From 337f072fa2f245ad2ccdab2cebbdedf5dbadac41 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Peter Steinbach
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 18:07:45 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] feat: calibration with tarp (#1106)
* add: prototype implementation of tarp in sbi
* fix: wrong use of torch.nn loss functions
* fix: wrong use of min values per dim
* introduced overconfident / underdispersed samples
* fix: wrong generation of toy gaussian data
* add simple test to check detection of pathological cases
* added biased case
* separate quite long test file
* prepared test case with trained NPE
- does not work yet
* first draft of TARP implementation for now
* formatting code according to ruff
* refactoring all class based methods into free functions
* removed print statements from tests
* removed TARP class
* removed tests for TARP class
* renamed tests
* added kstest and difference of area under curve
- these checks will help practitioners to identify malformed
- added tests for these checks
* refactored metrics into sbi.utils.metrics
* prefer optional over Union[type,None]
* refer to num_ instead of n_
* asserting shapes early on
* remove obsolete assert
* refactored references check into its own function
* ruff reformatting
* check method updated, plot method added
- reformatted code
- added plotting method to make it easier to visualize TARP
- rewrote ATC property of ECP plot to indicate into which direction the posterior is shifted or dispersed
- updated tests accordingly
* removed superflous shape checks as best as possible
* refactored run_tarp into function similar to run_sbc
* refactored check_references
- added docstring
- removed spurious variables
* pyright fixes for tarp code
* pyright fixes to correct parameter name
* Apply suggestions from code review
* Apply suggestions from code review: line length
* Update tests/
make slow test pass.
* Apply suggestions from code review
* fix last pyright issues
* refactoring
Co-authored-by: Jan
Co-authored-by: janfb
sbi/diagnostics/ | 406 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
sbi/utils/ | 38 ++++
tests/ | 385 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 829 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 sbi/diagnostics/
create mode 100644 tests/
diff --git a/sbi/diagnostics/ b/sbi/diagnostics/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e606bd01a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sbi/diagnostics/
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+Implementation taken from Lemos et al, 'Sampling-Based Accuracy Testing of
+Posterior Estimators for General Inference'
+The TARP diagnostic is a global diagnostic which can be used to check a
+trained posterior against a set of true values of theta.
+from typing import Callable, Optional, Tuple
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import torch
+from matplotlib.axes import Axes
+from matplotlib.figure import Figure
+from scipy.stats import kstest
+from torch import Tensor
+from import tqdm
+from sbi.inference.posteriors.base_posterior import NeuralPosterior
+from sbi.inference.posteriors.vi_posterior import VIPosterior
+from sbi.utils.metrics import l2
+# TODO: can be replaced by batched sampling for DirectPosterior.
+def _infer_posterior_on_batch(
+ xs: Tensor,
+ posterior: NeuralPosterior,
+ num_posterior_samples: int = 1000,
+) -> Tensor:
+ """
+ Infer samples of a posterior distribution on a batch of inputs.
+ Parameters:
+ ----------
+ xs : Tensor
+ The input data batch.
+ posterior : NeuralPosterior
+ The neural posterior to use for inference.
+ num_posterior_samples : int, optional
+ The number of posterior samples to draw for each input, by default 1000.
+ Returns:
+ -------
+ Tensor
+ A tensor of shape (num_posterior_samples, N, P) where N is the number of
+ samples given by xs and P is the output dimension of the neural
+ posterior estimator.
+ """
+ samples = []
+ for idx in range(xs.shape[0]):
+ # unsqueeze for potential higher-dimensional data.
+ xo = xs[idx].unsqueeze(0)
+ # VI posterior needs to be trained on the current xo.
+ if isinstance(posterior, VIPosterior):
+ posterior.set_default_x(xo)
+ posterior.train()
+ # Draw posterior samples and save one for the data average posterior.
+ ths = posterior.sample((num_posterior_samples,), x=xo, show_progress_bars=False)
+ # Note: one could calculate coverage values here
+ samples.append(ths.unsqueeze(1))
+ return, dim=1)
+# this function currently does not perform any TARP related operation
+# the purpose of the function is (a) to align with the sbc interface and
+# (b) to provide the data which is required to run TARP
+# NOTE: this function needs to be removed once better alternatives exist.
+# TODO: Can be integrated into tarp method loop, and into sbc function.
+def _prepare_estimates(
+ xs: Tensor,
+ posterior: NeuralPosterior,
+ num_posterior_samples: int = 1000,
+ num_workers: int = 1,
+ infer_batch_size: int = 1,
+ show_progress_bar: bool = True,
+) -> Tensor:
+ """
+ Perform inference on batched x values using the provided posterior.
+ the purpose of the function is (a) to align with the sbc interface and
+ (b) to provide the data which is required to run TARP.
+ Args:
+ xs: observed data for tarp, simulated from thetas.
+ posterior: a posterior obtained from sbi.
+ num_posterior_samples: number of approximate posterior samples used
+ for ranking.
+ num_workers: number of CPU cores to use in parallel for running
+ infer_batch_size inferences. Currently throws an exception, will be
+ handled upstream.
+ infer_batch_size: batch size for workers.
+ show_progress_bar: whether to display a progress bar
+ Returns:
+ samples: posterior samples obtained by performing inference on xs
+ under the posterior
+ """
+ num_sim_samples = xs.shape[0]
+ xs_batches = torch.split(xs, infer_batch_size, dim=0)
+ if num_workers != 1:
+ raise NotImplementedError('parallel execution is currently not implemented')
+ else:
+ pbar = tqdm(
+ total=num_sim_samples,
+ disable=not show_progress_bar,
+ desc=f"Running {num_sim_samples} samples for tarp analysis.",
+ )
+ with pbar:
+ samples = []
+ for xs_batch in xs_batches:
+ samples.append(
+ _infer_posterior_on_batch(
+ xs_batch, posterior, num_posterior_samples
+ )
+ )
+ pbar.update(infer_batch_size)
+ samples =, dim=1)
+ return samples
+def _check_references(
+ thetas: Tensor, references: Optional[Tensor] = None, rng_seed: Optional[int] = None
+) -> Tensor:
+ """
+ construct or correct references tensor required to perform TARP
+ Args:
+ thetas: The ground truth theta values.
+ references: reference values for theta drawn from an arbitrary
+ distribution. According to the TARP paper, it is irrelevant
+ how these values are produced. The tensor needs to be of
+ the same shape as thetas.
+ rng_seed: Seed for the ``torch.random`` random number generator.
+ If rng_seed is None, no seed is set.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(references, Tensor):
+ if not isinstance(rng_seed, type(None)):
+ torch.random.manual_seed(rng_seed)
+ # obtain min/max per dimension of theta
+ lo = thetas.min(dim=0).values # min for each theta dimension
+ hi = thetas.max(dim=0).values # max for each theta dimension
+ refpdf = torch.distributions.Uniform(low=lo, high=hi)
+ # sample one reference point for each entry in theta
+ references = refpdf.sample(torch.Size([thetas.shape[0]]))
+ else:
+ if len(references.shape) == 2:
+ # add singleton dimension in front
+ references = references.unsqueeze(0)
+ if len(references.shape) == 3 and references.shape[0] != 1:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"""references must be a 2D array with a singular first
+ dimension, received {references.shape}"""
+ )
+ assert references.shape[-2:] == thetas.shape[-2:], f"""shape mismatch between
+ references {references.shape} and ground truth theta {thetas.shape}"""
+ return references
+def _run_tarp(
+ samples: Tensor,
+ theta: Tensor,
+ references: Optional[Tensor] = None,
+ distance: Callable = l2,
+ num_bins: Optional[int] = 30,
+ do_norm: bool = False,
+ rng_seed: Optional[int] = None,
+) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
+ """
+ Estimates coverage of samples given true values theta with the TARP method.
+ Reference: `Lemos, Coogan et al 2023 `_
+ The TARP diagnostic is a global diagnostic which can be used to check a
+ trained posterior against a set of true values of theta.
+ Args:
+ samples: The predicted parameter samples to compute the coverage of,
+ these samples are expected to have shape
+ ``(num_samples, num_sims, num_dims)``. These are obtained by
+ sampling a trained posterior `num_samples` times. Multiple
+ (posterior) samples for one observation are encouraged.
+ theta: The true parameter value theta. Theta is expected to
+ have shape ``(num_sims, num_dims)``.
+ references: the reference points to use for the coverage regions, with
+ shape ``(1, num_sims, num_dims)``, or ``None``.
+ If ``None``, then reference points are chosen randomly from
+ the unit hypercube over the parameter space given by theta.
+ In other words, reference samples are drawn from the
+ following ``Uniform(low=theta.min(dim=-1),high=theta.max(dim=-1))``.
+ distance: the distance metric to use when computing the distance.
+ Should be a callable function that accepts two tensors and
+ computes the distance between them, e.g. given two tensors
+ of shape ``(batch, 3)`` and ``(batch,3)``, this function should
+ return ``(batch,1)`` distance values.
+ Possible values: ``sbi.utils.metrics.l1`` or
+ ``sbi.utils.metrics.l2``. ``l2`` is the default.
+ num_bins: number of bins to use for the credibility values.
+ If ``None``, then ``num_sims // 10`` bins are used.
+ do_norm : whether to normalize parameters before coverage test
+ (Default = True)
+ rng_seed : whether to set the seed of torch.random, no seed is set
+ if None is received
+ (Default = None)
+ Returns:
+ ecp: Expected coverage probability (``ecp``), see equation 4 of the paper
+ alpha: credibility values, see equation 2 of the paper
+ """
+ # TARP assumes that the predicted thetas are sampled from the "true"
+ # PDF num_samples times
+ assert (
+ len(theta.shape) == 2
+ ), f"theta must be of shape (num_sims, num_dims), received {theta.shape}"
+ assert (
+ len(samples.shape) == 3
+ ), f"""samples must be of shape (num_samples, num_sims, num_dims),
+ received {samples.shape}"""
+ assert (
+ theta.shape == samples.shape[1:]
+ ), f"shapes of theta {theta.shape} and samples {samples.shape[1:]} do not fit"
+ num_samples, num_sims, num_dims = samples.shape # samples per simulation
+ if num_bins is None:
+ num_bins = num_sims // 10
+ if do_norm:
+ lo = theta.min(dim=0, keepdim=True).values # min over batch
+ hi = theta.max(dim=0, keepdim=True).values # max over batch
+ samples = (samples - lo) / (hi - lo + 1e-10)
+ theta = (theta - lo) / (hi - lo + 1e-10)
+ references = _check_references(theta, references)
+ assert (
+ references.shape == samples.shape[1:]
+ ), f"""reference.shape must match the last two dimensions of samples:
+ {references.shape} vs {samples.shape}."""
+ # distances between references and samples
+ sample_dists = distance(references, samples)
+ # distances between references and true values
+ theta_dists = distance(references, theta)
+ # compute coverage, f in algorithm 2
+ coverage_values = torch.sum(sample_dists < theta_dists, dim=0) / num_samples
+ hist, bin_edges = torch.histogram(coverage_values, density=True, bins=num_bins)
+ stepsize = bin_edges[1] - bin_edges[0]
+ ecp = torch.cumsum(hist, dim=0) * stepsize
+ return[Tensor([0]), ecp]), bin_edges
+def run_tarp(
+ thetas: Tensor,
+ xs: Tensor,
+ posterior: NeuralPosterior,
+ num_posterior_samples: int = 1000,
+ num_workers: int = 1,
+ show_progress_bar: bool = True,
+ distance: Callable = l2,
+ num_bins: Optional[int] = 30,
+ do_norm: bool = True,
+ rng_seed: Optional[int] = None,
+) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
+ """
+ Estimates coverage of samples given true values thetas with the TARP method.
+ Reference: `Lemos, Coogan et al 2023 `_
+ The TARP diagnostic is a global diagnostic which can be used to check a
+ trained posterior against a set of true values of theta.
+ Args:
+ thetas: ground-truth parameters for tarp, simulated from the prior.
+ xs: observed data for tarp, simulated from thetas.
+ posterior: a posterior obtained from sbi.
+ num_posterior_samples: number of approximate posterior samples used for ranking.
+ num_workers: number of CPU cores to use in parallel for running num_sbc_samples
+ inferences.
+ show_progress_bar: whether to display a progress over sbc runs.
+ distance: the distance metric to use when computing the distance.
+ Should be a callable function that accepts two tensors and
+ computes the distance between them, e.g. given two tensors
+ of shape ``(batch, 3)`` and ``(batch,3)``, this function should
+ return ``(batch,1)`` distance values.
+ Possible values: ``sbi.utils.metrics.l1`` or
+ ``sbi.utils.metrics.l2``. ``l2`` is the default.
+ num_bins: number of bins to use for the credibility values.
+ If ``None``, then ``num_sims // 10`` bins are used.
+ do_norm : whether to normalize parameters before coverage test
+ (Default = True)
+ rng_seed : whether to set the seed of torch.random, no seed is set
+ if None is received
+ (Default = None)
+ Returns:
+ ecp: Expected coverage probability (``ecp``), see equation 4 of the paper
+ alpha: credibility values, see equation 2 of the paper
+ """
+ samples = _prepare_estimates(
+ xs,
+ posterior,
+ num_posterior_samples,
+ num_workers,
+ show_progress_bar=show_progress_bar,
+ )
+ ecp, alpha = _run_tarp(
+ samples,
+ thetas,
+ distance=distance,
+ num_bins=num_bins,
+ do_norm=do_norm,
+ rng_seed=rng_seed,
+ )
+ return ecp, alpha
+def check_tarp(
+ ecp: Tensor,
+ alpha: Tensor,
+) -> Tuple[float, float]:
+ r"""check the obtained TARP credibitlity levels and
+ expected coverage probabilities. This will help to uncover underdispersed,
+ well covering or overdispersed posteriors.
+ Args:
+ ecp: expected coverage probabilities computed with the TARP method,
+ i.e. first output of ``run_tarp``.
+ alpha: credibility levels $\alpha$, i.e. second output of ``run_tarp``.
+ Returns:
+ atc: area to curve for large values of alpha, this number should be
+ close to ``0``. Values larger than ``0`` indicated overdispersed
+ distributions (i.e. the estimated posterior is too wide). Values
+ smaller than ``0`` indicate underdispersed distributions (i.e.
+ the estimated posterior is too narrow). Note, this property of
+ the ecp curve can also indicate if the posterior is biased, see
+ figure 2 of the paper for details
+ (
+ ks prob: p-value for a two sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The null
+ hypothesis of this test is that the two distributions (ecp and
+ alpha) are identical, i.e. are produced by one common CDF. If
+ they were, the p-value should be close to ``1``. Commonly,
+ people reject the null if p-value is below 0.05!
+ """
+ nentries = alpha.shape[0]
+ midindex = nentries // 2
+ atc = float((ecp[midindex:, ...] - alpha[midindex:, ...]).sum())
+ kstest_pvals = kstest(ecp.numpy(), alpha.numpy())[1]
+ return atc, kstest_pvals
+def plot_tarp(ecp: Tensor, alpha: Tensor, title="") -> Tuple[Figure, Axes]:
+ """
+ Plots the expected coverage probability (ECP) against the credibility
+ level,alpha, for a given alpha grid.
+ Args:
+ ecp : numpy.ndarray
+ Array of expected coverage probabilities.
+ alpha : numpy.ndarray
+ Array of credibility levels.
+ title : str, optional
+ Title for the plot. The default is "".
+ Returns
+ fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure
+ The figure object.
+ ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
+ The axes object.
+ """
+ fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
+ ax: Axes = plt.gca()
+ ax.plot(alpha, ecp, color="blue", label="TARP")
+ ax.plot(alpha, alpha, color="black", linestyle="--", label="ideal")
+ ax.set_xlabel(r"Credibility Level $\alpha$")
+ ax.set_ylabel(r"Expected Coverage Probility")
+ ax.set_xlim(0.0, 1.0)
+ ax.set_ylim(0.0, 1.0)
+ ax.set_title(title)
+ ax.legend()
+ return fig, ax # type: ignore
diff --git a/sbi/utils/ b/sbi/utils/
index d33a8353d..2f82153f3 100644
--- a/sbi/utils/
+++ b/sbi/utils/
@@ -522,6 +522,44 @@ def _test():
# unbiased_mmd_squared_hypothesis_test(x, y)
+def l2(x: Tensor, y: Tensor, axis=-1) -> Tensor:
+ """
+ Calculates the L2 distance between two tensors. Note, we cannot use the
+ torch.nn.MSELoss function as this sums across the batch dimension AND the
+ dimension given by . For tarp, we only require to sum across
+ the dimension.
+ Args:
+ x (Tensor): The first tensor.
+ y (Tensor): The second tensor.
+ axis (int, optional): The axis along which to calculate the L2 distance.
+ Defaults to -1.
+ Returns:
+ Tensor: A tensor containing the L2 distance between x and y along the
+ specified axis.
+ """
+ return torch.sqrt(torch.sum((x - y) ** 2, dim=axis))
+def l1(x: Tensor, y: Tensor, axis=-1) -> Tensor:
+ """
+ Calculates the L1 distance between two tensors. Note, we cannot use the
+ torch.nn.L1Loss function as this sums across the batch dimension AND the
+ dimension given by . For tarp, we only require to sum across
+ the dimension.
+ Args:
+ x (Tensor): The first tensor.
+ y (Tensor): The second tensor.
+ axis (int, optional): The axis along which to calculate the L1 distance.
+ Defaults to -1.
+ Returns:
+ Tensor: A tensor containing the L1 distance between x and y along the
+ specified axis.
+ """
+ return torch.sum(torch.abs(x - y), dim=axis)
def main():
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..09a8cea86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+import pytest
+from scipy.stats import uniform
+from torch import Tensor, allclose, exp, eye, ones
+from torch.distributions import Normal, Uniform
+from torch.nn import L1Loss
+from sbi.diagnostics.tarp import (
+ _infer_posterior_on_batch,
+ _prepare_estimates,
+ _run_tarp,
+ check_tarp,
+ run_tarp,
+from sbi.inference import SNPE, simulate_for_sbi
+from sbi.simulators import linear_gaussian
+from sbi.utils import BoxUniform
+from sbi.utils.metrics import l1, l2
+def generate_toy_gaussian(nsamples=100, nsims=100, ndims=5, covfactor=1.0):
+ """adopted from the tarp paper page 7, section 4.1 Gaussian Toy Model
+ correct case"""
+ base_mean = Uniform(-5, 5)
+ base_log_var = Uniform(-5, -1)
+ locs = base_mean.sample((nsims, ndims))
+ scales = exp(base_log_var.sample((nsims, ndims)))
+ spdf = Normal(loc=locs, scale=covfactor * scales)
+ tpdf = Normal(loc=locs, scale=scales)
+ samples = spdf.sample((nsamples,))
+ theta_prime = tpdf.sample()
+ return theta_prime, samples
+def biased_toy_gaussian(nsamples=100, nsims=100, ndims=5, covfactor=1.0):
+ """adopted from the tarp paper page 7, section 4.1 Gaussian Toy Model
+ correct case"""
+ base_mean = Uniform(-5, 5)
+ base_mean_ = uniform(-5, 5)
+ base_log_var = Uniform(-5, -1)
+ locs_ = base_mean.sample((nsims, ndims))
+ scales = exp(base_log_var.sample((nsims, ndims)))
+ locs = locs_ - locs_.sign() * base_mean_.isf(locs_) * scales
+ spdf = Normal(loc=locs, scale=covfactor * scales)
+ tpdf = Normal(loc=locs, scale=scales)
+ samples = spdf.sample((nsamples,))
+ theta_prime = tpdf.sample()
+ return theta_prime, samples
+def onsamples():
+ nsamples = 100 # samples per simulation
+ nsims = 100
+ ndims = 5
+ return generate_toy_gaussian(nsamples, nsims, ndims)
+def undersamples():
+ # taken from the paper page 7, section 4.1 Gaussian Toy Model underconfident case
+ nsamples = 100 # samples per simulation
+ nsims = 100
+ ndims = 5
+ return generate_toy_gaussian(nsamples, nsims, ndims, covfactor=0.25)
+def oversamples():
+ # taken from the paper page 7, section 4.1 Gaussian Toy Model overconfident case
+ nsamples = 100 # samples per simulation
+ nsims = 100
+ ndims = 5
+ return generate_toy_gaussian(nsamples, nsims, ndims, covfactor=4.0)
+def biased():
+ nsamples = 100 # samples per simulation
+ nsims = 100
+ ndims = 5
+ return biased_toy_gaussian(nsamples, nsims, ndims, covfactor=2.0)
+def test_onsamples(onsamples):
+ theta, samples = onsamples
+ assert theta.shape == (100, 5) or theta.shape == (1, 100, 5)
+ assert samples.shape == (100, 100, 5)
+def test_undersamples(undersamples):
+ theta, samples = undersamples
+ assert theta.shape == (100, 5) or theta.shape == (1, 100, 5)
+ assert samples.shape == (100, 100, 5)
+def test_biased(biased):
+ theta, samples = biased
+ assert theta.shape == (100, 5) or theta.shape == (1, 100, 5)
+ assert samples.shape == (100, 100, 5)
+## test TARP library
+def test_distances(onsamples):
+ theta, samples = onsamples
+ obs = l2(theta, samples)
+ assert obs.shape == (100, 100)
+ obs = l1(theta, samples)
+ assert obs.shape == (100, 100)
+ # difference in reductions
+ l1loss = L1Loss(reduction="sum") # sum across last axis AND batch
+ broadcasted_theta = theta.expand(samples.shape[0], -1, -1)
+ exp = l1loss(broadcasted_theta, samples) # sum across last axis
+ assert obs.shape != exp.shape # gives the wrong shape
+ # results including expansion
+ theta_ = theta.expand(samples.shape[0], -1, -1)
+ obs_ = l1(theta_, samples)
+ assert allclose(obs, obs_)
+## Reproduce Toy Examples in paper, see Section 4.1
+def test_run_tarp_correct(onsamples):
+ theta, samples = onsamples
+ ecp, alpha = _run_tarp(samples, theta, num_bins=30)
+ assert allclose((ecp - alpha).abs().max(), Tensor([0.0]), atol=1e-1)
+ ecp, alpha = _run_tarp(samples, theta, distance=l1, num_bins=30)
+ assert allclose((ecp - alpha).abs().max(), Tensor([0.0]), atol=1e-1)
+def test_run_tarp_correct_using_norm(onsamples):
+ theta, samples = onsamples
+ ecp, alpha = _run_tarp(samples, theta, num_bins=30, do_norm=False)
+ assert allclose((ecp - alpha).abs().max(), Tensor([0.0]), atol=1e-1)
+ assert (
+ ecp - alpha
+ ).abs().sum() < 1.0 # integral of residuals should vanish, fig.2 in paper
+ ecp, alpha = _run_tarp(samples, theta, num_bins=30, do_norm=False, distance=l1)
+ # TARP detects that this is a correct representation of the posterior
+ assert allclose((ecp - alpha).abs().max(), Tensor([0.0]), atol=1e-1)
+def test_run_tarp_detect_overdispersed(oversamples):
+ theta, samples = oversamples
+ ecp, alpha = _run_tarp(samples, theta, num_bins=30, do_norm=True)
+ assert not allclose((ecp - alpha).abs().max(), Tensor([0.0]), atol=1e-1)
+ assert (ecp - alpha).abs().sum() > 3.0 # integral is nonzero, fig.2 in paper
+ ecp, alpha = _run_tarp(samples, theta, num_bins=30, do_norm=True, distance=l1)
+ # TARP detects that this is NOT a correct representation of the posterior
+ # hence we test for not allclose
+ assert not allclose((ecp - alpha).abs().max(), Tensor([0.0]), atol=1e-1)
+def test_run_tarp_detect_underdispersed(undersamples):
+ theta, samples = undersamples
+ ecp, alpha = _run_tarp(samples, theta, num_bins=30, do_norm=True)
+ assert not allclose((ecp - alpha).abs().max(), Tensor([0.0]), atol=1e-1)
+ assert (ecp - alpha).abs().sum() > 3.0 # integral is nonzero, fig.2 in paper
+ ecp, alpha = _run_tarp(samples, theta, num_bins=30, do_norm=True, distance=l1)
+ # TARP detects that this is NOT a correct representation of the posterior
+ # hence we test for not allclose
+ assert not allclose((ecp - alpha).abs().max(), Tensor([0.0]), atol=1e-1)
+def test_run_tarp_detect_bias(biased):
+ theta, samples = biased
+ ecp, alpha = _run_tarp(samples, theta, num_bins=30, do_norm=True)
+ assert not allclose((ecp - alpha).abs().max(), Tensor([0.0]), atol=1e-1)
+ assert (ecp - alpha).abs().sum() > 3.0 # integral is nonzero, fig.2 in paper
+ ecp, alpha = _run_tarp(samples, theta, num_bins=30, do_norm=True, distance=l1)
+ # TARP detects that this is NOT a correct representation of the posterior
+ # hence we test for not allclose
+ assert not allclose((ecp - alpha).abs().max(), Tensor([0.0]), atol=1e-1)
+def test_check_tarp_correct(onsamples):
+ theta, samples = onsamples
+ ecp, alpha = _run_tarp(samples, theta, num_bins=30, do_norm=False)
+ print("onsamples")
+ print("tarp results", ecp, alpha)
+ atc, kspvals = check_tarp(ecp, alpha)
+ print("tarp checks", atc, kspvals)
+ assert atc != 0.0
+ assert atc < 1.0
+ assert kspvals > 0.05 # samples are likely from the same PDF
+def test_check_tarp_underdispersed(undersamples):
+ theta, samples = undersamples
+ ecp, alpha = _run_tarp(samples, theta, num_bins=30, do_norm=False)
+ print("underdispersed")
+ print("tarp results", ecp, alpha)
+ atc, kspvals = check_tarp(ecp, alpha)
+ print("tarp checks", atc, kspvals)
+ assert atc != 0.0
+ assert atc < -2.0
+ # assert atc < -1.0 # TODO: need to check why this breaks
+ # TODO: need to check why this breaks
+ assert kspvals < 0.2 # samples are unlikely from the same PDF
+def test_check_tarp_overdispersed(oversamples):
+ theta, samples = oversamples
+ ecp, alpha = _run_tarp(samples, theta, num_bins=50, do_norm=False)
+ print("overdispersed")
+ print("tarp results", ecp, alpha)
+ atc, kspvals = check_tarp(ecp, alpha)
+ print("tarp checks", atc, kspvals)
+ assert atc != 0.0
+ assert atc > 2.0
+ assert kspvals < 0.05 # samples are unlikely from the same PDF
+def test_check_tarp_detect_bias(biased):
+ theta, samples = biased
+ ecp, alpha = _run_tarp(samples, theta, num_bins=30, do_norm=True)
+ print("biased")
+ print("tarp results", ecp, alpha)
+ atc, kspvals = check_tarp(ecp, alpha)
+ print("tarp checks", atc, kspvals)
+ assert atc != 0.0
+ assert atc > 1.0
+ assert kspvals < 0.05 # samples are unlikely from the same PDF
+## Check TARP with SBI
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("method", [SNPE])
+def test_batched_prepare_estimates(method, model="mdn"):
+ """Tests running inference and checking samples with tarp."""
+ num_dim = 2
+ prior = BoxUniform(-ones(num_dim), ones(num_dim))
+ num_simulations = 1000
+ max_num_epochs = 20
+ num_tarp_runs = 100
+ likelihood_shift = -1.0 * ones(num_dim)
+ likelihood_cov = 0.3 * eye(num_dim)
+ def simulator(theta):
+ return linear_gaussian(theta, likelihood_shift, likelihood_cov)
+ inferer = method(prior, show_progress_bars=False, density_estimator=model)
+ theta, x = simulate_for_sbi(simulator, prior, num_simulations)
+ _ = inferer.append_simulations(theta, x).train(
+ training_batch_size=100, max_num_epochs=max_num_epochs
+ )
+ posterior = inferer.build_posterior()
+ num_posterior_samples = 256
+ thetas = prior.sample((num_tarp_runs,))
+ xs = simulator(thetas)
+ samples = _infer_posterior_on_batch(xs, posterior, num_posterior_samples)
+ assert samples.shape != thetas.shape
+ assert samples.shape[1:] == thetas.shape
+ assert samples.shape[0] == num_posterior_samples
+ samples_ = _prepare_estimates(
+ xs, posterior, num_posterior_samples, infer_batch_size=32
+ )
+ assert samples_.shape != thetas.shape
+ assert samples_.shape[1:] == thetas.shape
+ assert samples_.shape[0] == num_posterior_samples
+ assert samples_.shape == samples.shape
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("method", [SNPE])
+def test_consistent_run_tarp_results_with_posterior(method, model="mdn"):
+ """Tests running inference and checking samples with tarp."""
+ num_dim = 2
+ prior = BoxUniform(-ones(num_dim), ones(num_dim))
+ num_simulations = 6000
+ num_tarp_sims = 1000
+ num_posterior_samples = 1000
+ likelihood_shift = -1.0 * ones(num_dim)
+ likelihood_cov = 0.3 * eye(num_dim)
+ def simulator(theta):
+ return linear_gaussian(theta, likelihood_shift, likelihood_cov)
+ inferer = method(prior, show_progress_bars=True, density_estimator=model)
+ theta = prior.sample((num_simulations,))
+ x = simulator(theta)
+ _ = inferer.append_simulations(theta, x).train(training_batch_size=1000)
+ posterior = inferer.build_posterior()
+ thetas = prior.sample((num_tarp_sims,))
+ xs = simulator(thetas)
+ ecp, alpha = run_tarp(
+ thetas,
+ xs,
+ posterior=posterior,
+ num_posterior_samples=num_posterior_samples,
+ num_bins=30,
+ do_norm=True,
+ rng_seed=41,
+ )
+ atc, kspvals = check_tarp(ecp, alpha)
+ print(atc, kspvals)
+ assert -0.5 < atc < 0.5
+ assert kspvals > 0.05