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357 lines (263 loc) · 10.5 KB

File metadata and controls

357 lines (263 loc) · 10.5 KB


The example calls assume you are in the directory where you installed the tools. If you are not you can prepemd the directory to the filename, for example /opt/pyviyatools/ If you are using the tool on windows the syntax is:


The following examples are Linux.

# Login to Viya using default authinfo file ~/.authinfo

# Login to Viya using an authinfo file
./ -f ~/.authinfo_geladm

#return all the rest calls that can be made to the folders endpoint
./ -e /folders -m get

#return the json for all the folders/folders
./ -e /folders/folders -m get

#return simple text for all the folders/folders
./ -e /folders/folders -m get -o simple

#rest calls often limit the results returned the text output will tell you returned and total available items
#in this call set a limit above the total items to see everything
./ -e /folders/folders?limit=500 -m get -o simple

#return the json for all the identities
./ -e /identities/identities -m get

#return the json for all the identities output to a file
./ -e /identities/identities -m get > identities.json

#refresh the identities cache
./ -e /identities/userCount -m get
./ -e /identities/cache/refreshes -m post

#return basic content using accept response type
./ -m get -e /identities/users/sasadm -a "application/"

# pass the folder path and return the folder id and uri
./ -f /gelcontent -u /SASVisualAnalytics/** -p "authenticatedUsers"

# delete a folder based on its path
./ -f /gelcontent

#return a set of configuration properties
./ -c sas.identities.providers.ldap.user -o simple and

#create a domain using createdomain
./ -t password -d test -u sasadm -p lnxsas -g "SASAdministrators,HR ,Sales"

#Update an existing domain to add credentials from a csv file
./ -d LASRAuth -f /tmp/myusers.csv

csv file format
no header row
column1 is userid
column2 is password
column3 is identity
column4 is identity type (user or group)

For example:

#create a domain using callrestapi. Last part of endpoint is domain name
./ -e /credentials/domains/<newdomain> -m post -i domain.json

INPUT JSON must be formatted as the endpoint expects. Example:

  "id": "<newdomain>",
  "type": "password"

# List all existing publishing destinations
 ./ -m get -e /modelPublish/destinations -o simple

# Create new publishing destinations - one example each for CAS, Hadoop and Teradata
./ cas -n newcasdest -s cas-shared-default -c mycaslib -t thetable
./ hadoop -n newhadoopdest -s cas-shared-default -c myhadoop -hd /mydir
./ teradata -n newtddest -s cas-shared-default -c mycaslib  -dt teratable -db tera2

# Delete publishing destination
./ -n newcasdest

#test folder access
./root/admin/pyviyatools/ -f '/gelcontent' -p Sales -m read -s grant -q

# Display all sasadministrator rules
./ --p SASadministrators -o simple

# Display all rules that contain SASVisual in the URI
./ -u SASVisual -o simple

# Create folders from a CSV file
./" -f /tmp/newfolders.csv

FORMAT OF CSV file folder path (parents must exist), description
/RnD, Folder under root for R&D
/RnD/reports, reports
/RnD/analysis, analysis
/RnD/data plans, data plans
/temp,My temporary folder
/temp/mystuff, sub-folder

# Update the theme for the user sasadm
./ -t user -tn sasadm -pi  OpenUI.Theme.Default -pv sas_hcb

#Explain direct and indirect permissions on the folder /folderA/folderB, no header row. For folders, conveyed permissions are shown by default.
./ -f /folderA/folderB

#As above but for a specific user named Heather
./ -f /folderA/folderB -n Heather -t user

#As above with a header row
./ -f /folderA/folderB --header

#As above with a header row and the folder path, which is useful if you concatenate sets of results in one file
./ -f /folderA/folderB -p --header

#As above showing only rows which include a direct grant or prohibit
./ -f /folderA/folderB --direct_only

#Explain direct and indirect permissions on a service endpoint. Note in the results that there are no conveyed permissions. By default they are not shown for URIs.
./ -u /SASEnvironmentManager/dashboard

#As above but including a header row and the create permission, which is relevant for services but not for folders and other objects
./ -u /SASEnvironmentManager/dashboard --header -l read update delete secure add remove create

#Explain direct and indirect permissions on a report, reducing the permissions reported to just read, update, delete and secure, since none of add, remove or create are applicable to a report.
./ -u /reports/reports/id --header -l read update delete secure

#Explain direct and indirect permissions on a folder expressed as a URI. Keep the default permissions list, but for completeness we must also specify -c true to request conveyed permissions be displayed, as they are not displayed by default for URIs.
./ -u /folders/folders/id --header -p -c true

# Get folder path for an object (can be a folder, report or any other object which has a folder path)
./ -u /folders/folders/id
./ -u /reports/reports/id

# Return list of members of a folder identified by objectURI
./ -u /folders/folders/id

# Return list of all members of a folder identified by objectURI, recursively searching subfolders
./ -u /folders/folders/id -r and

# Return list of all CAS libraries on all servers
# Return list of all CAS tables in all CAS libraries on all servers

# Return list of all effective access on all CAS libraries on all servers

# Return list of all effective access on all CAS tables in all CAS libraries on all servers

# Return list of all groups and all their members

# import all viya packages located in the os directory -d /tmp/mypackage -q

# export all viya root folders and their sub-folders and content
# directory will contain an export package for folders under the Viya root folder
./ -d /tmp/viyafolders -q

# list log files, created by the /jobexecution service older than 6 days old.
./ -n log -p /jobExecution -d 6 -o csv

# read log files from job execution and add archive them to an os directory
./ -n log -d 6 -p /job -fp /tmp

#his tool will export all the reports in your viya system to there own
# individual json file in a directory
# optionally you can pass in folder path and only export reports that
# are located under that folder

./ -c 10 -d ~/snapshot
./ -c 10 -d ~/snapshot/salesreports -f /gelcontent/sales

# create custom groups and add members using a csv file as input
# you can also add members to existing groups
# if the group already exists it will not be added and the http response is printed
# if the user does not exist it will not be added to the group and the http response is printed
# if the user is already a member of the group it will not be added to the group and the http response is printed
# none of the above conditions will prevent the processing of additional items in the csv

./ -f /tmp/newgroups.csv

Format of csv file is four columns
Column 1 group id
Column 2 group name
Column 3 is a description
Column 4 member id

For example:
group2,"Group 2","My Group 2"
group3,"Group 3","My Group3",geladm
group1,"Group 1","group 1"

# create folder authorization rules using a csv file as input
# if the rule already exists it will not be added and the response (from the CLI command) is printed

./ -f /tmp/folderauths.csv

Format of input csv file is 6 columns
Column 1 is the full path to the folder
Column 2 is the principal type
Column 3 is the principal name
Column 4 is the access setting (grant or prohibit)
Column 5 is the permissions on the folder
Column 6 is the conveyed permissions on the folder's contents

For example:
/gelcontent/GELCorp/Marketing/Work in Progress,group,Marketing,grant,"read,update,add,remove,delete,secure","read,update,add,remove,delete,secure"

./ -id {jobDefinitionId}
./ -id {jobDefinitionId} -v
./ -id {jobDefinitionId} -context "SAS Studio compute context"
./ -id {jobDefinitionId} -context "SAS Studio compute context" -v

./ -id {jobRequestId}
./ -id {jobRequestId} -v

./ -n "Data Mining compute context"

./ -n "Data Mining compute context" -a runAsUser -v sastest1
./ -n "Data Mining compute context" -r runAsUser