A Helm Chart for Dafka Consumer
Key | Type | Default | Description |
disable | bool | false |
disable consumer. this remove the deployment and all the pods, useful when you need the consumer group to be inactive (i.e in order to reset offsets) |
name | string | nil |
name for this consumer |
port | int | 3000 |
the port to use |
broker | string | nil |
the url of the kafka broker |
replicaCount | int | 1 |
pod count |
image.name | string | "osskit/dafka-consumer" |
the image name to use |
image.tag | string | "12.0" |
the image tag to use |
logLevel | string | "WARN" |
Allow to specify log level |
retryPolicyExponentialBackoff | string | "50,5000,2" |
connectionFailureRetryPolicyExponentialBackoff | string | "5000,300000,2" |
router | {topic: string, route: string}[] | nil |
mapping of topics to corresponding routes in target |
target.baseUrl | string | nil |
target base url |
target.port | int | 80 |
target port |
target.useK8sServiceHostName | bool | true |
use k8s service host name (without going through cluster DNS) |
target.k8sServiceHostName | string | nil |
k8s service host name |
target.healthcheck | string | nil |
target healthcheck route |
startupProbe.failureThreshold | int | 10 |
startupProbe.periodSeconds | int | 30 |
livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 10 |
livenessProbe.failureThreshold | int | 2 |
livenessProbe.periodSeconds | int | 5 |
resources.requests.cpu | string | "100m" |
cpu requests |
resources.requests.memory | string | "100Mi" |
memory requests |
resources.limits.memory | string | "400Mi" |
memory limits |
podLabels | string | nil |
labels to add to the pod metadata |
metrics.enabled | bool | true |
should prometheus scrape this server |
metrics.path | string | "/metrics" |
a path prometheus should scrape metrics from |
auth.enabled | bool | false |
should use authentication |
auth.saslUsername | string | nil |
sasl username |
auth.saslMechanism | string | "PLAIN" |
sasl mechanism (PLAIN or SCRAM-SHA-512) |
auth.saslPassword | string | nil |
sasl password (not encrypted) |
auth.secrets.useOpaqueSecrets | bool | true |
should mount secrets to opaque secrets |
auth.secrets.useTrustsore | bool | false |
should use truststore |
auth.secrets.gcp.saslPasswordResource | string | nil |
gcp secret resource for sasl password |
auth.secrets.gcp.truststoreResource | string | nil |
gcp secret resource for truststore file |
auth.secrets.gcp.truststorePasswordResource | string | nil |
gcp secret resource for truststore password |
auth.secrets.aws.saslPasswordObjectName | string | nil |
aws secret object name for sasl password |
auth.secrets.aws.saslTruststoreObjectName | string | nil |
aws secret object name for truststore |
auth.secrets.aws.saslTruststorePasswordObjectName | string | nil |
aws secret object name for truststore password |
auth.secrets.vault.saslPasswordSecretPath | string | nil |
vault secret path for sasl password |
auth.secrets.vault.saslPasswordSecretKey | string | nil |
vault secret key for sasl password |
auth.secrets.vault.truststoreSecretPath | string | nil |
vault secret path for truststore file |
auth.secrets.vault.truststoreSecretKey | string | nil |
vault secret key for truststore file |
auth.secrets.vault.truststorePasswordSecretPath | string | nil |
vault secret path for truststore password |
auth.secrets.vault.truststorePasswordSecretKey | string | nil |
vault secret key for truststore password |
kedaScaledObject | object | {"authenticationRef":{"name":null},"enabled":false,"scaleToZeroOnInvalidOffset":false} |
Keda ScaledObject configuration |
kedaScaledObject.enabled | bool | false |
set to enabe scaled object support |
kedaScaledObject.scaleToZeroOnInvalidOffset | bool | false |
enables scaling down to zero pods |
kedaScaledObject.authenticationRef | object | {"name":null} |
A reference to TriggerAuthentication |
kedaScaledObject.authenticationRef.name | string | nil |
The name of the TriggerAuthentication |
podMonitor | object | {"enabled":false,"labels":{},"sampleLimit":null} |
PodMonitor configuration |
podMonitor.enabled | bool | false |
set to enabe pod monitor support |
podMonitor.labels | object | {} |
set labels for the pod monitor |
podMonitor.sampleLimit | string | nil |
set sample limit for the pod monitor |
pdb.enabled | bool | false |
Set to true to enable |
jvmOpts | string | nil |
prometheusRule.enabled | bool | false |
prometheusRule.aivenDefaultRules.enabled | bool | false |
Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.11.0