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Norman Rzepka edited this page Mar 23, 2018 · 9 revisions

Supported dataset formats

Container formats

  • webknossos-wrap (WKW). Optimized format for large datasets of 3D voxel imagery. Supports compression, efficient cutouts, multi-channel and several base datatypes (e.g., uint8, uint16).
  • KNOSSOS cubes. Dataset of 128x128x128 cubes.

Image formats

  • Grayscale data (uint8)
  • RGB data (24 Bit)
  • Segmentation data (8 Bit, 16 Bit, 32 Bit)
  • Multi-channel data (multiple 8 Bit)


Of course datasets do not need to be created manually. The webKnossos cuber converts image stacks and KNOSSOS cubes into a WKW dataset. It also compresses datasets for efficient file storage and creates necessary metadata.

Dataset file structure

WKW dataset

test_dataset           # One folder per dataset
├─ color               # Dataset layer (e.g., color, segmentation)
│  ├─ 1                # Magnification step (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 etc.)
│  │  ├─ header.wkw    # Header wkw file
│  │  ├─ z0
│  │  │  ├─ y0
│  │  │  │  ├─ x0.wkw  # Actual data wkw file
│  │  │  │  └─ x1.wkw  # Actual data wkw file
│  │  │  └─ y1/...
│  │  └─ z1/...
│  └─ 2/...
├─ segmentation/...
└─ datasource-properties.json  # Dataset metadata (will be created upon import, if non-existant)

Sample datasource-properties.json:

  "id" : {
    "name" : "test_dataset",
    "team" : "<unknown>"
  "dataLayers" : [ {
    "name" : "color",
    "category" : "color",
    "boundingBox" : {
      "topLeft" : [ 0, 0, 0 ],
      "width" : 1024,
      "height" : 1024,
      "depth" : 1024
    "wkwResolutions" : [ {
      "resolution" : 1,
      "cubeLength" : 1024
    }, {
      "resolution" : 2,
      "cubeLength" : 1024
    } ],
    "elementClass" : "uint8",
    "dataFormat" : "wkw"
  }, {
    "name" : "segmentation",
    "boundingBox" : {
      "topLeft" : [ 0, 0, 0 ],
      "width" : 1024,
      "height" : 1024,
      "depth" : 1024
    "wkwResolutions" : [ {
      "resolution" : 1,
      "cubeLength" : 1024
    }, {
      "resolution" : 2,
      "cubeLength" : 1024
    } ],
    "elementClass" : "uint32",
    "largestSegmentId" : 1000000000,
    "category" : "segmentation",
    "dataFormat" : "wkw"
  } ],
  "scale" : [ 11.24, 11.24, 28 ]

Import datasets

Use the upload function in webKnossos:

  • Recommended only for smaller datasets (max. 1 GB)
  • Create a zip-file of dataset as specified above

File-system import:

  • Place the dataset at <webKnossos directory>/binaryData/<Organization name>/<Dataset name>
  • Wait for webKnossos to detect the dataset (up to 10min)
  • Go to the dataset view on the dashboard
  • Click Import for your new dataset
  • Review, correct and approve the dataset metadata. Usually, scale and largestSegmentId needs to be set manually.

Comparison to KNOSSOS

KNOSSOS datasets can be reused in webKnossos with slight modifications:

  • The folders of the magnification steps have a different naming scheme: mag1 -> 1, mag2 -> 2
  • webKnossos compatible metadata needs to be created (i.e., datasource-properties.json). knossos.conf or settings.conf can not be used.