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Checklist For Safety

scil edited this page Sep 27, 2019 · 49 revisions
  • size of GET request's header is smaller than 8KB, restricted by Swoole, big cookies will make cookies parsing fail.

non-allowed functions

  • header() , use Laravel API: $response->header
  • setcookie(), use Laravel API: $response->cookie
  • session_start()/session_create_id() ... , so Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\NativeSessionStorage is not allowed. use Laravel API.
  • http_response_code(), use Laravel API like setStatusCode(404); or abort(404);

The best way to disable functions.

# php.ini
disable_functions="setcookie, session_start, session_create_id, http_response_code"
# header() is used by artisan serve

A simple way to find out related functions

sudo php -d disable_functions="$disable_functions" vendor/scil/laravel-fly/bin/fly start

A simple bash script to check out related functions in a package

#!/usr/bin/env bash


# find out: exit( die( header( setcookie( setrawcookie( session_start http_response_code
# but ignore: >header // e.g. $request->header('Accept-Language')
grep  -H -n -r -E "\bexit\(|\bdie\(|[^>]header\(|\bsetcookie\(|\bsetrawcookie\(|\bsession_start\(|\bhttp_response_code\("  $package_dir 

non-allowed functions in some cases

  • flush()/ob_flush()/ob_end_flush()/ob_implicit_flush() for Laravel response, please only use Laravel API

  • include_once/require_once when including php code files which are not about class/interface/trait/function. See [include_once/require_once](To include the files about class/interface/trait/function)

  • readline what readline returns

Use php directive to find out them.

sudo php -d disable_functions="$disable_functions" vendor/scil/laravel-fly/bin/fly start

A script.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# simple bash script to check out related functions

grep  -H -n -r -E "\bflush\(|\bob_flush\("  $package_dir 
grep  -H -n -r -E "\binclude_once\(|\brequire_once\("  $package_dir 
grep  -H -n -r -E "\breadline\("  $package_dir 


  • constants should keep same in all requests.

static props

Static props should keep consistent.

  • If coroutine used, they must keep same; if coroutine not used, the changes in a request should not harm the next request.

  • Refactor not made for following static props of laravel offical services, so pay some attension to them (If you really need refactor, use use StaticDict):

    • Illuminate\Pagination\Paginator::currentPathResolver, currentPageResolver, viewFactoryResolver, defaultView, defaultSimpleView
    • Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model::globalScopes ( Global Scopes ) is an associated array, its values on the same key should always be same.
    • If you use Laravel Macros, an object's Macros with same name should always be same if the object is made on worker, like addGlobalScope above.


  • decide whether to use coroutine. If you'd like coroutine http client, coroutine db, connections pool, select A.

A. using coroutine

  • const LARAVELFLY_COROUTINE = true; in fly.conf.php

  • do not use $_GET or $_POST. Working with coroutines, cpu would jump from one request to another, $_GET is useless and harmful. So are $_POST, $_FILES, $_COOKIE, $_REQUEST, $_SESSION.

  • $_SERVER can only be used to fetch server info, not client info

  • ini_set(), setlocale(), set_include_path(), set_exception_handler() and set_error_handler() may be very dangerous if they are used in a request. Take care, avoid crash.
    Woud you like to use setlocle() in requests for users from different region? I think you'd better provide this snack on front end, using javascript, like JsWorld Moment.js. If you really want to use it, make sure there is no coroutine jump with it and its usage like Carbon::now()->formatLocalized('%A %d %B %Y'); (By the way, feel free to use app()->setLocale, app('translator')->setLocale)

  • Coroutine Coding Rules

    • Coroutine does not coexist with route definition in route files
    • Coroutine can not be used before requests. That is, coroutine can not used in a service if it booted on WorkerStart.

Use php directive to find out them.

sudo php -d disable_functions="$disable_functions" vendor/scil/laravel-fly/bin/fly start

A bash script

grep  -H -n -r -E "\bini_set\(|\bsetlocale\(|\bset_include_path\(|\bset_exception_handler\(|\bset_error_handler\("  $package_dir

B. no coroutine

  • const LARAVELFLY_COROUTINE = false; in fly.conf.php

  • Restore maybe needed if ini_set(), setlocale(), set_include_path(), set_exception_handler() or set_error_handler() is used in a request.
    Restore is not always necessary, for example mcamara/laravel-localization run setlocale(LC_TIME, $regional . $suffix); in each request, so restore not necessary.

grep  -H -n -r -E "\bini_set\(|\bsetlocale\(|\bset_include_path\(|\bset_exception_handler\(|\bset_error_handler\("  $package_dir

Third-party or you own service providers

[ ] decide when it's registered and booted. By default, a third-party service provider would be treated as an across service provider, registered on worker and booted in each request.

A. Across service providers

  • Ensure App\Providers\RouteServiceProvider::class => 'across', in 'providers_on_worker' in config/laravelfly.php if your routes defined in web.php or api.php use your new service.

  • Ensure App\Providers\EventServiceProvider::class => 'across', if this event service provider uses your new service in method boot(). set 'request' instead of 'acrossif methodregister()` uses new service.

  • Same rules for other providers like AuthServiceProvider , AppServiceProvider and so on.

B. Request Service Provider

Be registered and booted in each request.

  • put your new service provider into 'providers_in_request'

C. Make worker service providers for speed?

Like a service provider to be registered and booted before any request? see checklist for speed
