Releases: scala-steward-org/scala-steward
What's Changed
🐛 Bug Fixes
📦 Artifact Migrations
- Play 3 will migrate to new groupId by @ihostage in #3191
- Play 3 will migrate to new groupId (Akka -> Pekko) by @ihostage in #3194
🏗️ Build Improvements
🔧 Refactorings
🌱 Dependency Updates
- Update mdoc, sbt-mdoc to 2.3.8 by @scala-steward in #3187
- Update mdoc, sbt-mdoc to 2.4.0 by @scala-steward in #3189
- Update sbt-typelevel-mergify to 0.6.0 by @scala-steward in #3190
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.7.15 by @scala-steward in #3196
- Update sbt to 1.9.7 by @scala-steward in #3195
- Update commons-io to 2.15.0 by @scala-steward in #3197
- Update sbt-assembly to 2.1.4 by @scala-steward in #3199
- Update fs2-core, fs2-io to 3.9.3 by @scala-steward in #3201
- Update sbt-typelevel-mergify to 0.6.1 by @scala-steward in #3202
- Update mdoc, sbt-mdoc to 2.5.0 by @scala-steward in #3204
- Update cats-parse to 1.0.0 by @scala-steward in #3205
- Update circe-config to 0.10.1 by @scala-steward in #3203
- Update mdoc, sbt-mdoc to 2.5.1 by @scala-steward in #3208
- Update sbt-typelevel-mergify to 0.6.2 by @scala-steward in #3212
Full Changelog: v0.26.0...v0.27.0
What's changed
🚀 Enhancements
- Improve error message on overlong lines in
(#3125) @fthomas - Support
(makes sense in.github
folder) (#3115) @mkurz
🐛 Bug Fixes
📜 Scalafix Migrations
- Add migrations for
2.0 (#3152) @janstenpickle - Update the SHA for the sbt-tpolecat 0.5.0 Scalafix migration (#3134) @DavidGregory084
- Add a Scalafix migration for sbt-tpolecat v0.5.0 (#3126) @DavidGregory084
- Add fs2-data-json migrations (#3123) @satabin
📦 Artifact Migrations
- Add sbt-osgi com.github.sbt migration (#3185) @mdedetrich
- Play 2.9 will rename some artifacts (#3146) @mkurz
📗 Documentation
🔧 Refactorings
🌱 Dependency Updates
- Update sbt-typelevel-mergify to 0.5.4 (#3183) @scala-steward
- Update cats-effect to 3.5.2 (#3181) @scala-steward
- Update commons-io to 2.14.0 (#3179) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-assembly to 2.1.3 (#3173) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-typelevel-mergify to 0.5.3 (#3171) @scala-steward
- Update sbt to 1.9.6 (#3170) @scala-steward
- Update scala-library to 2.13.12 (#3165) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-typelevel-mergify to 0.5.2 (#3166) @scala-steward
- Update fs2-core, fs2-io to 3.9.2 (#3164) @scala-steward
- Update coursier, ... to 2.1.7 (#3162) @scala-steward
- Update scala3-library to 3.3.1 (#3160) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-scoverage to 2.0.9 (#3161) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-jmh to 0.4.6 (#3158) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-scalafmt to 2.5.2 (#3156) @scala-steward
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.7.14 (#3157) @scala-steward
- Update fs2-core, fs2-io to 3.9.1 (#3154) @scala-steward
- Update circe-generic, circe-literal, ... to 0.14.6 (#3155) @scala-steward
- Update coursier, ... to 2.1.6 (#3147) @scala-steward
- Update sbt to 1.9.4 (#3148) @scala-steward
- Update cats-core, cats-laws to 2.10.0 (#3142) @scala-steward
- Update logback-classic to 1.4.11 (#3141) @scala-steward
- Update logback-classic to 1.4.9 (#3139) @scala-steward
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.7.12 (#3140) @scala-steward
- Update http4s-circe, http4s-client, ... to 1.0.0-M40 (#3121) @scala-steward
- Update bcprov-jdk15to18 to 1.76 (#3136) @scala-steward
- Update fs2-core, fs2-io to 3.8.0 (#3135) @scala-steward
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.7.11 (#3132) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-tpolecat to 0.5.0 (#3131) @scala-steward
- Update sbt to 1.9.3 (#3128) @scala-steward
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.7.10 (#3122) @scala-steward
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.7.9 (#3119) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-scalajs-crossproject to 1.3.2 (#3117) @scala-steward
- Update sbt to 1.9.2 (#3118) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-tpolecat to 0.4.4 (#3116) @scala-steward
Contributors to this release
@DavidGregory084, @Kordyjan, @SethTisue, @alejandrohdezma, @exoego, @fthomas, @janstenpickle, @jduval87, @lrytz, @max5599, @mdedetrich, @mkurz, @mzuehlke, @rtyley, @satabin, @scala-steward, @sjrd, David Gregory and [email protected]
What's changed
🚀 Enhancements
- Fix #3096: Don't ignore dependency-frequency-limits for grouped PRs (#3102) @rtyley
- feat: add custom labels from repo config (#3097) @fmeriaux
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Different execution for mill 0.11 (#3095) @daddykotex
- Add sbt.server.forcestart option to SbtAlg to allow for sbt compatibility versions < 1.7 (#3093) @d-g-n
📗 Documentation
🧪 Test Improvements
🏗️ Build Improvements
🔧 Refactorings
🌱 Dependency Updates
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.7.5 (#3108) @scala-steward
- Update sbt to 1.9.1 (#3104) @scala-steward
- Update cats-effect to 3.5.1 (#3105) @scala-steward
- Update cats-parse to 0.3.10 (#3106) @scala-steward
- Update bcprov-jdk15to18 to 1.75 (#3099) @scala-steward
- Update coursier, ... to 2.1.5 (#3094) @scala-steward
- Update bcprov-jdk15to18 to 1.74 (#3091) @scala-steward
- Update refined, refined-scalacheck to 0.11.0 (#3090) @scala-steward
- Update gitignore to 0.6.0 (#3089) @scala-steward
Contributors to this release
@alejandrohdezma, @d-g-n, @daddykotex, @fmeriaux, @fthomas, @lefou, @rtyley, @scala-steward and @sjrd
What's changed
🚀 Enhancements
- Add GitHub Action Job Summary summarising failing repos (#3071) @rtyley
- Improve grouping feature (#3076) @terryhendrix1990
- add
with new groupId (#3069) @xuwei-k - Add support for multiple configuration file locations (#3033) @blaz-kranjc
- Check merge request status with backoff (#3012) @endertunc
- feat: prettify PR message body (#2986) @harmw
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Updates with migration are no longer hidden (#3047) @mzuehlke
- Fixed throwing StringIndexOutOfBoundsException (#3016) @Seetaramayya
- Reformat changed files in all build roots (#3009) @fthomas
📦 Artifact Migrations
- sbt-javaagent is published to the com.github.sbt group ID (#3067) @julienrf
- Migration for sbt-web-build-base, sbt-web, sbt-js-engine (#3054) @mkurz
- Migration for sbt-pom-reader (#3053) @mzuehlke
- Migration for sbt-eclipse (#3049) @mkurz
- Migrate
(#3044) @mkurz - Migrate sbt-dynver to com.github.sbt (#3026) @mzuehlke
- Notify groupId change of sbt-sdlc (#3028) @eed3si9n
- Notify groupId change for sbt-license-report (#3027) @eed3si9n
- Adding artifact migrations for async-utils (#3010) @austinwarrren
🧪 Test Improvements
🏗️ Build Improvements
🔧 Refactorings
- Remove duplication around
instances (#3023) @fthomas - Use Git's
for commit message trailers (#3017) @fthomas
🌱 Dependency Updates
- Update logback-classic to 1.4.8 (#3084) @scala-steward
- Update scala-library to 2.13.11 (#3080) @scala-steward
- Update mill-main_2.13 to 0.11.0 (#3077) @scala-steward
- Update scala-steward-mill-plugin_mill0.10_2.13 to 0.18.0 (#3081) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-header to 5.10.0 (#3079) @scala-steward
- Update commons-io to 2.13.0 (#3078) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-jmh to 0.4.5 (#3073) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-typelevel-mergify to 0.4.22 (#3072) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-scoverage to 2.0.8 (#3070) @scala-steward
- Update sbt to 1.9.0 (#3068) @scala-steward
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.7.4 (#3066) @scala-steward
- Update scala3-library to 3.3.0 (#3065) @scala-steward
- update cats-effect and fs2 together (#3062) @mzuehlke
- Update coursier, ... to 2.1.4 (#3058) @scala-steward
- Update sbt to 1.8.3 (#3059) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-typelevel-mergify to 0.4.21 (#3061) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-explicit-dependencies to 0.3.1 (#3056) @scala-steward
- Update commons-io to 2.12.0 (#3057) @scala-steward
- Update cats-effect to 3.4.11 (#3050) @scala-steward
- Update coursier, ... to 2.1.3 (#3046) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-ci-release to 1.5.12 (#3045) @scala-steward
- Update cats-effect to 3.4.10 (#3042) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-typelevel-mergify to 0.4.20 (#3039) @scala-steward
- Update log4cats-slf4j to 2.6.0 (#3038) @scala-steward
- Update logback-classic to 1.4.7 (#3037) @scala-steward
- Update coursier, ... to 2.1.2 (#3036) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-scalajs-crossproject to 1.3.1 (#3034) @scala-steward
- Update cats-effect to 3.4.9 (#3035) @scala-steward
- Update bcprov-jdk15to18 to 1.73 (#3032) @scala-steward
- Update coursier, ... to 2.1.1 (#3031) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-scalajs-crossproject to 1.3.0 (#3025) @scala-steward
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.7.3 (#3022) @scala-steward
- Update to changes in coursier 2.1.0 (#3021) @mzuehlke
- Update mill-main_2.13 to 0.10.12 (#3018) @scala-steward
- Update refined, refined-scalacheck to 0.10.3 (#3019) @scala-steward
- Update logback-classic to 1.4.6 (#3013) @scala-steward
Contributors to this release
@Kordyjan, @Seetaramayya, @SethTisue, @alejandrohdezma, @austinwarrren, @blaz-kranjc, @eed3si9n, @endertunc, @exoego, @fthomas, @harmw, @julienrf, @mkurz, @mzuehlke, @rtyley, @scala-steward, @sjrd, @terryhendrix1990, @xuwei-k and Ender Tunc
What's changed
🚀 Enhancements
- Support for removing source branch on GitLab merge requests (#3007) @endertunc
- Check up to 5 nested project folders (#2995) @mkurz
- Ignore file excluded from git (#2994) @daddykotex
- Support updating
(#2988) @lefou - git check-ignore before adding (#2982) @daddykotex
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Run Scala CLI with
(#2999) @fthomas - Make sure remote is always called "origin" when cloning git repo (#2996) @mkurz
- Restrict Scala CLI detection to
files (#2971) @fthomas - Drain response bodies before retrying (#2987) @armanbilge
📗 Documentation
- docs(repo-specific): fix title for grouping (#2992) @ropiteaux
- Expand help strings for github-app-id and github-app-key-file (#2985) @alexklibisz
🧪 Test Improvements
- Allow to execute commands in MockEff (#3005) @fthomas
- Add test for closing standard input in
(#2989) @fthomas
🔧 Refactorings
- refactoring: remove ForgeApiAlg.labelPullRequest (#3000) @danielleontiev
- github: add dedicated model for create PR body (#2980) @danielleontiev
🌱 Dependency Updates
- Update sbt-typelevel-mergify to 0.4.19 (#3004) @scala-steward
- Update circe-generic, circe-literal, ... to 0.14.5 (#3003) @scala-steward
- Update refined, refined-scalacheck to 0.10.2 (#3002) @scala-steward
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.7.2 (#2990) @scala-steward
- Update cats-effect to 3.4.8 (#2984) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-native-packager to 1.9.16 (#2983) @scala-steward
Contributors to this release
@alejandrohdezma, @alexklibisz, @armanbilge, @daddykotex, @danielleontiev, @endertunc, @exoego, @fthomas, @lefou, @mkurz, @ropiteaux, @scala-steward and Ender Tunc
🚀 Enhancements
- Add ability to add assignees and reviewers for GitLab and GitHub (#2953) @danielleontiev
- vcs: add gitea (#2758) @yaroot
- Add sbt-circe-org to the list of modules that depend on sbt-typelevel (#2958) @fthomas
- Throw if slurp reads more lines than
(#2940) @fthomas
🐛 Bug Fixes
📦 Artifact Migrations
📗 Documentation
🧪 Test Improvements
🏗️ Build Improvements
🔧 Refactorings
🌱 Dependency Updates
- Update cats-effect to 3.4.7 (#2978) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-native-packager to 1.9.15 (#2975) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-assembly to 2.1.1 (#2972) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-scoverage to 2.0.7 (#2969) @scala-steward
- Update fs2-core, fs2-io to 3.6.1 (#2966) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-native-packager to 1.9.14 (#2967) @scala-steward
- Update http4s-jdk-http-client to 1.0.0-M9 (#2965) @scala-steward
- Update circe-generic, circe-literal, ... to 0.14.4 (#2964) @scala-steward
- Update fs2-core, fs2-io to 3.6.0 (#2962) @scala-steward
- Update better-files to 3.9.2 (#2960) @scala-steward
- Update circe-config to 0.10.0 (#2961) @scala-steward
- Update circe-config to 0.9.0 (#2959) @scala-steward
- Update cats-effect to 3.4.6 (#2956) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-jmh to 0.4.4 (#2955) @scala-steward
- Update mdoc, sbt-mdoc to 2.3.7 (#2949) @scala-steward
- Update http4s-circe, http4s-client, ... to 1.0.0-M39 (#2945) @scala-steward
- Update mill-main_2.13 to 0.10.11 (#2944) @scala-steward
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.7.1 (#2941) @scala-steward
- Update coursier to 2.1.0-RC5 (#2937) @scala-steward
Contributors to this release
@Kordyjan, @cwholmes, @danielleontiev, @exoego, @fthomas, @iRevive, @scala-steward, @sjrd, @xuwei-k and @yaroot
What's changed
🚀 Enhancements
- Add "versionScheme" labels to pull-requests. (#2925) @mzuehlke
- Extract dependencies from scala-cli via sbt export (#2933) @fthomas
- Support Maven dependencies with a property for the Scala binary suffix (#2931) @fthomas
- Use
30 days
instead of@monthly
in repo config example (#2927) @fthomas - Log a warning, when the workspace directory doesn't exist (#2923) @mzuehlke
- Authenticate UrlChecker calls to API host (#2920) @fthomas
- Prefer GitHub release notes over custom release notes (#2899) @fthomas
🐛 Bug Fixes
📦 Artifact Migrations
- Add sbt-github-actions artifact migration (#2914) @mdedetrich
- sbt-site is changing orgs (#2908) @SethTisue
📗 Documentation
- Add a How-to section to (#2904) @alexklibisz
🧪 Test Improvements
- add test for GitHubAuthAlg (#2924) @mzuehlke
- Use ember server for tests (#2911) @armanbilge
- Rename and test JsonParseError (#2909) @fthomas
- Test
(#2901) @fthomas - unit tests for org.scalasteward.core.util.string (#2897) @mzuehlke
- Test RepoCacheAlg with an up-to-date cache (#2895) @fthomas
🏗️ Build Improvements
🔧 Refactorings
- Add
trait (#2922) @fthomas - Change Context.printBanner to a field (#2921) @fthomas
- Do forge authentication in one function (#2919) @fthomas
- Simplify implementation of
(#2918) @fthomas - Replace VCS with Forge (#2916) @fthomas
- Move
(#2915) @fthomas - Implement HttpJsonClient#getAll as fs2.Stream (#2913) @fthomas
- HttpJsonClient: unify client calls (#2910) @fthomas
- Rename and test JsonParseError (#2909) @fthomas
- Reuse compiled regex where possible (#2896) @mzuehlke
🌱 Dependency Updates
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.7.0 (#2935) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-native-packager to 1.9.13 (#2932) @scala-steward
- Update fs2-core, fs2-io to 3.5.0 (#2930) @scala-steward
- Update cats-effect to 3.4.5 (#2929) @scala-steward
- Revert "Update sbt-native-packager to 1.9.12" (#2928) @fthomas
- Update sbt-native-packager to 1.9.12 (#2926) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-tpolecat to 0.4.2 (#2892) @scala-steward
Contributors to this release
@SethTisue, @alexklibisz, @armanbilge, @exoego, @fthomas, @mdedetrich, @mzuehlke and @scala-steward
What's changed
🚀 Enhancements
- Log the update when scala-steward is unable to bump a version (#2878) @alexklibisz
- Show release notes URL from POM in PR body (#2863) @fthomas
- Issue #2866: add FEAT to pre-release identifiers (#2870) @alexklibisz
- Add more validation to vcs specific arguments (#2869) @mzuehlke
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Issue #2877: Fix "Unable to bump version" when using a val version in libraryDependencies ++= Seq(...) (#2884) @alexklibisz
- Use releaseNotesUrl even if repoUrl is empty (#2890) @fthomas
📗 Documentation
🧪 Test Improvements
- Use WorkspaceAlg#repoDir in tests (#2894) @fthomas
- Use
in vcs tests (#2875) @mzuehlke - Add pre-determined HTTP responses to
(#2872) @fthomas - Add more tests for various vcs (#2871) @mzuehlke
🏗️ Build Improvements
🔧 Refactorings
- Use WorkspaceAlg#repoDir in tests (#2894) @fthomas
- Rename VCSExtraAlg to UpdateInfoUrlFinder (#2891) @fthomas
- Replacing deprecated http4s-okhttp-client with http4s-jdk-http-client (#2888) @TonioGela
- Rename
(#2881) @fthomas - Fuse stream transformations in
(#2867) @fthomas - More faitful implementation of
(#2868) @fthomas - Optimize regexes in VersionPositionScanner (#2864) @fthomas
🌱 Dependency Updates
- Update sbt to 1.8.2 (#2885) @scala-steward
- Update http4s-blaze-server to 1.0.0-M38 (#2883) @scala-steward
- Update http4s-circe, http4s-client, ... to 1.0.0-M38 (#2882) @scala-steward
- Update cats-parse to 0.3.9 (#2880) @scala-steward
- Update sbt to 1.8.1 (#2879) @scala-steward
- Update monocle-core to 3.2.0 (#2876) @scala-steward
- Update cats-effect to 3.4.4 (#2865) @scala-steward
Contributors to this release
@TonioGela, @alejandrohdezma, @alexklibisz, @exoego, @fthomas, @keynmol, @mzuehlke and @scala-steward
What's changed
🚀 Enhancements
🐛 Bug Fixes
🧪 Test Improvements
🏗️ Build Improvements
- Use sbt plugins from scala-steward-org/sbt-plugin repo (#2860) @fthomas
- Do not overwrite version scheme for scala-xml (#2861) @fthomas
- Use a version dependent sbt plugin (#2859) @fthomas
- Show that our sbt plugin requires at least 1.3.11 (#2858) @fthomas
🔧 Refactorings
- Log when a build tool is called for getting dependencies (#2854) @fthomas
- Extract small refactorings from #2816 (#2857) @fthomas
- Merge ConfigParsingResult and ConfigValidationResult (#2853) @fthomas
🌱 Dependency Updates
- Update cats-effect to 3.4.3 (#2856) @scala-steward
Contributors to this release
What's changed
🚀 Enhancements
📦 Artifact Migrations
📗 Documentation
- Revamp documentation about artifact migrations (#2843) @fthomas
- Warn about missing Scalafix support in MillAlg and MavenAlg (#2840) @fthomas
- Update links to Scalafix documentation (#2842) @fthomas
🏗️ Build Improvements
🔧 Refactorings
- Let Scalafmt format Scaladocs (#2849) @fthomas
- Make
private (#2846) @fthomas - Remove redundant validation (#2841) @exoego
- Use
for creating system processes (#2833) @fthomas
🌱 Dependency Updates
- Update coursier to 2.1.0-RC4 (#2845) @scala-steward
- Update http4s-blaze-server to 1.0.0-M37 (#2835) @scala-steward
- Update coursier to 2.1.0-RC3-1 (#2834) @scala-steward
- Update decline to 2.4.1 (#2832) @scala-steward
Contributors to this release
@AlexITC, @bjaglin, @exoego, @fthomas, @sapka12 and @scala-steward