All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.0.1 (2020-09-12)
- app: enable cors (5fa33f0)
- auth: add email format validator (0e04968)
- auth: add password hashing (12ad6c0)
- auth: add reminders module with addNewReminder method (4b415e3)
- auth: add uuid(v4) to email and reset password tokens (834f375)
- mailers: create sending mail service and move credentials to env variables (99e79a4)
- mailers: create user verification mail module (53859c7)
- mailers: reset password (7ab3693)
- reminders: add deleteReminder method (791d80c)
- reminders: add logger to all functions (193b782)
- reminders: add upcoming reminders (f79af91)
- reminders: add updateReminder method (9b4ab39)
- reminders: auto update overdue reminders to their occurrences (7164953)