From 4caee251d3d32d5fea4e93307fde67b19571585e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Edward Evans <>
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2024 20:23:15 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Add Deconvolution example

 docs/ops/doc/examples/deconvolution.rst | 140 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 docs/ops/doc/index.rst                  |   1 +
 2 files changed, 141 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 docs/ops/doc/examples/deconvolution.rst

diff --git a/docs/ops/doc/examples/deconvolution.rst b/docs/ops/doc/examples/deconvolution.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d429c85ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/ops/doc/examples/deconvolution.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+In this example we will use SciJava Ops to perform Richardson-Lucy (RL) deconvolution on a 3D dataset (X, Y, Z) of
+a HeLa cell nucleus stained with DAPI (4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) and imaged on an epifluorescent microscope at 100x.
+The SciJava Ops framework currently supports the standard RL algorithm as well as the Richardson-Lucy Total Variation (RLTV)
+algorithm, which utilizes a regularization factor to limit the noise amplified by the RL algorithm :sup:`1`.
+You can download the 3D HeLa cell nuclus data `here`_.
+The table below contains the necessary parameter values needed for the ``kernelDiffraction`` Op to create the synthetic
+point spread function (PSF) using the Gibson-Lanni model :sup:`2`.
+| Parameter                            | Value |
+| Iterations                           | 15    |
+| Numerical aperature                  | 1.45  |
+| Emission wavelength (nm)             | 457   |
+| Refractive index (Immersion)         | 1.5   |
+| Refractive index (Sample)            | 1.4   |
+| Lateral resolution (μm/pixel)        | 0.065 |
+| Axial resolution (μm/pixel)          | 0.1   |
+| Particle/sample position (μm/pixel)  | 0.0   |
+| Regularization factor                | 0.002 |
+.. tabs::
+    .. code-tab:: scijava-groovy
+        #@ OpEnvironment ops
+        #@ ImgPlus img
+        #@ Integer iterations(label="Iterations", value=30)
+        #@ Float numericalAperture(label="Numerical Aperture", style="format:0.00", min=0.00, value=1.45)
+        #@ Integer wavelength(label="Emission Wavelength (nm)", value=550)
+        #@ Float riImmersion(label="Refractive Index (immersion)", style="format:0.00", min=0.00, value=1.5)
+        #@ Float riSample(label="Refractive Index (sample)", style="format:0.00", min=0.00, value=1.4)
+        #@ Float lateral_res(label="Lateral resolution (μm/pixel)", style="format:0.0000", min=0.0000, value=0.065)
+        #@ Float axial_res(label="Axial resolution (μm/pixel)", style="format:0.0000", min=0.0000, value=0.1)
+        #@ Float pZ(label="Particle/sample Position (μm)", style="format:0.0000", min=0.0000, value=0)
+        #@ Float regularizationFactor(label="Regularization factor", style="format:0.00000", min=0.00000, value=0.002)
+        #@output ImgPlus psf
+        #@output ImgPlus result
+        import net.imglib2.FinalDimensions
+        import net.imglib2.type.numeric.real.FloatType
+        import net.imglib2.type.numeric.complex.ComplexFloatType
+        // convert input image to float
+        img_float = ops.op("create.img").arity2().input(img, new FloatType()).apply()
+        ops.op("convert.float32").arity1().input(img).output(img_float).compute()
+        // use image dimensions for PSF size
+        psf_size = new FinalDimensions(img.dimensionsAsLongArray())
+        // convert the input parameters to meters (m)
+        wavelength = wavelength.toFloat() * 1E-9
+        lateral_res = lateral_res * 1E-6
+        axial_res = axial_res * 1E-6
+        pZ = pZ * 1E-6
+        // create the synthetic PSF
+        psf = ops.op("create.kernelDiffraction").arity9().input(psf_size,
+                                                                numericalAperture,
+                                                                wavelength,
+                                                                riSample,
+                                                                riImmersion,
+                                                                lateral_res,
+                                                                axial_res,
+                                                                pZ,
+                                                                new FloatType()).apply()
+        // deconvole image
+        result = ops.op("deconvolve.richardsonLucyTV").arity8().input(img_float, psf, new FloatType(), new ComplexFloatType(), iterations, false, false, regularizationFactor).apply()
+    .. code-tab:: python
+        #@ OpEnvironment ops
+        #@ ImgPlus img
+        #@ Integer iterations(label="Iterations", value=30)
+        #@ Float numericalAperture(label="Numerical Aperture", style="format:0.00", min=0.00, value=1.45)
+        #@ Integer wavelength(label="Emission Wavelength (nm)", value=550)
+        #@ Float riImmersion(label="Refractive Index (immersion)", style="format:0.00", min=0.00, value=1.5)
+        #@ Float riSample(label="Refractive Index (sample)", style="format:0.00", min=0.00, value=1.4)
+        #@ Float lateral_res(label="Lateral resolution (μm/pixel)", style="format:0.0000", min=0.0000, value=0.065)
+        #@ Float axial_res(label="Axial resolution (μm/pixel)", style="format:0.0000", min=0.0000, value=0.1)
+        #@ Float pZ(label="Particle/sample Position (μm)", style="format:0.0000", min=0.0000, value=0)
+        #@ Float regularizationFactor(label="Regularization factor", style="format:0.00000", min=0.00000, value=0.002)
+        #@output ImgPlus psf
+        #@output ImgPlus result
+        from net.imglib2 import FinalDimensions
+        from net.imglib2.type.numeric.real import FloatType
+        from net.imglib2.type.numeric.complex import ComplexFloatType
+        # convert input image to float
+        img_float = ops.op("create.img").arity2().input(img, FloatType()).apply()
+        ops.op("convert.float32").arity1().input(img).output(img_float).compute()
+        # use image dimensions for PSF size
+        psf_size = FinalDimensions(img.dimensionsAsLongArray())
+        # convert the input parameters to meters (m)
+        wavelength = float(wavelength) * 1E-9
+        lateral_res = lateral_res * 1E-6
+        axial_res = axial_res * 1E-6
+        pZ = pZ * 1E-6
+        # create the synthetic PSF
+        psf = ops.op("create.kernelDiffraction").arity9().input(psf_size,
+                                                                numericalAperture,
+                                                                wavelength,
+                                                                riSample,
+                                                                riImmersion,
+                                                                lateral_res,
+                                                                axial_res,
+                                                                pZ,
+                                                                FloatType()).apply()
+        # deconvole image
+        result = ops.op("deconvolve.richardsonLucyTV").arity8().input(img_float, psf, FloatType(), ComplexFloatType(), iterations, False, False, regularizationFactor).apply()
+| :sup:`1`: `Dey et. al, Micros Res Tech 2006`_
+| :sup:`2`: `Gibson & Lanni, JOSA 1992`_
+.. _`Dey et. al, Micros Res Tech 2006`:
+.. _`Gibson & Lanni, JOSA 1992`:
+.. _`here`:
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diff --git a/docs/ops/doc/index.rst b/docs/ops/doc/index.rst
index 897f9047d..b941c37d1 100644
--- a/docs/ops/doc/index.rst
+++ b/docs/ops/doc/index.rst
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ The combination of these libraries allows declarative image analysis workflows,
    :caption: ⚙️ Examples
+   examples/deconvolution
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 2