Releases: sassoftware/viya4-iac-azure
6.3.0 - March 16, 2023
- #289: feat: (IAC-900) add K8s 1.25 support, set kubectl default to 1.24
6.2.0 - February 17, 2023
6.1.0 - December 19, 2022
6.0.0 - October 20, 2022
Major Version Update
v6.0.0 of the viya4-iac-azure is a major version update - some behaviors have changed, new resources were added and some deprecated resources have been removed. See details below in breaking changes.
- #257 feat: (IAC-403): Update AzureRM Terraform provider version
- The Azure provider version was updated from 2.62.0 to 3.26.0. This was major version upgrade from terraform with multiple breaking changes. These changes are backwards incompatible. The changes were made by following the 3.0 upgrade guide.
- For details on the affected fields/resources see the comparison table here
- #261 feat: (IAC-91) Support of Azure DB for PostgreSQL Flexible Server
- Support for creating PostgreSQL Flexible Server has now added to viya4-iac-azure. Currently we only support the networking option:
Public access (allowed IP addresses)
. The support forPrivate access (VNet integration)
will be added later. - If there is any specific need for PostgreSQL Single Server, please use the previous 5.x version of viya4-iac-azure
- Support for creating PostgreSQL Flexible Server has now added to viya4-iac-azure. Currently we only support the networking option:
- #263 feat: (IAC-643): Enable specification of azurerm_netapp_volume.anf.network_features
5.3.0 - September 01, 2022
- #254: feat: (IAC-583): AKS add support for K8s 1.24
Note: For Kubernetes clusters running v1.24+, the following warning message from hashicorp/terraform-provider-kubernetes is expected:
Warning: 'default_secret_name' is no longer applicable for Kubernetes 'v1.24.0' and above
See hashicorp/terraform-provider-kubernetes#1792 (comment)
5.2.0 - August 18, 2022
5.1.0 - June 17, 2022
#237: (IAC-543) Azure - support for k8s 1.23 and dropping 1.20 in June cadence
5.0.0 - April 28, 2022
Breaking Change.
- Deploying a new Viya 4 2021.2.5 or earlier orders you must use the sample-input-connect.tfvars file.
- Deploying a new Viya 4 2021.2.6 and newer order is handled by this update. No changes are needed.
- Updating your cluster to use a Viya 4 2021.2.6 and newer order and not removing the Connect node pool requires no change.
- Updating your cluster to use a Viya 4 2021.2.6 and newer order and you do want to remove the Connect node pool you have, see
#229: (IAC-503) Remove connect class references from iac-azure
#232: (IAC-530) added git share directive for viya4-iac-azure
#233: (IAC-533) New Readme for remove connect class
4.5.0 - April 14, 2022
#227 : (IAC-374) Update BYO Subnet Documentation