- Maintainer: Saul Pwanson (saul.pw)
- Platform: Linux/Ubuntu
- Updated: 2018-03-24
I run this command in every new unix account I get:
curl -L saul.pw/setup.sh | sh -
You may have to reset
I use these utilities/packages/components:
mosh tmux tmate zsh ohmyzsh vim urxvt fonts-inconsolata visidata irssi nethack
- mosh+tmux+irssi for chat
- tmate+vim for remote pairing
I am grateful to each of the creators of these components, for their taste and devotion to quality.
Please share and enjoy my contribution VisiData to the terminal lifestyle.
- backtick prefix for tmux
- consistent window splitting with prefix-|_ and moving with prefix-hjkl in all layers: vim, tmux, and i3
- prefer dark theme for shell and light theme for editor so i can tell which is which in a split tmux session
- use a vim package manager. vundle works fine.
I aspire to more consistently use:
- ctags/cscope
- ack/fd
- vimdiff
- vgit
- tmux allowing different users to type in different panes in the same window
- tmate allowing different users to be in different windows