The SMuRF processor pipeline has a placeholder to insert a user-defined processing block which will take the processed data packet and send them to a third party system.
A base C++ class called BaseTransmitter is provided. The user code should write a derivate class from this base class.
The base class contains two virtual methods:
: This method is called when a new processed data packet is available. An object of typeSmurfPacketROPtr
is passed as an argument to this method; this object is an (smart) pointer to a SmurfPacket class object, which will give RO access to the content of the SMuRF packet (see here for details).metaTransmit
: This method is called when a new frame with metadata is available. The metadata is passed as astd::strgin
object to this method.
An example on how to write a custom data transmitter and use it with the pysmurf server is available in the pysmurf-custom-transmitter-example git repository.