== tmux
^H/^J/^K/^L Left/Down/Up/Right to next vim/tmux pane
literal backtick ()
] resize current pane to 16 rows high
\ resize current pane to 80 chars wide
| new horiz to the right
- new pane below
b break off pane into new window
Del kill pane
S-Del kill window
` f fullscreen pane
== vim ^L clear search highlights ^\ Previous split \ f fullscreen pane \ - horiz split \ | vert split \ Del quit all
prev/next/first/last [a ]a [A ]A file on command line [f ]f [F ]F file in the directory of the current file [b ]b [B ]B buffer [l ]l [L ]L location [q ]q [Q ]Q error [t ]t [T ]T tag [n ]n [N ]N conflict marker
[C-L ]C-L lpfile [C-Q ]C-Q cpfile (Note that only works in a terminal if you disable flow control: stty -ixon)
[ ] Add [count] blank lines above/below the cursor. [e ]e Exchange the current line with [count] lines above/below it.
On Off Toggle Option [ob ]ob cob 'background' (dark is off, light is on) [oc ]oc coc 'cursorline' [od ]od cod 'diff' (actually |:diffthis| / |:diffoff|) [oh ]oh coh 'hlsearch' [oi ]oi coi 'ignorecase' [ol ]ol col 'list' [on ]on con 'number' [or ]or cor 'relativenumber' [os ]os cos 'spell' [ou ]ou cou 'cursorcolumn' [ov ]ov cov 'virtualedit' [ow ]ow cow 'wrap' [ox ]ox cox 'cursorline' 'cursorcolumn' (x as in crosshairs)