
AltT Tuplet
U - 6 Alias (1/2)
V - Toggle Vibrato
ShiftV ???
AltV Swap selection with cut location or clipboard
W - 7 Alias (1/1)
X - Lenghten Note (*2)
ShiftX - Lenghten Note (add ., or lenghten and remove .)
AltX - Cut markings
Y - 2 Alias (1/32)
Z - Shorten Note (/2)
ShiftZ - Shorten Note (remove ., or shorten and add .)
AltZ - Redo

CtrlA - Select All
CtrlC - Copy
CtrlD - Delete Measure

CtrlG - Jump to measure #, or rehearsal marking; first enter number or letter combination, then press enter to exit

CtrlV - Paste
CtrlW - Close Tab (Close Score)
CtrlX - Cut measures
CtrlY - AltZ Alias (Redo)
CtrlZ - Undo

Command Mode

12 # Goto measure 12
rD # Goto rehearsal marking D
r4 # Goto rehearsal marking 4
  • Transpose octaves.
o # Down 1 octave
2O # Up 2 octaves

Tuning Modes

  • Insert Relative Tuning (choose a note in the current tuning, followed by new tuning)
  • Insert Microtonal Tuning Adjustment (Harmonic7th, RaiseLower3rd, WolfFifth, etc.)
  • Insert Set Custom Tuning (Non-Standard)
  • Insert Set Greek Tuning (Just Intonation)
  • Insert Set Arabic Tuning (Equal Temperament)
  • Insert Set Indian Tuning (Shrutis / Ragas)
  • Insert Modulate Tuning

Note Names For Microtonal Music

  • Arabic C♮ 0 / Indian Sa (S) 0 C♮ / Didgeridoo B (Circular Breath)
  • Arabic C𝄱
  • Arabic C♯ 1 / Indian Ri1 (r1) 1 C#
  • Arabic C𝄰 / Indian Ri2 (r2) 2 C𝄰
  • Arabic D♮ 2 / Indian Ri3 (R1) 3 D♮ / Didgeridoo "dar"
  • Arabic D𝄱 / Indian Ri4 (R2) 4 D𝄱
  • Arabic D♯ 3 / Indian Ga1 (g1) 5 D#
  • Arabic D𝄰 / Indian Ga2 (g2) 6 D𝄰
  • Arabic E♮ 4 / Indian Ga3 (G1) 7 E♮ / Didgeridoo "dee"
  • Arabic E𝄱 / Indian Ga4 (G2) 8 E𝄱
  • Arabic F♮ 5 / Indian Ma1 (M1) 9 F♮ / Didgeridoo "ha"
  • Arabic F𝄱 / Indian Ma2 (M2) 10 F𝄱
  • Arabic F♯ 6 / Indian Ma3 (m1) 11 F#
  • Arabic F𝄰 / Indian Ma4 (m2) 12 F𝄰
  • Arabic G♮ 7 / Indian Pa (P) 13 G♮ / Didgeridoo "ee"
  • Arabic G𝄱
  • Arabic G♯ 8 / Indian Dha1 (d1) 14 G#
  • Arabic G𝄰 / Indian Dha2 (d2) 15 G𝄰
  • Arabic A♮ 9 / Indian Dha3 (D1) 16 A♮ / Didgeridoo "GA"
  • Arabic A𝄱 / Indian Dha4 (D2) 17 A𝄱
  • Arabic A♯ 10 / Indian Ni1 (n1) 18 A#
  • Arabic A𝄰 / Indian Ni2 (n2) 19 A𝄰
  • Arabic B♮ 11 / Indian Ni3 (N1) 20 B♮ / Didgeridoo?
  • Arabic B𝄱 / Indian Ni4 (N2) 21 B𝄱
  • Arabic C♮ 12 / Indian Sa' (S') 22 C♮ / Didgeridoo?