- E042: Repeat Sign Close & Open
- E080: Time Signature 0
- E081: Time Signature 1
- E082: Time Signature 2
- E083: Time Signature 3
- E084: Time Signature 4
- E085: Time Signature 5
- E086: Time Signature 6
- E087: Time Signature 7
- E088: Time Signature 8
- E089: Time Signature 9
- E280: 1/2 (1 Quarter Tone) Flat
- E281: 3/2 (3 Quarter Tones) Flat
- E282: 1/2 (1 Quarter Tone) Sharp
- E283: 3/2 (3 Quarter Tones) Sharp
- 1D100: Barline (separates bars) 𝄀
- 1D101: Double Barline (ends section) 𝄁
- 1D102: Final Barline (ends piece) 𝄂
- 1D103: Reverse Final Barline (??????) 𝄃
- 1D104: Dashed Barline (??????) 𝄄
- 1D105: Short Barline (??????) 𝄅
- 1D106: Left Repeat Sign (open repeat) 𝄆
- 1D107: Right Repeat Sign (close repeat) 𝄇
- 1D108: Repeat Dots (??????) 𝄈
- 1D109: Dal Segno (go back to the sign) 𝄉
- 1D10A: Da Capo (go back to the start) 𝄊
- 1D10B: Segno (the sign) 𝄋
- 1D10C: Coda (ending) 𝄌
- 1D10D: Repeated (repeat previous measure) 𝄍
- 1D10E: Repeated Figure-2 (repeat previous measure) 𝄎
- 1D10F: Repeated Figure-3 (repeat previous measure) 𝄏
- 1D110: Fermata Above (hold long) 𝄐
- 1D111: Fermata Below (hold long) 𝄑
- 1D112: Breath Mark (breathe here) 𝄒
- 1D113: Caesura (grand pause) 𝄓
- 1D114: Brace (group systems) 𝄔
- 1D115: Bracket (group systems) 𝄕
- 1D116: One-Line Staff (percussion staff) 𝄖
- 1D117: Two-Line Staff 𝄗
- 1D118: Three-Line Staff 𝄘
- 1D119: Four-Line Staff 𝄙
- 1D11A: Five-Line Staff 𝄚
- 1D11B: Six-Line Staff 𝄛
- 1D11C: Six-String Fretboard 𝄜
- 1D11D: Four-String Fretboard 𝄝
- 1D11E: G Clef 𝄞
- 1D11F: G Clef Ottava Alta 𝄟
- 1D120: G Clef Ottava Bassa 𝄠
- 1D121: C Clef 𝄡
- 1D122: F Clef 𝄢
- 1D123: F Clef Ottava Alta 𝄣
- 1D124: F Clef Ottava Bassa 𝄤
- 1D125: Drum Clef-1 𝄥
- 1D126: Drum Clef-2 𝄦
- 1D129: Multi-Measure Rest
- 1D12A: Double Sharp
- 1D12B: Double Flat
- 1D12C: Flat Up
- 1D12D: Flat Down
- 1D12E: Natural Up
- 1D12F: Natural Down
- 1D130: Sharp Up
- 1D131: Sharp Down
- 1D132: Quarter Tone Sharp
- 1D133: Quarter Tone Flat
- 1D134: Common Time
- 1D135: Cut Time
- 1D136: Ottava Alta
- 1D137: Ottava Bassa
- 1D138: Quindicesima alta
- 1D139: Quindicesima bassa
- 1D13A: Multi-Measure Rest (alternate for 1D129)
- 1D13B: Whole Rest
- 1D13C: Half Rest
- 1D13D: Quarter Rest
- 1D13E: Eigth Rest
- 1D13F: Sixteenth Rest
- 1D140: 32nd Rest
- 1D141: 64th Rest
- 1D142: 128th Rest
- 1D143: Notehead X
- 1D144: Notehead +
- 1D145: Notehead Circle X
- 1D146: Notehead Square Outline
- 1D147: Notehead Square Filled
- 1D148: Notehead Triangle Outline
- 1D149: Notehead Triangle Filled
- 1D14A: Notehead Left Outline
- 1D14B: Notehead Left Filled
- 1D14C: Notehead Right Outline
- 1D14D: Notehead Right Filled
- 1D14E: Notehead Down Outline
- 1D14F: Notehead Down Filled
- 1D150: Notehead Upright Outline
- 1D151: Notehead Upright Filled
- 1D152: Notehead Moon Outline
- 1D153: Notehead Moon Fill
- 1D154: Notehead Round Triangle Outline
- 1D155: Notehead Round Triangle Filled
- 1D156: Notehead Parenthesis
- 1D157: Notehead (Outline)
- 1D158: Notehead (Fill)
- 1D159: Notehead Null (none)
- 1D15A: Notehead Cluster Outline
- 1D15B: Notehead Cluster Fill
- 1D15C: Breve (8 beats)
- 1D15D: Whole Note (4 beats)
- 1D15E: Half Note (2 beats)
- 1D15F: Quarter Note (1 beat)
- 1D160: Eigth Note (1/2 beat)
- 1D161: 16th Note (1/4 beat)
- 1D162: 32th Note (1/8 beat)
- 1D163: 64th Note (1/16 beat)
- 1D164: 128th Note (1/32 beat)
- 1D165: Note Stem
- 1D166: Sprechgesang Stem (??????)
- 1D167: Tremelo-1 Combining
- 1D168: Tremelo-2 Combining
- 1D169: Tremelo-3 Combining
- 1D16A: Tremelo-1 Fingered (difference???)
- 1D16B: Tremelo-2 Combining (difference???)
- 1D16C: Tremelo-3 Combining (difference???)
- 1D16D: Augmentation Dot (1.5 times duration)
- 1D16E: Flag-8th
- 1D16F: Flag-16th
- 1D170: Flag-32nd
- 1D171: Flag-64th
- 1D172: Flag-128th
- 1D174: END BEAM
- 1D175: BEGIN TIE
- 1D176: END TIE
- 1D178: END SLUR
- 1D17B: Accent >
- 1D17C: Staccato .
- 1D17D: Tenuto _
- 1D17E: Staccatissimo '
- 1D17F: Marcato ^
- 1D180: Marcato Staccato ^.
- 1D181: Accent Staccato >.
- 1D182: Loure >_
- 1D183: Arpeggiato Up
- 1D184: Arpeggiato Down
- 1D185:
- 1D186:
- 1D187:
- 1D188:
- 1D189:
- 1D18A:
- 1D18B:
- 1D18C: R
- 1D18D: S
- 1D18E: Z
- 1D18F: P
- 1D190: M
- 1D191: F
- 1D192: Crescendo
- 1D193: Decrescendo
- 1D194: Grace Note (Slash)
- 1D195: Grace Note (No Slash)
- 1D196: Trill
- 1D197: Turn
- 1D198: Inverted Turn
- 1D199:
- 1D19A:
- 1D19B:
- 1D19C:
- 1D19D:
- 1D19E:
- 1D19F:
- 1D1A0:
- 1D1A1:
- 1D1A2:
- 1D1A3:
- 1D1A4:
- 1D1A5:
- 1D1A6:
- 1D1A7:
- 1D1A8:
- 1D1A9:
- 1D1AA:
- 1D1AB:
- 1D1AC: Harmonic
- 1D1AD:
- 1D1AE: Pedal Down
- 1D1AF: Pedal Up
- 1D1B0:
- 1D1B1: Glissando Up (squiggly)
- 1D1B2: Glissando Down (squiggly)
- 1D1B3:
- 1D1B4:
- 1D1B5:
- 1D1B6:
- 1D1B7:
- 1D1B8:
- 1D1B9:
- 1D1BA:
- 1D1BB:
- 1D1BC:
- 1D1BD:
- 1D1BE:
- 1D1BF:
- FIXME: There's More!!!!