Official support for Chocolatey started by the release of Scala 3.6.0 and was backported (with modifications) to the Scala 3.3.5 LTS. Scala 3.3 LTS Chocolatey package uses universal package (.jar) instead of native runners.
This folder contains the templates to generate the configuration for Chocolatey.
The scala.nuspec
and chocolateyInstall.ps1
files needs to be rewritten by changing the following placeholders:
- @LAUNCHER_VERSION@ : Placeholder for the current scala version to deploy
- @LAUNCHER_URL@ : Placeholder for the URL to the windows zip released on GitHub
- @LAUNCHER_SHA256@ : Placeholder for the SHA256 of the msi file released on GitHub
- How to create a Chocolatey package:
- Guidelines to follow for the package icon:
format specification: